
IdeaSpace – the idea platform of Salzburg Research

IdeaSpace is an open innovation platform where the creative community is encouraged to submit their ideas and solutions on various topics and issues.



We want to build a truly empathic robot that will help older people remain healthy. We will develop an AI-driven personalized wellbeing program that will enhance the capabilities of the Buddy robot. Buddy is a friendly emotional personal robot that can watch over elder users and help with daily activities. In order to be a real companion, Buddy must also understand the user. This means the Buddy will be updated to enable computer vision analysis to analyze emotions and physiological signals from the face, body, and voice. Learning these important emotional signals can help integrate a successful health coaching program.


SuCoLo – Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts

SuCoLo researches and develops solutions for sustainable, inclusive logistics in urban outskirts. It explores digital methods for sustainable behavior, the needs of citizens, the necessary infrastructure and database in terms of bicycle logistics, and inclusive and socially beneficial pick-up stations.



GAMES will focus on how digitalisation could enable electric shared vehicle fleets to answer mobility needs while also creating new revenue streams by providing flexibility services for the electricity grid and energy communities.


Aid2BeWell – AI-based Emotion Detection and Behaviour Change Robot Support System to Benefit Ageing Well

AID2BeWell is exploring the use of cutting-edge AI technology to develop a robot assistance system (ROSS) that recognises and responds to the mood of older people with Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) to support active and healthy ageing in their own homes.


DIEGO – Digital Energy Path for Planning and Operation of Sustainable Grid, Products and Society

Energy management and balancing of industrial processes, residential prosumers and e-mobility charging through real-time data exchange and control.


DyMoN – Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data

The “DyMoN” project aims to enrich digital nudging methods with relevant data sources to motivate citizens for more sustainable mobility in cities.


Pilotprojekt Bletterbach: Barrierefreier Tourismus im Welterbe

SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption

SHOW is the biggest and most holisitic ever real life CCAV (connected cooperative autonomous vehicle) urban demonstration initiative taking place in 20 cities across Europe.


EFPF: European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing

The EFPF project realises a federated smart factory ecosystem by initially interlinking four smart factory platforms, from the FoF-11-2016 cluster, through an open and interoperable Data Spine. The federation of the 4 base platforms is complemented by industrial platforms, collaboration tools and smart factory systems, specifically selected to support connected factories in lot-size-one manufacturing. more


The project aims to support cities (Salzburg, Uppsala, 5 Follower Cities) through technology-based participation and incentive methods, a toolkit, and a digital marketplace to make better use of innovative, regional, sustainable services, and thus ensure sustainable development of cities (smart city initiatives). more

GATE – Granting Accessible Tourism for Everyone

Inclusive tourism in Alpine regions supported by new technologies. more

MyCorridor – Mobility as a service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor

Sustainable traveling in Europe both in rural and urban areas and across borders. more


Joint research activity (Veneto-Salzburg) in order to define, develop and test new “design concepts” of products and services for ageing people. more


An open source based infrastructure for B2B platforms that can be customised for regional and sector-specific applications. Small or large enterprises can join, define supply chains and can synchronise their production logistics. more

POWER2DM – personalized Diabetes self-management support system

Development and validation of a personalized self-management support system for Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes patients. more

Callia – smart grid management approach

Development and demonstation of a new smart grid management approach based on the know-how and experiences of multiple regional R&D and demonstration projects. more

CiM – Care in Movement

Empowering communities to provide care by combining smart technology and personal assistance to maintain mobility. more

SCISSOR – Security in Trusted SCADA and Smart Grids

The SCISSOR project is concerned with the security of SCADA systems that are employed in industrial control processes – often in the context of critical infrastructures like energy, water, transport, finance, and health where security breaches potentially have devastating consequences. more

