- Michael Wimmer (2010): Raum-zeitliche Auswertungen von Personenströmen Diplomarbeit, FH Hagenberg.
- Cornelia Schneider, Elske Ammenwerth, Andreas Gereke (2010): Ortsbasierte Dienste im klinischen Bereich. In: Tagungsband der eHealth2010, Wien, 2010.
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Elisabeth Häusler, Wolfgang Schwaiger, Roman Egger und Mario Joos (2010): Evaluation of the Concept of Early Acceptance Tests for Touristic Mobile Applications. In: Gretzel, U., Law, R., Fuchs, M. (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. Wien, New York: Springer Computer Science.
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Francesco Manti, Massimo Mecella (2010): WORKPAD: Task-based and Geo-based Management of Emergency Situations. In: Proceedings of Geomatics for Crisis Management (Gi4DM), Torino, Italy, 2010.
- Günter Kiechle (2009): Solution Procedures for Real-World Vehicle Routing Problems in Health Care. Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2009.
- Manfred Bortenschlager (2009): Location-oriented Coordination in Pervasive Environments for Collaborative Work Scenarios. In: Journal of Location Based Services, Eds. J. Raper and G. Gartner. 3(4), 229-248.
- Manfred Bortenschlager (2009): CorA: Eine Koordinationsarchitektur fur Kollaboration unter mobilen Benutzern. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2008. GI-Edition-Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI Vol. D-9), Eds. Dorothea Wagner et al., 2009.
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Nicolas Göll (2009): Location-based Services: Finally Delivering the Promise? In: mobile zeitgeist. Das eMag zum Mobilen Business. Ausgabe 04, Oktober 2009.
- Senthanal Sirpi Manohar, Günter Kiechle (2009): Performance evaluation of dijkstra’s fastest path algorithm on realistic large street network with dynamic travel times. Vortrag auf der 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn.
- Fritz Payr, Verena Schmid (2009): Optimizing Deliveries of Ready-Mixed Concrete. In: Witold Jacak, Michael Affenzeller, Stephan Dreiseitl, Monika Kofler, Thomas Kern (Eds): LINDI 2009 Proceedings (2009 2nd International Symposium on Logistics and Industiral Informatics).
- Karl Rehrl, Felix Ortag (2009): An Affordance-based Taxonomy for classifying Landmarks in Route Directions. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Location Based Services & TeleCartography, Nottingham, UK, 2009, S. 16.
- Karl Rehrl, Sven Leitinger, Georg Gartner, Felix Ortag (2009): An analysis of direction and motion concepts in verbal descriptions of route choices. In: K. Stewart Hornsby et al. (Eds.): COSIT 2009, LNCS 5756, pp. 471-488, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
- Sven Leitinger, Andreas Wagner (2009): Vulgo-DB: Applikation zur Lokalisierung von Notrufen aus alpinen Umgebungen. Applikation zur Lokalisierung von Notrufen aus alpinen Umgebungen. In: J. Strobl (Hrsg.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2009, Wichmann Verlag Heidelberg.
- Günter Kiechle, Horst Stadler (2009): Konzeption einer Servicearchitektur für die Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformationen zur dynamischen Flottendisposition. In: Geoinformatik 2009, Osnabrück.
- Günter Kiechle, Senthanal Sirpi Manohar (2009): Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten für die Flottensteuerung. In: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2009, Salzburg.
- Sven Leitinger, Günter Kiechle (2009): Entwicklung und Test eines ortsbasierten Notrufsystems für Smartphones in alpiner Umgebung. In: W. Reinhardt et al. (Eds.): Geoinformatik 2009 - Konferenzband, ifgiprints 35, Münster, Germany.
- Michael Schilde, Karl Dörner, Richard Hartl, Günter Kiechle (2009): Metaheuristics for the bi-objective Orienteering Problem. In: Swarm Intelligence. Vol.3, pp. 179-201
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Renate Steinmann, et. al. (2009): Designing Mobile Systems in Highly Dynamic Scenarios. The WORKPAD Methodology. In: Journal on Knowledge, Technology, and Policy. 22(1), Springer, 2009
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Renate Steinmann, et. al. (2009): The WORKPAD User Interface and Methodology: Developing Smart and Effective Mobile Applications for Emergency Operators. In: Proceedings of the HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, 2009
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Elisabeth Haid, Andreas Wagner (2009): Rapid Prototyping of Sensor-Based Applications with SunSPOTs. In: ERCIM News No. 76, Special theme: The Sensor Web. January 2009
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner, Stefan Biffl (2009): Strategies to support ambulance scheduling with efficient routing services. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Informatics. Vienna, Austria
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Doerner, Michel Gendreau, Richard Hartl (2009): Waiting strategies for regular and emergency patient transportation. In: Proceedings of the OR 2008 Conference, Augsburg, Germany
- Karl Rehrl, Sven Leitinger (2008): The SemWay Skitouring Experiment: How Ski Tourers Find Their Way. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Location Based Services & Telecartography, Salzburg.
- Sven Leitinger, Bernhard Lorenz, Günther Kiechle (2008): GPS-Notruf – Prototyp eines ortsbasierten Notrufsystems von GPS-Smartphones. In: Proceedings AHORN 2008, Salzburg.
