Executive summary of the GAMES Industry Whitepaper: New business opportunities leveraging the flexibility potential of electric shared vehicle fleets.

Guntram Pressmair, Jakob Papouschek, Michael Thelen, Roberto Rocchetta, Jalomi Maayan Tardif, Aviva Shemesh (2025): Executive summary of the GAMES Industry Whitepaper: New business opportunities leveraging the flexibility potential of electric shared vehicle fleets. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14802682.

The concept of using electric vehicles (EVs) as flexible storage seems simple and convincing: There are countless cars spread out throughout our cities, but most of the time they stand idle. With modern cars having battery capacities between 50 and
100 kWh, this sums up to vast amounts of battery storage being available for supporting electricity grids and shifting energy demand towards times of renewable surplus generation. But what sounds like a low hanging fruit in theory faces a lot of practical barriers: How to coordinate all those cars efficiently? Does it affect the lifespan of the batteries? And most important, is there actually a viable business model for both fleet owners and energy industry? Focussing on latter question, this whitepaper analyses different business opportunities in four case studies.

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