METOKIS – Towards a Seamless Content and Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure.

Wernher Behrendt, Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler (2004): METOKIS – Towards a Seamless Content and Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure. In: WIAMIS 2004, 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 21-23, 2004, Lisboa, Portugal

ABSTRACT: The building of interoperable knowledge based multimedia information systems requires a dialog between those research communities that make advances in content classification through e.g. image analysis, those working on standardisation of multimedia meta data, e.g. the MPEG community and those working on advanced knowledge-based end user applications that can feed and use the emerging Semantic Web. We present the working hypothesis of a new European research project which aims at developing a seamless exchange infrastructure between different data, knowledge and content management architectures and applications. The ultimate goal of the research is to demonstrate ways in which distributed information systems can manipulate complex information objects at a level of abstraction which is close to a conceptual model as it would be used by humans. We illustrate the motivation for the research and present the building blocks of the overall system whose status is work in progress.

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