How to Innovate e-Vehicle Charing in Support of the Energy Transition

Michael Thelen, Markus Lassnig, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Guntram Pressmair (2023): How to Innovate e-Vehicle Charing in Support of the Energy Transition In: XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana

With electric vehicle penetration steadily increasing and therefore their respective energy requirements, coupled with more intermittent renewable energy comprising the energy mix, new charging innovations are warranted to better facilitate the energy sector’s matching of supply and demand. To carry this out, this requires the cooperation of both sectors – the mobility and the energy sector. Within this study, we extrapolate an innovation ecosystem perspective to the e-mobility and energy space to better understand stakeholder needs and requirements for such mutually-beneficial exchanges. Here, we conducted a stakeholder ecosystem analysis and an expert co-creation workshop. Thus far, our method has provided a comprehensive view of this integrated system and its contributors. Such an analysis can be useful to better guide its implementation.

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