- Veronika Hornung-Prähauser et.al. (2005): Reflections, Perspectives and Recommendations for professional Gender-sensitive Teaching, Training and Consultancy. Barriers and needs of female students following a lifelong career path in Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and the role of change agents in this process
- Sven Leitinger, Scheidl, C., Kollarits, S. und Hübl, J (2005): User Requirements for a Mobile Disaster Documentation System accepted poster In: The First International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management, Delft, The Netherlands
- Renate Steinmann, Alenka Krek (2005): Stärken und Schwächen von Public Participatory GIS In: CORP 2005, Internationales Symposion, Vienna
- Alenka Krek (2005): Rational Ignorance of the Citizens in Public Participatory Planning In: CORP 2005, Internationales Symposion, Vienna
- Elisabeth Haid, Günter Kiechle, Sven Leitinger (2005): Multimediale Beschreibung geo-referenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest In: CORP 2005, internationale Konferenz zu Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Stadtplanung und Regionalentwicklung, Wien
- Lassnig Markus, Bischof Diana (2005): ICT and Electronic Business in the Tourism Industry. ICT adoption and e-business activity in 2005. Sector Report No. 9/2005 in the framework of the e-Business W@tch on behalf of the European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry. Salzburg / Brussels
- Lassnig Markus (2005): Tourism. In: European Commission / e-Business W@tch (2005). The European e-Business Report 2005 edition. A portrait of e-business in 10 sectors of the EU economy. 4th Synthesis Report of the e-Business W@tch. Brussels. pp. 145-154. ISBN 92-894-5117-3
- Salzburg Research (2004): Netd@ys Austria 2004 DVD
- Felix Strohmeier (2004): Monitoring and Measurement Activities in European Projects In: MOME network measurement and monitoring issues session at the BroadBand Europe event in Brugge, Belgium
- Guntram Geser, John Pereira (eds.) (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue VII. The Future Digital Heritage Space
- Christof Brandauer, Peter Dorfinger, Ulrich Hofmann (2004): Validation of a continuous fluid simulation model In: Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Communications Interworking, December 2004, Ottawa, Canada
- DigiCULT Forum (2004): On the Radar: eCulture Experiences An Interview with John Pereira, Salzburg Research, Austria In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p. 43-46
- Guntram Geser (2004): Assessing the Readiness of Small Heritage Institutions for e-Culture Technologies In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p.8-13
- Andreas Strasser (2004): The Austrian Digital Heritage Initiative. Digitising Austria In: DigiCULT.Info 9, A Newsletter on Digital Culture, p. 54-57
- John Pereira et.at. (2004): DigiCULT.Info IX. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Manfred Bortenschlager, Günter Kiechle (2004): Die mobilen Reisenden. Mobile Technologien im Tourismus In: NOEO 4/2004
- Felix Strohmeier, Thomas Pfeiffenberger (2004): Internet wegen Überfüllung geschlossen. IPv6 - Internet der Zukunft In: NOEO 4/2004
- Renate Steinmann, Alenka Krek, Thomas Blaschke (2004): Can online map-based applications improve citizen participation? In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, TED conference on e-government, Bozen, Italy
- Andreas Strasser (2004): eCulture horizons In: I4d Information for Development magazine, Vol II, No. 11, November 2004, p. 32
- Andreas Strasser (2004): eCulture Horizons: From Digitisation to Creating Cultural Experiences In: Ariadne Issue 41, October 30, 2004
- Ulrich Hofmann (2004): Traffic Characterisation In: Proc. EuroNGN NoE Summerschool, Bamberg 10/2004
- Karl Rehrl, Harald Rieser, Stefan Bruntsch (2004): Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen In: Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI-Tagen, IfGIprints, Band 22, 2004
- Karl Rehrl, Harald Rieser, Stefan Bruntsch (2004): Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen In: Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI-Tagen, IfGIprints, Band 22
- Karl Rehrl et.al. (2004): Vienna-SPIRIT – Intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung In: CORP 2004
- Georg Günter, Bob Mulrenin et.al. (2004): XML for Libraries, Archives, and Museums In: Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(8-9): p. 797-816