MICO – Media in Context

Open Source technology for cross-media analysis for multi media resources. more

EAGLE – EnhAnced Government LEarning

Public administrations (PA) need to cope with various challenges: new regulations, an aging workforce and the need for adopting their new technologies. Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) represents thus a sensible option notably for rural local governments (RLG) that need to keep up with such changing environments, but do have limited access to training courses. From interviews of a pre-study with RLG in 5 European countries we learnt that obstacles are mainly connected with a lack of training plans in work processes. There are deficiencies in communication and collaboration skills despite regular use of computer and mobile devices. more

Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

The EU-INTERREG-project „Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg“ aims to boost the innovative strength of the tourism industry at the level of individual enterprises as well as destinations as a whole. more

OTITOS – Open Test Implementation for IEC 61850-90-5-based Transmission of Synchrophasor information

Testing of IEC 61850-90-5 synchrophasor transmissions based on the open and standardized testing language TTCN-3.


The EU project “ARIADNE” aims to improve the access to digital archaeological data by bringing together and integrating existing infrastructures. The resulting integrated service is expected to facilitate research and open up new methodological avenues. more

CERTESS -European Cultural Routes – Transfer Experiences, Share Solutions

CERTESS aims at setting up a common methodological framework on how to develop, manage and enhance European Cultural Routes (ECRs), by utilising reference development and governance instruments targeted to foster sustainable cultural tourism. more

CONFIDENCE – Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service for People with Dementia

The CONFIDENCE project aims at providing mobility and safeguarding assistance services to people suffer from mild to moderate forms of dementia. It intends to develop a novel community-enabled mobility safeguarding assistance service that combines “assistive technologies” with “personal help”. more

EMPOWER – Empowerment for Diabetes Patients

EMPOWER supports the self-management of diabetes patients through a modular and standards-based Patient Empowerment Framework. more

INNO-Grips – Disruptive Innovations in Tourism

On behalf of the European Commission, INNO-GRIPS supports evidence-based innovation policy by enhancing the understanding of key barriers to product and service innovation in companies. In this context, Salzburg Research analyses disruptive innovations in the tourism industry. more

SMARD – European Support Framework on Networked Media R&D for SMEs

SMARD is an EU funded project that aims at supporting SMEs in the creative industries to better translate their research and development (R&D) activities, particularly in the field of networked media, into innovative products and services. more

agINFRA – Data Infrastructure to Support Agricultural Scientific Communities

Providing a Linked Data based e-infrastructure for sharing and curating open research data. more

CreativeCH – Creative Cooperations in Cultural Heritage

Cooperation of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries promotes innovative communication and economic potential of cultural heritage.  more

IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

System of technologies and guidelines for optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders in case of disasters. more

AQUILA – End of the World Wide Wait?

Architecture to enable the dynamic Internet QoS-demands of modern multimedia applikations. more

COVAX – Contemporary Culture Virtual Archives in XML

Development of XML based applications for publication and distributed access to archival records more

VICODI – Visual Contextualisation of Digital Content

Dynamic publication, visualisation and contextualisation of historic documents more

DigiCULT – Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow’s Cultural Economy

A strategic study on the digital cultural economy for the European Commission, DG Information Society more

Digital Cultural Heritage Networks

A survey for the Council of Europe on digital cultural heritage networks and projects in Europe and beyond more

BISER – Benchmarking the Information Society: e-Europe Indicators for European Regions

Development of indicators for benchmarking the development of the information society in European regions more

nowledge management for the House of World Cultures

Implementation of an archive system that allows for easy reuse of digital assets for new cultural events, products and services more

Heritage Alive! – Using new media for communicating the value of cultural heritage sites

Promoting cultural heritage sites as resources for regional development and cultural learning of local people and visitors more

Innovcom – Promoting innovations in small trade businesses

A learning toolkit for innovating traditional trade businesses more

E-Portfolio for your Future

E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students more

EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training. more

EPOCH – Excellence in Processing Open Heritage

A network of excellence in innovative ICT applications for cultural heritage institutions more

MOME – Monitoring and Measurement Cluster

Platform for knowledge and tool exchange and for co-ordination of activities in the field of IP monitoring and measurement more

QVIZ – Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamic

QVIZ is an European research project started in order to enhance user access to European National Archive material by providing spatial-temporal query visualization environment based admininistrative units and other facets; and a collaborative community tools for social knowledge building in order to further enhance access to materials in a more diverse semantic network. more

OLCOS – eLearning Content Observatory Services

A roadmap, tutorials and collaborations for open educational resources and practices more

EP2010 – The Future of Research into Publishing, Content and Knowledge Technologies

A strategic study for the European Commission, DG Information Society, on how to promote research on content and knowledge technologies


PRO-ICT – Promoting ICT to Female Students

Webbased e-learning platform to support women when entering into the information and communication technology sector more

DigiCULT Forum – The Technology-Watchdog for European Cultural Heritage

Monitoring of digital Technologies with Relevance to the Cultural Heritage Sector. more

REGNET – Cultural Heritage in Regional Networks

Development of an infrastructure for business processes of cultural heritage organisations more

INTERMON – High Quality QoS-Monitoring

Quality parameters of different ISP domains are visualised and via simulation optimised. more

LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.0’ technologies – e.g. social networking software – are changing the face of education and training for disadvantaged people. more

STERNA – Semantic Web-based Thematic European Reference Network Application

Semantic Web technologies in museums should enhance access to cultural content more

MOMENT – Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies

A common and open, pan-European platform by confederating participants from various FP5, FP6 and other measurement-related projects. more

KiWi – Knowledge in a Wiki

KiWi – Knowledge in a Wiki is an EU-funded project (No 211932) combining the wiki philosophy with methods of the Semantic Web, aiming to develop a new approach to knowledge management. more

METOKIS – Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units

Architecture and tools for producing, exchanging, and trading knowledge units more

Hist.Urban – Integrated Revitalization of Historical Towns to Promote a Polycentric and Sustainable Development

New and interdisciplinary urban planning strategies and procedures more

ImportNet – Setting up collaboration in virtual enterprises for mechatronics design

ImportNET will  provide a framework which builds a base to support cross-domain engineering (mechanics, electronics, embedded software) tasks within an intercultural collaboration in an efficient way. more

MINER – Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research

MINER is a programmable software platform that supports users in conducting distributed experiments. So far, MINER has been primarily used for performance evaluation in computer networks. However, the platform can be equally applied to conduct distributed experiments that are not related to network measurements. more

WORKPAD – Collaboration Software for Emergency Teams

An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency Scenarios more

CULTOS – Cultural Units of Learning, Tools and Services

Authoring and knowledge management tools for cultural multimedia more

Check your Chances – Corporate Financing in the eContent Industries

A survey and information material on the financing of businesses of the e-content industries more

NetQOS Policy based Management of Heterogeneous Networks for Guaranteed QoS

The main focus is on an (widely) autonomous management approach with the objective of providing enhanced quality of service (QoS) and resource utilization in varying operational environments more

peak.AR – Experience the intriguing panorama of the peaks surrounding you

Have you ever wondered “What is the name of that prominent peak over there?” – find the answer simply by taking a look through the camera of your iPhone or Android device. more

MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio

E-portfolios as a method to prevent early school leaving and foster successful learning of students more

LIVE – Staging of Media Events

LIVE attempts to radically improve on the linear approach to TV broadcasting of live sporting events by delivering digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience. more

IKS – Building an interactive knowledge stack for CMS platforms

Open source stack for knowledge management, broadening the reach of semantic CMS technology, and collaboration and software development hub for the semantic CMS community. more

PRISM – PRIvacy-aware Secure Monitoring

Passive monitoring of communication networks is relevant for running these networks and the detection of cyber attacks. The PRISM project developed a two-tier privacy-compliant integrated monitoring architecture. more

iCARDEA – An Intelligent Platform for Personalized Remote Monitoring of the Cardiac Patients with Electronic Implant Devices

The iCARDEA Project develops an intelligent platform to automate and personalise the fol-low-up of the cardiac patients with implantable devices. more


How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria