Haller N, Blumkaitis JC, Strepp T, Schmuttermair A, Aglas L, Simon P, Neuberger E, Kranzinger C, Kranzinger S, O’Brien J, Ergoth B, Raffetseder S, Fail C, Düring M and Stöggl T (2022): Comprehensive training load monitoring with biomarkers, performance testing, local positioning data, and questionnaires – first results from elite youth soccer. In: Frontiers in Physiology
Finkenzeller T, Burberg T, Kranzinger S, Harbour E, Snyder C, Würth S and Amesberger G (2022): Effects of physical stress in alpine skiing on psychological, physiological, and biomechanical parameters: An individual approach. In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
Christoph Schranz, Sebastian Mayr (2022): Ein neuer Algorithmus zur Zeitsynchronisierung von Ereignis- basierten Zeitreihendaten als Alternative zur Kreuzkorrelation. In: Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the Section Sport Informatics and Engineering of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs).
Wolfgang Kremser (2022): Data Quality Knowledge in Sport Informatics: A Scoping Review. In: spinfortec2022 : Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the Section Sport Informatics and Engineering of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), Chemnitz September 29-30, 2022.
Stefan Farthofer, Matthias Herlich, Christian Mier, Sabrian Pochaba, Julia Lackner, and Peter Dorfinger (2022): An Open Mobile Communications Drive Test Data Set and Its Use for Machine Learning. In: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 3, pp. 1688-1701, 2022.
Verena Venek; Christina Kranzinger; Sonja Jungreitmayr; Susanne Ring-Dimitriou; Hermann Schwameder; Thomas Stöggl (2022): Influence of 2 Digital Exercise Modules of a Multimodular System on Balance and Leg Strength Under Consideration of Use Adherence: Prospective Cohort Study. In: JMIR Formative Research
Wies, H. and Beeking, M. (2022): Self-Localization Accuracy of Instrumented Probe Bicycles. In: Krisp, J., Meng, L., Kumke, H. and Huang, H. (eds.): Proceedings 17th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS2022), Munich / Augsburg, Germany, September 12-14.
Kremser, Wolfgan (2022): Data Quality Knowledge in Sport Informatics: A Scoping Review. In: spinfortec2022: Tagungsband zum 14. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs). Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Spinfortec. Chemnitz: Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, pp. 43–48.
Elisabeth Häusler, Wolfgang Kremser, Severin Bernhart (2022): IoT New Product Development in the context of human motion analytics. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international "Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials”
Severin Bernhart, Harald Rieser, Vincent van Rheden, Rainer Matischek (2022): Using CAPSENSE™ in a Wearable Textile Chest Belt for Respiration Sensing and Interaction Possibility. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials”.
Schneider, C., Venek, V., Rieser, H., Jungreitmayr, S., Trukeschitz, B. (2022): „Fit-mit-ILSE“ für Senior*innen: User-Centred Design Prozess und Prototyp des Active and Assisted Living Systems. In: Aktives Altern im digitalen Zeitalter. Informations-Kommunikations-Technologie verstehen, nutzen und integrieren. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Venek, V., Rieser, H. (2022): Technologiegestütztes funktionelles Training in den eigenen vier Wänden. In: Aktives Altern im digitalen Zeitalter. Informations-Kommunikations-Technologie verstehen, nutzen und integrieren. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Till Bieg, Mathias Schmoigl-Tonis, Nadine Sturm, Chloé Nativel, Andreas Sackl (2022): Enabling Cross-Domain Robot Programming By End-Users: The ROBxTASK Platform.
Kranzinger, Christina; Venek, Verena; Rieser, Harald; Jungreitmayr, Sonja; Ring-Dimitriou, Susanne (2022): Data-Driven User-Type Clustering of a Physical Activity Promotion App: Usage Data Analysis Study Data-Driven User-Type Clustering of a Physical Activity Promotion App: Usage Data Analysis Study. In: JMIR Formative Research.
Eva Hollauf (2022): Motivationsmerkmale einer Ideen-Community. Identifikation und Rolle unterschiedlicher Motivationsprofile von Teilnehmenden für qualitätsvolle Innovations-Crowdsourcing-Prozesse. Masterarbeit.
Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Laura Eisenberger, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Bernhard Reich, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Birgit Böhm, Josef Niebauer (2022): Valorization of Natural Cardio Trekking Trails Through Open Innovation for the Promotion of Sustainable Cross-generational Health-Oriented Tourism in the Connect2Move Project: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study. In: JMIR Research Protocols Vol 11, No 7 (2022).
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Eva Hollauf, Elisabeth Häusler (2022): Co-creation methods for modelling emerging innovation ecosystems: ”Digital MountAIn”. Initiating a data-driven innovation ecosystem for alpine tourism and sports industry. In: R&D Management Conference, 7.July 2022
Verena Venek, Stefan Kranzinger, Hermann Schwameder, Thomas Stöggl (2022): Human Movement Quality Assessment Using Sensor Technologies in Recreational and Professional Sports: A Scoping Review. In: Sensors 2022, 22(13), 4786.
Helmut Zörrer, Matthias Probst, Georg Weichhart, Felix Strohmeier, Mathias Schmoigl-Tonis (2022): ROBxTASK RTE – a lightweight runtime environment to implement collaborative processes across different robotic systems. In: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM22)
Birgit Böhm, Laura Eisenberger, Katja Hofbauer, Eva Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Christina Kranzinger, Barbara Mayr, Katja Vordermayer, Diana Wieden-Bischof (2022): Wandern fürs Herz: Implementierung eines innovativen, wissenschaftlich geprüften Angebots im Gesundheitstourismus. Handbuch zum INTERREG-Projekt Connect2Move. Norderstedt: Book on Demand © Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH – Juni 2022. ISBN 9 783756 232413.
Hollauf, Eva-Maria; Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika (2022): Typology of Motivation and Activity Profiles of Ideation Crowdsourcing community Members. In: The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 05 June to 08 June 2022. Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-694-8 1.
Markus Lassnig, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Marie Kolm (2022): Nachhaltige Besucherstromlenkung im Alpenraum. Mehrwert datenbasierter Analysen und Interventionen mittels Nudging. Innovation & Value Creation Arbeitsberichte, Band 11.
Severin Bernhart, Eric Harbour, Ulf Jensen, Thomas Finkenzeller (2022): Wearable Chest Sensor for Running Stride and Respiration Detection In: ISEA 2022 – The Engineering of Sport 14, Purdue University.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Rodessa May Marquez, Carlotta Harms, Martin Loidl, Dana Kaziyeva, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2022): Ethics of digital, data-based nudges: The need for responsible innovation. In: XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 June 5-8 2022: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-694-8.
Sebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, Siegfried Reich, Josef Niebauer, Jan David Smeddinck (2022): Towards Adaptability of Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 293: dHealth 2022.
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Eva Hollauf, Claudia Luger-Bazinger (2022): Challenges in assessing road users’ attitudes toward driverless mobility to engage them in co-designing novel data-driven alerts for cyclists. In: Science Technology in Society conference, Graz, STS conference Graz, Austria
Martin Happ, Jia Lei Du, Matthias Herlich, Christian Maier, Peter Dorfinger and José Suárez-Varela (2022): Exploring the Limitations of Current Graph Neural Networks for Network Modeling. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium.
Severin Bernhart, Stefan Kranzinger, Alexander Berger, Gerfried Peternell (2022): Ground Contact Time Estimating Wearable Sensor to Measure Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Gait. In: Sensors 2022, 22, 3132.
Karl Rehrl, Simon Gröchnig, Thomas Piribauer, Roland Spielhofer, Patrick Weissensteiner (2022): Towards a standardized workflow for creating high-definition maps for highly automated shuttles In: Journal of Location Based Services
Guntram Geser, Julian D. Richards, Flavia Massara, Holly Wright (2022): Data Management Policies and Practices of Digital Archaeological Repositories.
Yvonne Prinzellner, Nadine Sturm, Constanze Geyer, Gabriele Salomon, Astrid Weiss, Sabine Zauchner, Manuela Plößnig, Oliver Jung (2022): Using an off-the-shelf platform to develop a gender-sensitive health care robot for older adults and chronically ill people In: Aging and Health Research, Volume 2, Issue 2.
Mayr Sebastian (2022): Sensor playground: implementation and evaluation of a tool for the selection of fit-for-purpose wearable sensors in sport studies.
Sonja Jungreitmayr, Christina Kranzinger, Verena Venek and Susanne Ring-Dimitriou (2022): Effects of an App-Based Physical Exercise Program on Selected Parameters of Physical Fitness of Females in Retirement: A Randomized Controlled Trial In: Frontiers in Physiology, 13, 2022.
Wolfgang Kremser, Sebastian Mayr (2022): How Sports Scientists Explain Their Choice of Wearable. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference.
Thorwartl, C., Stöggl, T., Teufl, W., Holzer, H., Kröll, J. (2021): Curvature Detection with an Optoelectronic Measurement System Using a Self-Made Calibration Profile. In: Sensors 2022, 22 (1), 51.
Thorwartl, C., Kröll, J., Tschepp, A., Schäffner, P., Holzer, H., & Stöggl, T. (2021): A novel sensor foil to measure ski deflections: Development and validation of a curvature model. In: Sensors, 21(14), 4848.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger & Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2021): Innovation for Sustainable Cities: The Effects of Nudging and Gamification Methods on Urban Mobility and Sustainability Behaviour In: GI_Forum 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2.
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Diana Wieden-Bischof (Ed.) (2021): Methods, pilot platforms and recommendations for active mobility and sustainable lifestyle SimpliCITY – Marketplace for user-centered sustainability services. Innovation Research Working Papers Band 10.
Sebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, Michael Schrefl, Josef Niebauer (2021): Towards Multi-level Modeling of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health. In: 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C).
Stefan Kranzinger and Markus Steinmaßl (2021): Which Aggregation Fits Best? In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Wolfgang Kremser, Stefan Kranzinger, Severin Bernhart (2021): Design and Implementation of a Gesture-Aided E-Learning Platform. In: Sensors 2021, 21(23), 8042.
Markus Lassnig, Julian Marius Müller, Karin Klieber, Alexander Zeisler, Max Schirl (2021): A digital readiness check for the evaluation of supply chain aspects and company size for Industry 4.0. In: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Simon Gröchenig, Karl Rehrl (2021): Towards C-ITS-based communication between bicycles and automated vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2021)
Georg Güntner (Hrsg.) (2021): Digital Asset Management in der Praxis. White Paper. Mit Beiträgen von Nicole Bodmayer, Martin Brugger, Andreas Dankl, Tobias Dankl, Hannes Eberharter, Michael Eitzinger, Tobias Gerstmaier, Dietmar Glachs, Ludwig Grubauer, Philipp Gschösser, Rene Heitkämper, Oliver Hofbauer, Paul Hofmann, Lydia Höller, Thomas Jungblut, Thomas Klien, Andreas Nigg, Erwin Spitaler. © Projektkonsortium i-Asset, Salzburg Research. November 2021.
Christian Maier, Jia Lei Du, Stefan Fahrthofer, Peter Dorfinger (2021): An Architecture for Detection of Anomalies in Deterministic Time within Real-Time Communication Networks. In: CORETA 2021: Advances on Core Technologies and Applications.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Cornelia Zankl, Karin Klieber, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Karl Rehrl (2021): Factors Influencing and Contributing to Perceived Safety of Passengers during Driverless Shuttle Rides. In: Future Transportation. 2021; 1(3):657-671.
Severin Bernhart, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Wolfgang Kremser, Aaron Martínez (2021): Data-driven Cut-off Frequency Optimization for Biomechanical Sensor Data Pre-Processing. In: International Data Science Conference 2021, Wien
Stephanie R. Moore, Christina Kranzinger, Gerda Strutzenberger, Magdalena Taudes, Aaron Martínez Álvarez, Hermann Schwameder, Josef Kröll (2021): Laboratory versus Ecological Running: A Comparison of Foot Strike Angle and Pattern Estimation. In: 39th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports.
C. Brandauer, F. Pröstl Andren, T. Strasser, J. Resch (2021): Automated Creation and Testing of Substation HMIs. In: Proceedings of the PAC World Conference 2021.
Karl Rehrl, Simon Gröchenig (2021): Evaluating Localization Accuracy of Automated Driving Systems. In: Sensors. 2021; 21(17):5855.