Christof Brandauer, Peter Dorfinger (2003): An implementation of a service class providing assured TCP rates within the AQUILA framework In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet (Art-QoS), pages 203-217, March 2003
Alenka Krek (2003): Key Reduction in Transaction Costs. Invited reply In: GIM International, The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics. February 2003, Volume 17, Number 2, GITC bv, The Netherlands
Thomas Pfeiffenberger, Ilka Miloucheva, Ulrich Hofmann, Ali Nassri (2003): Inferencing of inter-domain path characteristics based on active end-to-end QoS monitoring scenario studies in emulation environment In: IPS Workshop Salzburg Austria, February 2003
Salzburg Research (2003): Netd@ys Austria 98 02 Broschüre: Fünf Jahre Netdays Austria
John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info III DigiCULT Newsletter
Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2003): Wider den Datenkater Wie mittels virtueller Spuren digitales Kopfweh vermieden werden kann In: NOEO 01/2003, p. 31-34
Erich Gams, Tobias Berka, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer Framework A Platform for Trail-Enabled Recommender Applications In: Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications,DEXA 2002
Guntram Geser, Michael Steemson et.al. (2002): DigiCULT Thematic Issue II Digital Asset Management Systems for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector
Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer Framework Applying Open Hypermedia Concepts to Trails In: J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) ?02, Special Issue for the Pre-Conference Workshop on Hypertext and Hypermedia at the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management I-KNOW
Birgit Retsch, Andrea Mulrenin (2002): Digitales Zeitalter bedroht kulturelles Gedächtnis Salzburg Research präsentiert Ergebnisse des 1. DigiCULT Forums in Barcelona In: NOEO 3/2002, p. 34-37
Peter Dorfinger, Christof Brandauer, Ulrich Hofmann (2002): A rate controller for long-lived TCP flows In: Proceedings of the Joint International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Protocols for Multimedia Systems (IDMS/PROMS), 2002, pages 154-165, November 2002.
Karl Rehrl (2002): Auf Stütze – Jakarta Struts Hilfe für komplexe Webanwendungen In: iX - Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik, Ausgabe 11/2002, S. 130f
Sven Leitinger (2002): Geoinformationssystemgestützte Einsatzleitsysteme im internationalen Vergleich. Diplomarbeit am Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung, Universität Graz
Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer framework Applying Open Hypermedia Concepts to Trails In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, number 10, volume 8, pages 913-923
Ulrich Hofmann, Ilka Miloucheva, Thomas Pfeiffenberger, Felix Strohmeier (2002): Evaluation of architectures for QoS analysis of applications in Internet environment In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Monterey, California, October 3-6, 2002
John Pereira et.al. (2002): DigiCULT.Info II DigiCULT Newsletter
Zepp, H., Zhang, B. Thimm, A. Jing, Y. and Gao, C. (2002): Physische Geographie und Nachhaltigkeit. Landschaftsökologische Untersuchungen im subtropischen China. In: geographie heute, 200: 16-19
Christof Brandauer et.al. (2002): AC Algorithms in AQUILA QoS IP Network In: Proceedings of the Second Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, September 2002
Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Siegfried Reich (2002): Web Engineering – Eine Neuauflage der Software Krise? In: A Min Tjoa Work, pages 67-87
Tobias Berka, Wernher Behrendt, Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): A Trail Based Internet-Domain Recommender System using Artificial Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, AH2002
David Millard, Jörg Haake, Siegfried Reich (ed.) (2002): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. Core Concepts & Research Directions. University of Maryland, June 12, 2002. FernUniversität Hagen, 2002. Informatik Berichte 295 - 8/2002
Sunil Goyal, Wernher Behrendt, Siegfried Reich (2002): Emmos – enhanced multimedia meta objects for re-purposing of knowledge assets In: MIS
Guntram Geser, Michael Steemson et.al. (2002): DigiCULT Thematic Issue I Integrity and Authenticity of Digital Cultural Heritage
Tobias Berka, Wernher Behrendt, Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): Recommending Internet-domains using trails and neural networks In: In Proceedings of Adpative Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems, Malaga, Spain, LNCS 2374, pages 368-371, Berlin/Heidel-berg/New York, 2002. Springer.
John Pereira et.al. (2002): DigiCULT.Info I DigiCULT Newsletter
Alenka Krek (2002): An Agent-Based Model for Quantifying the Economic Value of Geographic Information PhD thesis, Institut for Geoinformation, Technical University Vienna
Erich Gams, Christian Eichinger, Michael Hufnagl (2002): Web-based Publishing in the REGNET Project In: Proceedings of the Project Management Meeting, Regnet, EC-IST-200026336, 24-26 June 2002, ICCS-BAS, ISBN 954-9641-29-5
(2002): Aufstieg und Fall der New Economy – was nun? Expertenrunde In: NOEO 02/2002, p. 10-13
Siegfried Reich, Tobias Berka et.al. (2002): A market-based recommender system In: Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems, Bologna, Italy, pages 50-67
Luciana Bordoni (2002): COVAX: an Internet Access to Libraries, Archives and Museums In: ERCIM News No. 49, April 2002, p. 47-48
Ziva Ben-Porat, Wernher Behrendt, Siegfried Reich (2002): Organizing multimedia intertextual knowledge New tasks, challenges and technologies In: ALLC/ACH 2002. New Directions in Humanities Computing. The 14th Joint Intl. Conference, Tübingen 2002, pages 8-11
Georg Güntner (2002): COVAX – Europäischer Kulturkatalog im WWW In: NOEO 01/2002, p. 24-27
Heinz Mayringer (2002): Check your Chances [Handbook + CD-ROM] Corporate Financing in the Growth Industries - Basics, Tools & Case Studies
Andrea Mulrenin and Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research, on behalf of the European Commission (2001): The DigiCULT Report Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow s Cultural Economy. Unlocking the Value of Cultural Heritage. [ENG/FRA/GER/ITA]
Heinz Mayringer (2001): Check your Chances [CD-ROM] Corporate Financing in the Growth Industries - Basics, Tools & Case Studies
Heinz Mayringer (2001): Finance in the Internet and Multimedia Industries A Company Survey
Salzburg Research (2001): Netd@ys Austria 2001 [Mini-DVD]
Michael Grubinger, Felix Strohmeier (2001): Autonomous Aquisition of Environmental Data in a Global Network Environment In: Proceedings of the International Telemetry Conference, Las Vegas, USA, October 2001
H. Zepp, Alexander Thimm (2001): Landschaftsökologische Prozessgefüge und deren Regionalisierung in der Jiangxi-Provinz, China. In: L. King, M. Metzler and J. Tong (Eds). Flood Risks and Land Use Conflicts in the Yangtze Catchment, China and at the Rhine River, Germany. Schriften zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung, 2, Frankfurt, S. 229-231.
Renate Steinmann (2001): Der Alm-Lehr-Pfad Werfenweng umgesetzt als eine virtuelle Exkursion im Internet. Diplomarbeit am Institut für Geographie und angewandte Geoinformatik in Salzburg, 75 Seiten.
S. Elliot, K.V. Andersen, P. Swatman, Siegfried Reich (Eds.) (2001): Developing a Dynamic, Integrative, Multi-Disciplinary Research Agenda in E-Commerce/E-Business. BICE Press Ourimbah NSW
Felix Strohmeier, Heinz Dörken, Bernhard Hechenleitner (2001): AQUILA Distributed QoS Measurement In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control. COMCON 8, Crete, Greece, June 25-29, 2001
Siegfried Reich, M.Tzagarakis, P. Debra (Eds.) (2001): Hypermedia: Openness, Structural awareness and adaptivity. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop (OHS-7), the 3rd International Workshop (SC-3), and the 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia (AH-3), Aarhus, Denmark In: Springer Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) No. 2266.
Siegfried Reich, Erich Gams (2001): Trailist Focusing on document activity for assisting navigation In: Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Conference on Hypertext, August 14-18, Aarhus, DK
Siegfried Reich, Martin Schaller, Rupert Westenthaler (2001): Developing Advanced Multimedia Presentations with Java In: Java One - Sun
Brandauer, C., Iannaccone, G., Diot, C., Ziegler, T., Fdida, S. and May, M. (2001): Comparison of tail drop and active queue management performance for bulk-data and web-like internet traffic. In: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2001), 3-5 July 2001, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Salzburg Research (2001): Prix MultiMediaAustria 2001 MiniDVD
Salzburg Research (2001): Prix MultiMediaAustria 2001 Katalog
Thomas Ziegler, Serge Fdida, Christof Brandauer (2001): Stability Criteria of RED with TCP Traffic In: IFIP ATM/IP Working Conference, Budapest, June 2001
Thomas Ziegler, Christof Brandauer, Serge Fdida (2001): A quantitive Model for Parameter Setting of RED with TCP traffic In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2001, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2001.