E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students more
Tag ‘Bildung’
OECD study on ICT in Teacher Training
Austrian part of the OECD study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. more
EduMedia Conference 2005-2010
Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training. more
i-busuu – Language learning on a online social community platform
Innovative solutions for language learning in an online social community more
OLCOS – eLearning Content Observatory Services
A roadmap, tutorials and collaborations for open educational resources and practices more
PRO-ICT – Promoting ICT to Female Students
Webbased e-learning platform to support women when entering into the information and communication technology sector more
LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people
Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.0’ technologies – e.g. social networking software – are changing the face of education and training for disadvantaged people. more
Nutzungsstudie zur Verwendung der Lernplattform Moodle zur Individualisierung im Unterricht.
Die vorliegende Nutzungsstudie beleuchtet die Verwendung der Plattform edumoodle im Hinblick auf Individualisierung und Differenzierung im Unterricht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden über 100 Lehrer/-innen mittels Online-Fragebogen befragt sowie ausgewählte Kursbeispiele analysiert.
Die theoretisch-systematische Grundannahme für die Vorgehensweise basiert dabei auf der von Schrack & Nàrosy (2009) entwickelten „Systematik der Individualisierung“. Die in dieser Systematik enthaltenen Elemente, die in fünf verschiedene Typen der Individualisierung und Differenzierung eingeteilt sind, wurden als Basis für die vorliegende Nutzungsstudie herangezogen.
Die Befragten wurden in der Arbeit gebeten, ihre persönliche Einschätzung zur Häufigkeit der Verwendung individualisierender Maßnahmen Stellung zu nehmen und diese für drei unterschiedliche Bereiche (im Unterricht ohne Computer, im Unterricht mit Computer, im Unterricht mit Lernplattform) darzustellen.
VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education
Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues more
Mashups for Learning – Editorial.
SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students
The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository). more
MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio
E-portfolios as a method to prevent early school leaving and foster successful learning of students more
Grab your future with an e-portfolio
MOSEP experiments with the use of electronic portfolios as a means of supporting both the adolescents and the teaching and counselling staff working with young learners during transition phases. A strong European partnership from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the UK is working closely with a network of experts across Europe to produce an e-portfolio toolkit specifically designed for initial and inservice teacher trainers and vocational counsellors. This toolkit will include an e-portfolio training course, which will be developed during the two-year project. The purpose of this study is to provide insights for the course developers and to serve as background material for all e-portfolio trainers in the growing e-portfolio community and beyond.
The MOSEP E-Portfolio Course: A New Didactic Concept for Teachers and Vocational Trainers
Some hail e-portfolios as the answer to their prayers for a method of competence-oriented learning. This is because e-portfolios combine classical (course-oriented and/or blended) e-learning with self-organized, self-oriented and lifelong learning. What competencies do teachers need in order to support learners in their individual learning processes? The European project MOSEP (more self esteem with my e-portfolio) tries to come up with some of the answers.