Digital Transformation Accelerator Design and Challenges for Cooperation between RTOs and Technology-based SMEs and Start-ups

Michael Thelen, Eva-Maria Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2024): Digital Transformation Accelerator Design and Challenges for Cooperation between RTOs and Technology-based SMEs and Start-ups In: R&D Management Conference, Stockholm

In this contribution, we will explore theory-based approaches to accelerator programs and innovation intermediaries that help to best design effective collaboration between start-ups (small and medium enterprise-sized), research and technology organizations (RTOs) and innovative companies. These are loosely connected as partners in an emerging organizational form: European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs). Which success factors identified in previous accelerator programs could play a critical role in the success of an EDIH in this specific industry? How can the impact of EDIH accelerator services be measured in forthcoming evaluations? The article is structured as to first provide the background to the roughly 150 European innovation support networks, initiated by the European Commission (EC) during 2021 and coordinated by RTOs with different technological expertise. Based on the description of the intended accelerator function to be performed by an EDIH, some conceptual theoretical considerations are presented in a second step, which shed light on central aspects of the research question: e.g. fit of current typologies of accelerators to EDIHs, theoretical approaches to regional innovation ecosystems, the role of RTOs as important stakeholders, as well as impact models for accelerator services. Thirdly, it discusses how the EDIH collaboration networks might fit into these schemes. The paper will contribute to the research agenda on accelerator intermediaries by investigating the role of new players (RTOs) and different accelerator services/elements (test labs) emerging in regional innovation ecosystems, with a focus on the digital technology industry.

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