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Nic Goell, Lisi Haid, Massimiliano de Leoni, Massimo Mecella, Harald Rieser, Renate Steinmann. (2008): Mobile Collaboration Through Context-sensitive Process Management and a Map-based Application. In: 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography 2008, Salzburg, Austria
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Lisi Haid, Michael Hufnagl, Andreas Wagner (2008): SensorNets@Home. Indoor Environment Quality with SunSPOT Sensor Technology In: 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography 2008, Salzburg, Austria
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner (2008): A decision support system for ambulance scheduling. In: Proceedings of the FH Science Day 2008, Linz, Austria
- Georg Gartner, Sven Leitinger, Karl Rehrl (2008): Electronic Proceedings: Keynotes - Extended Abstracts - LBS Showcases of the 5th Symposium on Location Based Services & Telecartography, Salzburg.
- Manfred Bortenschlager, et al. (2008): Coordination of Knowledge in Pervasive Environments. In: The 17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE): Coordination Models and Applications (CoMA): Knowledge in Pervasive Environments 2008, Rome, Italy
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Nic Goell, Elisabeth Haid, Harald Rieser, Renate Steinmann (2008): GeoCollaboration — Location-based Collaboration in Emergency Scenarios. In: The 17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) 2008, Rome, Italy
- Georg Gartner, Karl Rehrl (Eds.) (2008): Location Based Services and TeleCartography II From Sensor Fusion to Context Models. Springer Verlag.
- Karl Rehrl, et al. (2008): Instrumente für ein effektives Verkehrsmanagement bei Großveranstaltungen In: Strobl, J. et al (Hrsg.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008: Beiträge zum 20. AGIT Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 299-304
- Christian Mueller, Alexander Almer, Harald Stelzl, Manfred Bortenschlager, Markus Lassnig (2008): Geodatenvisualisierung auf mobilen Geräten. In: Conference and Exhibition on Applied Geoinformatics (AGIT) 2008, Salzburg
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Harald Rieser, Berardino Salvatore, Renate Steinmann, Josef Strobl, Guido Vetere (2008): Integration for Emergency Management Systems In: GI-Forum at the Conference and Exhibition on Applied Geoinformatics (AGIT) 2008, Salzburg
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner, Andreas Wagner (2008): Entwicklung eines Planungswerkzeuges für die Tourenplanung für Außendienstmitarbeiter. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., Griesebner, G. (Hg.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008, 2.-4. Juli 2008, Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 418-423
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Gabriele Kotsis, Marco Mamei (eds.) (2008): Special Issue on Coordination in Pervasive Environments. In: Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal UBICC: 3, 2008
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Gabriele Kotsis, Marco Mamei (2008): Towards a Coordination Framework for Pervasive Environments. In: UBICC SI on Coordination in Pervasive Environments. Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal UBICC: 3, 2008
- Andrea Marrella, Ruggero Russo, Andrea Capata, Manfred Bortenschlager, Harald Rieser (2008): A Geo-based Application for the Management of Mobile Agents during Crisis Situations. In: Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 2008
- Elisabeth Haid, Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll, Martin Soutschek (2008): Evaluation of a Web-based and Mobile Ski Touring Application for GPS-enabled Smartphones. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L., Murphy, J. (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Wien, New York: Springer Computer Science.
- Karl Dörner, Manfred Gronalt, Richard Hartl, Günter Kiechle, Marc Reimann (2007): Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple, Interdependent Time Windows. In: Computers & Operations Research (accepted for publication)
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner, Michel Gendreau, Richard Hartl (2007): Patient Transportation – Dynamic Dial-a-Ride and Emergency Transportation Problems. In: Preprints of Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN) 2007
- Karl Rehrl, Sven Leitinger, Georg Gartner (2007): The SemWay Project – Towards Semantic Navigation Systems In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Hong Kong, 2007
- Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll (2007): TourGuide – ein Informations- und Navigationssystem für Bergwanderer und Skitourengeher. In: Dreiländertagung: Der Alpenraum und seine Herausforderungen an Orientierung, Navigation und Informationsaustausch (AHORN 2007), Bad Reichenhall, November 2007
- Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll, Karl Rehrl (2007): TourGuide – A Navigation System for Ski Tourers on GPS-enabled Smartphones. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Hong Kong, 2007
- Karl Rehrl, Nicolas Göll, Sven Leitinger, S. Bruntsch, H.-J. Mentz (2007): Smartphone-based Information and Navigation Aids for Public Transport. In: G. Gartner et. al. (Eds.), Location Based Services and TeleCartography, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer Verlag
- Erich Gams, Karl Rehrl, Daniel Kaschl (2007): Using other People’s Trails for Navigation Assistance In: Proceedings of the 5th Geographic Information Days, 10.-12. September 2007, Münster, Germany
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner (2007): Ein Pilotsystem zur Planung effizienter Touren für den Transport von Blutspenden In: In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., Griesebner, G. (Hg.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2007, 4.-6. Juli 2007, Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Karl Rehrl (2007): BlueVote – A Ubiquitous Audience Voting Service In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing UbiComp
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Sven Leitinger, Harald Rieser, Renate Steinmann (2007): Towards a P2P-based GeoCollaboration System for Disaster Management In: GI-Days 2007, Münster, Germany
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Thomas Fichtel, Sven Leitinger, Harald Rieser, Renate Steinmann (2007): A Map- and Location-based GeoCollaboration System for Disaster Management in Outdoor Environments In: 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography 2007, Hong Kong