Mark Stefan, David Reihs, Florian Strebl, Jawad Kazmi, Ingrid Schürrer, Alexander Herbst, Peter Dorfinger, Stefan Linecker, Peter Stern, Stephan Cejka, Franz Zeilinger, Johannes Reichl, Rudolf Kapeller, Günther Eibl, Oliver Langthaler (2024): ECOSINT Best-Practice Handbuch & Handlungsempfehlungen © The ECOSINT Consortium, 2020-2024.
Christof Brandauer, Filip Pröstl Andrén, Catalin Gavriluta, Thomas Strasser, Armin Veichtlbauer, Gerald Steinmaurer, Jürgen Resch, Sebastian Schöndorfer (2024): Collaborative engineering and testing of smart grid automation applications In: e+i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik.
Felix Strohmeier, Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian (2024): Potenziale für die Kreislaufwirtschaft: Digitale Produktpässe für optimiertes Metallrecycling In: Recy & DepoTech Konferenzband 2024.
Claus Mersch, Felix Strohmeier, Maria Dos Santos (2024): Digital Product Passport: Enabling Sustainable Supply Chain Management for Electric Vehicle Batteries. In: POSTER-Konferenzband zur 17. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz
Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian, Klemens Winkler, Valeria Fonseca Diaz, Roman Rainer, Felix Strohmeier, Melanie Neubauer, Elmar Rückert, Gerhard Ebenhofer, Thomas Pönitz & Gerald Koinig (2024): Datenbereitstellung für KI-Systeme – Fallbeispiele und ihre Herausforderungen Data basis for AI systems - case studies and their challenges In: POSTER-Konferenzband zur 17. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz
Reza Farahani, Narges Mehran, Sashko Ristov, Radu Prodan (2024): HEFTLess: A Bi-Objective Serverless Workflow Batch Orchestration on the Computing Continuum In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER).
Sabrina Pochaba, Christian Maier, Matthias Herlich, Peter Dorfinger (2024): Make your dataset representative: Fill data gaps with active measurements In: 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2024).
Christof Brandauer, Filip Pröstl Andrén, Catalin Gavriluta, Thomas Strasser, Armin Veichtlbauer, Gerald Steinmaurer, Jürgen Resch, Sebastian Schöndorfer (2024): Collaborative Engineering and Testing of Smart Grid Automation Applications. In: Proceedings of the CIGRE Session 2024.
Georg Güntner (2024): Instandhaltung 4.0: versprochen – gehalten? In: Andreas Dankl, Jutta Isopp (Hrsg.). Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung Instandhaltung. Asset Management. Digitalisierung. ISBN 978-3-7011-0558-8. Leykam Buchverlag.
Marcel Hallmann, Robert Pietracho, Przemyslaw Komarnicki, Jia Lei Du, Michael Niederkofler, Peter Käfer (2024): IKT-Konzepte zur Digitalisierung von MicroGrids und deren Betriebsführung In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Sabrina Pochaba, Christian Maier, Matthias Herlich, Peter Dorfinger (2024): An Open Data Set about Multi-Provider Redundancy in Cellular Networks In: IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)
Georg Güntner (2024): Digitale Kommunikation in Produktionsnetzwerken Wie man die steigenden Herausforderungen an die Interoperabilität in der Industrie mit Hilfe von digitalen Zwillingen und semantischer Datenintegration meistert. In: Andreas Dankl, Jutta Isopp (Hrsg.). Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung Instandhaltung. Asset Management. Digitalisierung. ISBN 978-3-7011-0558-8. Leykam Buchverlag.
Haitham Afifi, Sabrina Pochaba, Andreas Boltres, Dominic Laniewski, Janek Haberer, Leonard Paeleke, Reza Poorzare, Daniel Stolpmann, Nikolas Wehner, Adrian Redder, Eric Samikwa, Michael Seufert (2024): Machine Learning with Computer Networks: Techniques, Datasets and Models In: IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 54673-54720, 2024.
Florian Schöpflin, Caroline Atzl, Stefan Farthofer-Oster, Peter Dorfinger, José Carmona, David Hildenbrandt, Andreas Kuhn, Manfred Mittlböck (2024): Mehrwert und Herausforderungen der 5G-Technologie im Anwendungsbereich der Geoinformatik. Ergebnisse aus den zwei Forschungsprojekten 5G-Mobis und 5G-EXPS In: gis.Science Fachzeitschrift für Geoinformatik
Marleen Bahe, Kenji De Souza Yamane, Nina Großegesse, Matthias Herlich, Jia Lei Du, Christof Brandauer, Christian Ferenz (2024): Traffic Prediction of Real Network Traffic Data with LSTM Neural Networks In: Advances in Information and Communication. FICC 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 919. Springer.
Georg Güntner (Hrsg.) - mit Beiträgen von Sebastian Baron, Nicole Bodmayer, Christian Borgelt, Martin Brugger, Michael Eitzinger, Dietmar Glachs, Fabian Hartleb, Oliver Hofbauer, Thomas Lehrer, Stefan Linecker, Erwin Spitaler, Felix Strohmeier. (2024): Interoperabilität in Produktionsnetzwerken. Digitale Kommunikation mit Semantic Integration Patterns. Salzburg: Salzburg Research.
Oliver Langthaler, Jawad Kazmi, Stefan Linecker (2024): Elicitation and Formalization of Local Energy Community Stakeholder Requirements in Austria. In: Conference Proceedings, 18. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov 2024)
Georg Güntner, Dietmar Glachs, Stefan Linecker, Felix Strohmeier (2023): Industrial Communication with Semantic Integration Patterns In: Terzi, S., Madani, K., Gusikhin, O., Panetto, H. (eds) Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics. IN4PL 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1886. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN: 978-3-031-49338-6. eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-49339-3
Georg Güntner (2023): Informationsdrehscheibe digitaler Zwilling In: Information Unlimited #41: Smarter Factories
Georg Güntner (2023): Information Hub Digital Twin In: Information Unlimited #41: Smarter Factories (English Edition)
Dominik Krah, Stefan Farthofer-Oster, Peter Dorfinger (2023): Estimating 5G Cell Utilization by Passive Measurement: A Machine Learning Approach In: 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
Brandauer, C., Linecker, S., Pröstl Andren, F., Gavriluta, C., Strasser, T. I., Veichtlbauer, A., Steinmaurer, G., Resch, J. & Schöndorfer, S. (2023): A Collaborative Engineering and Validation Framework for Smart Grid Automation Applications – The PowerTeams Approach. In: CIRED Conference Proceedings (27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023)
R.C. Sofia, C. Coutinho, G. Scivoletto, G. Insolvibile, R.A. Deshmukh, A. Schneider, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, F. Gigante, U. Wajid, A. Nizamis, D. Ioannidis, T. Mastos (2023): The EFPF approach to manufacturing applications across Edge-Cloud In: Sofia, R.C., & Soldatos, J. (Eds.). Shaping the Future of IoT with Edge Intelligence: How Edge Computing Enables the Next Generation of IoT Applications (1st ed.). River Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032632407
Marleen Bahe, Matthias Herlich, Peter Dorfinger, Josef Leist, Christian Wohlsein, Markus Radauer, Gerald Hörack, and Walter Schaffer. (2023): Detecting Power Outages in Low-Voltage Networks from Telecommunications Networks Data. In: Proceedings of the CIRED International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution.
Georg Güntner (2023): Das geheime Leben einer Störmeldung. Moderne Industriekommunikation mit Semantic Integration Patterns. In: Andreas Dankl, Jutta Isopp (Hrsg.). Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung Instandhaltung. Asset Management. Digitalisierung. ISBN 978-3-7011-0514-4. Leykam Buchverlag.
Michael Spitzhirn, Martin Benter, Christoph Heindl, Noël Scheder, Gerhard Reisinger, Felix Strohmeier & Wernher Behrendt (2022): Hybrid work systems—platform-based work planning—designing productive and human-centered work processes In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft volume 76, pages 489–509 (2022)
Strohmeier, Felix; Güntner, Georg; Glachs, Dietmar; Mayr, Reinhard (2022): Semantic Integration Patterns for Industry 4.0. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics - EI2N, Valletta, Malta, ISBN 978-989-758-612-5; ISSN 2184-9285, pages 197-205. DOI: 10.5220/0011550100003329.
Stefan Farthofer, Matthias Herlich, Christian Mier, Sabrian Pochaba, Julia Lackner, and Peter Dorfinger (2022): An Open Mobile Communications Drive Test Data Set and Its Use for Machine Learning. In: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 3, pp. 1688-1701, 2022.
Martin Happ, Jia Lei Du, Matthias Herlich, Christian Maier, Peter Dorfinger and José Suárez-Varela (2022): Exploring the Limitations of Current Graph Neural Networks for Network Modeling. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium.
Georg Güntner (Hrsg.) (2021): Digital Asset Management in der Praxis. White Paper. Mit Beiträgen von Nicole Bodmayer, Martin Brugger, Andreas Dankl, Tobias Dankl, Hannes Eberharter, Michael Eitzinger, Tobias Gerstmaier, Dietmar Glachs, Ludwig Grubauer, Philipp Gschösser, Rene Heitkämper, Oliver Hofbauer, Paul Hofmann, Lydia Höller, Thomas Jungblut, Thomas Klien, Andreas Nigg, Erwin Spitaler. © Projektkonsortium i-Asset, Salzburg Research. November 2021.
Christian Maier, Jia Lei Du, Stefan Fahrthofer, Peter Dorfinger (2021): An Architecture for Detection of Anomalies in Deterministic Time within Real-Time Communication Networks. In: CORETA 2021: Advances on Core Technologies and Applications.
C. Brandauer, F. Pröstl Andren, T. Strasser, J. Resch (2021): Automated Creation and Testing of Substation HMIs. In: Proceedings of the PAC World Conference 2021.
José Suárez-Varela, Miquel Ferriol-Galmés, Albert López , Paul Almasan , Guillermo Bernárdez , David Pujol-Perich, Krzysztof Rusek, Loïck Bonniot, Christoph Neumann, François Schnitzler, François Taïani, Martin Happ, Christian Maier, Jia Lei Du, Matthias Herlich, Peter Dorfinger, Nick Vincent Hainke, Stefan Venz, Johannes Wegener, Henrike Wissing, Bo Wu, Shihan Xiao, Pere Barlet-Ros, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio (2021): The Graph Neural Networking Challenge: A Worldwide Competition for Education in AI/ML for Networks. In: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 51, No. 3
Christian Maier, Jia Lei Du, Martin Happ, Matthias Herlich, Peter Dorfinger (2021): Graph-neural-network-based delay estimation for communication networks with heterogeneous scheduling policies. In: ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 4.
M. Herlich, C. Maier (2021): Measuring and Monitoring Reliability of Wireless Networks. In: IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 76-81, January 2021
Veichtlbauer, A.; Heinisch, A.; von Tüllenburg, F.; Dorfinger, P.; Langthaler, O.; Pache, U. (2020): Smart Grid Virtualisation for Grid-Based Routing. In: Electronics 2020, 9(11), 1879
Jia Lei Du, Stefan Linecker, Rodrigo Pommot, Reinhard Mayr (2020): Dynamic Content Adaptation for Timely Delivery of Critical Data under Network Congestion. In: 12th International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence (EMERGING), Nice, France,
Stefan Farthofer, Diego Teixeira Barreto Lima, Jia Lei Du (2020): Application Layer Benefits of Redundant Disjoint Paths in a Real-Time Ethernet In: 11th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2020)
Matthias Herlich, Stefan Farthofer (2020): Wireless Communication Data Sets for Machine Learning. In: 2nd KuVS Fachgespräch "Machine Learning and Networking" in Würzburg, Germany (virtual)
J. Resch, B. Schuiki, S. Schöndorfer, C. Brandauer, G. Panholzer, F. Pröstl Andrén & T. I. Strasser (2020): Engineering and Validation Support Framework for Power System Automation and Control Applications In: e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Giovanni Artale, Christof Brandauer, Giuseppe Caravello, Antonio Cataliotti, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, Salvatore Guaiana, Nicola Panzavecchia, Stefano Salsano, Giovanni Tinè (2020): A Resilient Distributed Measurement System for Smart Grid Application In: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS, volume 1284)
Kupzog, F.; Veichtlbauer, A.; Heinisch, A.; von Tüllenburg, F.; Langthaler, O.; Pache, U.; Jung, O.; Frank, R.; Dorfinger, P. (2020): The Impact of Virtualisation Techniques on Power System Control Networks. In: Electronics 2020, 9(9), 1433
Happ, M., Zimmermann, G., Brunner, E., & Bathke, A. C. (2020): Pseudo-ranks: How to calculate them efficiently in r. In: Journal of Statistical Software, 95(1), 1-22.
J. Resch, B. Schuiki, S. Schöndorfer, C. Brandauer, G. Panholzer, F. Pröstl Andrén & T. I. Strasser (2020): Engineering and Validation Support Framework for Power System Automation and Control Applications In: CIGRE Session 48 (B5-110)
Stefan Linecker, Jia Du, Anderson Silva and Reinhard Mayr (2020): The Pipeline Concept as Key Ingredient for Modular, Adaptive Communication for Cyber-physical Systems. In: 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020),
Christian Maier, Matthias Herlich (2020): Adaptive Wireless Reliability Measurements. In: 2020 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) Lightning Talk.
von Tüllenburg, F., Dorfinger, P., Veichtlbauer, A. et al. (2019): Virtualising redundancy of power equipment controllers using software-defined networking. In: Energy Inform 2, 14 (2019)
Filip Pröstl Andrén, Thomas I. Strasser, Jürgen Resch, Bernhard Schuiki, Sebastian Schöndorfer, Georg Panholzer & Christof Brandauer (2019): Towards automated engineering and validation of cyber-physical energy systems In: Energy Informatics volume 2, 21 (2019)
Christian Maier, Peter Dorfinger, Jia Lei Du, Sven Gschweitl, Johannes Lusak (2019): Reducing Consumed Data Volume in Bandwidth Measurements via a Machine Learning Approach In: 2019 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 215-220.
Jia Du, Stefan Linecker, Peter Dorfinger and Reinhard Mayr (2019): TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2-4, 2019.