- Markus Lassnig (2004): Regional Indicators In: Doing Business in Salzburg. Hg. von S. Huber. Land Salzburg, Abteilung 15, 2004
- D. Ellmauer, Eberhard Müller, A. Petutschnigg, K. Ronacher, Armin Veichtlbauer (2004): Multimedia-Präsentation mit Integration eines haptischen Interfaces ESYCS-Studie
- H. Holzer, Eberhard Müller, A. Petutschnigg, Armin Veichtlbauer (2004): Prozessoptimierung durch eingebettete Technologien für Endprodukte ESYCS-Studie
- Karl Rehrl, Manfred Bortenschlager, Siegfried Reich, Harald Rieser, Rupert Westenthaler (2004): Towards a Service-Oriented Architecture for Mobile Information Systems In: IFIP TC8 Working Conference on Mobile Information Systems (MOBIS), Oslo, Norway, 15-17 September 2004
- Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin (2004): Are small heritage institutions ready for e-culture? In: Proceedings of ICHIM Berlin 04. Digital Culture and Heritage (CD-ROM), September 2004
- John Pereira et.al. (2004): DigiCULT.Info VIII. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Bob Mulrenin et.al. (2004): Visual Contextualisation of Digital Content through an ontology as basis for E-learning in the humanities In: DRH2004 Digital Resources for the Humanities, September 2004. Newcastle, England
- Wolfgang Maass, Sunil Goyal, Wernher Behrendt (2004): Knowledge Content Objects and a Knowledge Content Carrier Infrastructure for ambient knowledge and media aware content systems In: EWIMT workshop "Content, user and network aware media engineering"
- Motti Benari et. al. (2004): The Intertextual Thread: A new Cultural Unit in Hypertext In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac vol. 12, no. 9, September 2004, ISSN #1071-4391
- Renate Steinmann (2004): Wenn Ihr Haus einer Umfahrungsstraße weichen soll … Optimierter Dialog zwischen Planung und Betroffenen durch geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) In: NOEO 3/2004
- Sven Leitinger (2004): Digitale Helfershelfer. Geographische Informationssysteme als Hilfsmittel in Notfallsituationen In: NOEO 3/2004
- Erich Gams and Siegfried Reich (2004): Following your colleagues footprints: Navigation support with trails in shared directories In: Proceedings of the 04 ACM Conference on Hypertext, August 9-13, Santa Cruz, California, USA
- Erich Gams and Siegfried Reich (2004): Analysis of applicability of trails in web applications In: International Workshop on Web Engineering in conjunction with ACM
- Siegfried Reich et.al. (2004): Web engineering – old wine in new bottles? In: International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Munich 2004, LNCS 3240, pp. 6?12
- Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler (2004): RDF Gravity Freeware, Java Applikation, RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies
- Sven Leitinger (2004): Comparision of GIS-based Public Safety Systems for Emergency Management In: UDMS 2004, 24th Urban Data Management Symposium. Venice, Italy
- Renate Steinmann, Alenka Krek, Thomas Blaschke (2004): Analysis of Online Public Participatory GIS Applications with Respect to the Differences between the US and Europe In: UDMS 2004, 24th Urban Data Management Symposium. Chioggia, Italy
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue VI. Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector
- John Pereira (2004): Introduction In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, June 2004, pp. 5-6
- Guntram Geser (2004): Resource Discovery – Position Paper: Putting the Users First In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery for the Heritage Sector. June 2004, pp. 7-12
- Steve Elliot, Kim Viborg Andersen, Eileen Trauth, Siegfried Reich (Ed.) (2004): Multi-Disciplinary Solutions to Industry & Government’s E-Business Challenges. In: Trauner Verlag, Schriftenreihe für Informatik, Band 11
- Christian Schober (2004): Distributed Real-Time Applications. Diploma Thesis: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Technologies
- Alenka Krek (2004): Economic Benefit of Using Location Based Services. In: Proceedings of IFIP WG8.4 Working Conference 2004, Salzburg, Austria
- Bob Mulrenin (2004): Contextualisation In: Workshop "European Cultural Heritage: RTD Challenges Ahead", 28 Mai 2004
- Heinz Mayringer (2004): Aber wir haben doch irgendwo … Wissensmanagement im Unternehmen. In: NOEO 2/2004