- Guntram Geser (2006): Open Educational Practices and Resources: The Key Role of Social Software. Full Paper In: Proceedings of the EDEN Annual Conference 2007, "New Learning 2.0?", 13-16 June 2007, Naples, Italy (Print & CD-ROM)
- Guntram Geser, Andreas Gruber, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Sebastian Schaffert et.al. (2006): The Concept of Open Educational Resources as Instrument for Implementing Lifelong Learning Strategies at Higher and Further Education Institutions In: EDEN 2006 Annual Conference, Vienna, June 2006
- Sebastian Schaffert, Diana Bischof, Tobias Bürger, Andreas Gruber, Wolf Hilzensauer, Sandra Schaffert (2006): Learning with Semantic Wikis. In: First Workshop "SemWiki2006 - From Wiki to Semantics", co-located with the 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Budva, Montenegro, 11.-14.6.2006
- Guntram Geser, Mark Markus (2006): Prosumer im Tourismus. Studie im Auftrag des Austrian Network for E-Tourism. ANET Salzburg, April 2006
- Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2006): Einsatz, Entwicklung und Gestaltung digitaler Lern- und Kompetenzportfolios (ePortfolios). Abstract. In: Tagungsband der Tagung "Be Aware of the media: Medienpädagogische Tagung". Salzburg, 21.-22.4.2006
- Guntram Geser (Studienleitung), Diana Bischof, Elisabeth Haid, Markus Lassnig, Manuela Plößnig (2006): Tourismus-Trends & Szenarien. Studie 1: Trendradar: E-Tourismus (135 Seiten). Studie im Rahmen des Salzburger Forschungs- und Innovationsnetzwerk Tourismus - SAFIT. Salzburg Research, Jänner 2006
- Guntram Geser (Studienleitung), Diana Bischof, Elisabeth Haid, Markus Lassnig, Manuela Plößnig (2006): Tourismus-Trends & Szenarien. Studie 2: IKT-basierte touristische Szenarien (96 Seiten). Studie im Rahmen des Salzburger Forschungs- und Innovationsnetzwerk Tourismus (SAFIT). Salzburg Research, Jänner 2006
- Markus Lassnig (2006): The European e-Business Market Watch: ICT adoption and e-business activity in tourism. In: Hitz, M. / Sigala, M. / Murphy, J. (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006. Wien / New York: Springer Computer Science
- Mark Markus (2006): Bild-Medien und Welt-Bild. Versuch einer geistesgeschichtlichen Kontextualisierung der Geschichtsmächtigkeit der Bild-Medien. Universität Salzburg: Dissertation
- Wernher Behrendt, Motti Benari, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2005): Developing further the concept of ePortfolio with the use of Semantic Web Technologies. In: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 28.-30.9.2005 in Villach, Austria
- Guntram Geser (2005): Trendradar: E-Learning. DCE-Studie, Teil IV In: Guntram Geser, Tobias Bürger, Mark Markus (Hg.). Digital Content Engineering: F&E- und Marktoptionen. Teile I-V. Digital Content Engineering Studie i.A. des Salzburg NewMediaLab. SNML, Salzburg
- Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2005): Reflections, Perspectives and Recommendations for professional Gender-sensitive Teaching, Training and Consultancy. Barriers and needs of female students following a lifelong career path in Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and the role of change agents in this process. Summary Report, Salzburg
- Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Rosin Mullins, Eliane Smits, Michaela Luckmann, Svetoslav Dimov, Maria Schwarz-Wölzl (2005): Inclusion of females in ICT – A lifelong learning challenge for change agents: benefits of innovative eLearning Tools and Training Methods In: Proceedings of the EDEN conference 2005
- Guntram Geser, Mark Markus (2005): Thematische Dossiers zu eLearning & Wissensmanagement. DCE-Studie, Teil III In: Guntram Geser, Tobias Bürger, Mark Markus (Hg.). Digital Content Engineering: F&E- und Marktoptionen. Teile I-V. Digital Content Engineering Studie i.A. des Salzburg NewMediaLab. SNML, Salzburg.
- e-Business W@tch / European Commission (2005): A Pocketbook of e-Business Indicators – 2005 edition A Portrait of e-Business in 10 Sectors of the EU Economy
- Guntram Geser (2005): E-Learning und Wissensmanagement: Ein Radar zu aktuellen Entwicklunge. In: Siegfried Reich (Hg.). Digital Content Engineering - Content Plattformen in Theorie und Praxis. Tagungsband des 1. Österreichischen Symposiums zum Thema Digital Content Engineering, Salzburg, 02.-03.12.2004. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner (Schrif
- Wolf Hilzensauer (2005): Co-Operative eLearning for SMES - Development and evaluation of a constructivist oriented e-Learning didactical approach, applied in an online course (WWI)
- Guntram Geser, Tobias Bürger, Mark Markus (2005): Digital Content Engineering: F&E- und Marktoptionen. Teile I-V. Digital Content Engineering Studie i.A. des Salzburg NewMediaLab. SNML, Salzburg, März 2005
- Renate Steinmann, Alenka Krek, Thomas Blaschke (2005): E-Partizipation in räumlichen Planungsprozessen unter Einsatz von GIS In: E-government 2005: Knowledge Transfer and Status, Tagungsband zu den eGov Days 2005, Wien, pp. 421-428
- Guntram Geser, John Pereira (2005): Towards the future digital heritage space In: e-culture newsletter (EC, DG Information Society, Unit: Cultural Heritage), Vol. 6, Issue 1, February 2005, pp. 5-6
- Veronika Hornung-Prähauser et.al. (2005): Reflections, Perspectives and Recommendations for professional Gender-sensitive Teaching, Training and Consultancy. Barriers and needs of female students following a lifelong career path in Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and the role of change agents in this process
- Lassnig Markus, Bischof Diana (2005): ICT and Electronic Business in the Tourism Industry. ICT adoption and e-business activity in 2005. Sector Report No. 9/2005 in the framework of the e-Business W@tch on behalf of the European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry. Salzburg / Brussels
- Lassnig Markus (2005): Tourism. In: European Commission / e-Business W@tch (2005). The European e-Business Report 2005 edition. A portrait of e-business in 10 sectors of the EU economy. 4th Synthesis Report of the e-Business W@tch. Brussels. pp. 145-154. ISBN 92-894-5117-3
- Guntram Geser, John Pereira (eds.) (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue VII. The Future Digital Heritage Space
- John Pereira et.at. (2004): DigiCULT.Info IX. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Guntram Geser (2004): Assessing the Readiness of Small Heritage Institutions for e-Culture Technologies In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p.8-13
- Andreas Strasser (2004): The Austrian Digital Heritage Initiative. Digitising Austria In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p. 54-57
- DigiCULT Forum (2004): On the Radar: eCulture Experiences An Interview with John Pereira, Salzburg Research, Austria In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p. 43-46
- Andreas Strasser (2004): eCulture horizons In: I4d Information for Development magazine, Vol II, No. 11, November 2004, p. 32
- Andreas Strasser (2004): eCulture Horizons: From Digitisation to Creating Cultural Experiences In: Ariadne Issue 41, October 30, 2004
- Markus Lassnig (2004): Regional Indicators In: Doing Business in Salzburg. Hg. von S. Huber. Land Salzburg, Abteilung 15, 2004
- John Pereira et.al. (2004): DigiCULT.Info VIII. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin (2004): Are small heritage institutions ready for e-culture? In: Proceedings of ICHIM Berlin 04. Digital Culture and Heritage (CD-ROM), September 2004
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue VI. Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector
- Guntram Geser (2004): Resource Discovery – Position Paper: Putting the Users First In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery for the Heritage Sector. June 2004, pp. 7-12
- John Pereira (2004): Introduction In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, June 2004, pp. 5-6
- Heinz Mayringer (2004): Aber wir haben doch irgendwo … Wissensmanagement im Unternehmen. In: NOEO 2/2004
- John Pereira et.al. (2004): DigiCULT.Info VII. DigiCULT Newsletter
- DigiCULT Forum (2004): DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 2. Emerging Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector
- Mara R. Wade, Guntram Geser, John Pereira (2004): Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge: Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images
- Guntram Geser, John Pereira (2004): Foreword, or: Vivitur ingenio, caetera mortis erunt In: Wade, Mara R., Geser, Guntram, Pereira, John (DigiCULT Special Publication, eds.): Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge: Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images, p.7.8
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue V. Virtual Communities and Collaboration in the Heritage Sector
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info VI. DigiCULT Newsletter.
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info V. DigiCULT Newsletter.
- Wernher Behrendt, Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin (2003): EP 2010:The Future of Research into Publishing, Content and Knowledge Technologies for the Knowledge Economy. Summary Report and Dossiers, Luxembourg, September 2003
- Birgit Retsch, Guntram Geser (2003): Lara Croft auf Hohensalzburg Kulturerbe aus der Spielkonsole In: NOEO 3/2003, S. 20-23
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info IV DigiCULT Newsletter
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2003): DigiCULT Thematic Issue III Towards a Semantic Web for Heritage Resources
- Andrea Mulrenin, Mark Markus, Birgit Retsch (2003): Digital Cultural Heritage Networks. Survey conducted for the Council of Europe.
- DigiCULT Forum (2003): DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 1 New Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector