Success Stories

Better learning with body gestures

If learning is combined simultaneously with movements, learning success demonstrably increases. Salzburg Research developed a method to test the correct performance of gesture-assisted learning automatically and without special hardware.


Optimized Sports Experiences through Body Sensor Networks

Sport is about efficient execution of movement for encouragement. In order to support this digitally with the help of sensors, Salzburg Research and partners developed the “SensorHub”, a distributed sensor platform for setting up so-called Body Sensor Networks.


Survey in the Mobile Environment with the Mobile Diary App

Carrying out unobserved surveys is an important prerequisite for the user-centered development of innovations. In order to be able to carry out reliable individual investigations in the field, Salzburg Research developed a “Mobile Diary” software framework with partners.


Smart Technology Keeps the 55+ Generation Fit

Keep moving – this is how health can be maintained well into old age. Together with partner organizations, Salzburg Research showed in a large field test how smart technology can support and motivate the 55+ generation.



How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria