DI(FH) Dietmar Glachs

Position: Senior Software & Data Engineer
Bereich: Human Motion Analytics
Telefon: +43/662/2288-404

Scientific area
Dietmar Glachs is an applications and database designer and developer with experience in the field of accounting, order processing, investment and costs.

He is also a technical expert with special experiences in internet-related technologies, database design and programming (knowledge management, content management, multimedia repository, XML applications).

Background / Expertise
He developed a module of salary execution for a popular salary charging system of Data Systems Austria, PABIS. In the field of accounting he developed and maintained a system for the period of two years.

During his study at the Polytechnic University in Salzburg he realised several projects in the field of internet communication. Recent projects are a web-based information system for virus protection, Siemens SBS, Centre for Information Security and Services (CISS) and the development of a publishing framework for Salzburg Research.

Programming Languages: Java, C/C++, PHP, Perl, COBOL
Databases: Informix, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQLServer, SQLBase, Sybase SQLAnywhere
Operating Systems: NT, UNIX, LINUX, OSF/1

You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can t fool all of the people all the time. (Abraham Lincoln)

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Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria