Georg Güntner (2023): Informationsdrehscheibe digitaler Zwilling In: Information Unlimited #41: Smarter Factories
Georg Güntner (2023): Information Hub Digital Twin In: Information Unlimited #41: Smarter Factories (English Edition)
M. Thelen, C. Luger-Bazinger, E. Hollauf, H. Atasayar, C. Zankl, V. Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Perceptions and Attitudes of Bicyclists towards Self-driving Cars A Mixed Methods Approach In: International Cycling Safety Conference
Guntram Geser (2023): Achievements of the ARIADNE Initiative for Archaeological Data Sharing and Research. In: Internet Archaeology 64, https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.64.2
Wolfgang Kremser, Severin Bernhart, Harald Rieser, Stefan Ablinger-Csenki, and Klaus Seelenbacher. (2023): Demo: Dimohub-a hardware platform for rapid prototyping of wireless body sensor networks. In: 9th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensors and Systems for Digital Health. IEEE.
M. Steinmaßl, M. Berrazouane and K. Rehrl (2023): On the Impact of Classification Quality of Multiple Object Tracking Systems on Analysing the Path Choice Behaviour of Multimodal Traffic. In: Proceedings of the18thInternational Conference on LocationBased Services, Ghent, 2023.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Michael Thelen, David Leistner, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Martin Loidl, Matthias Seeber (2023): Handbook: Digital nudging for sustainable mobility Salzburg: Salzburg Research. ISBN: 978-3-200-09441-3
Thorwartl, C., Tschepp, A., Holzer, H., & Stöggl, T. (2023): Assessing Torsional Deflection of Alpine Skis: A Proof of Concept Utilizing Printed Electronics in a Laboratory Setting. In: IEEE Xpore
Dominik Krah, Stefan Farthofer-Oster, Peter Dorfinger (2023): Estimating 5G Cell Utilization by Passive Measurement: A Machine Learning Approach In: 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
Schmoigl-Tonis Mathias, Schranz Christoph, Müller-Putz Gernot R. (2023): Methods for motion artifact reduction in online brain-computer interface experiments: a systematic review. In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Sec. Brain-Computer Interfaces, Volume 17-2023.
Brandauer, C., Linecker, S., Pröstl Andren, F., Gavriluta, C., Strasser, T. I., Veichtlbauer, A., Steinmaurer, G., Resch, J. & Schöndorfer, S. (2023): A Collaborative Engineering and Validation Framework for Smart Grid Automation Applications – The PowerTeams Approach. In: CIRED Conference Proceedings (27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023)
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Eva Hollauf, Hatun Atasayar, Cornelia Zankl, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Perceptions and attitudes of bicyclists towards self-driving cars: a mixed methods approach In: Frontiers in Future Transportation
Kranzinger C, Bernhart S, Kremser W, Venek V, Rieser H, Mayr S, Kranzinger S. (2023): Classification of Human Motion Data Based on Inertial Measurement Units in Sports: A Scoping Review. In: Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(15):8684. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158684
Christoph Schranz, Oliver Jung (2023): What do Stress-Estimation Models really represent? In: Conference: ECSS
Oliver Jung, Eva Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Tess den Uyl, Kasper van Zon (2023): Promoting Healthy Aging Using a Robot Support System and Emotion Recognition In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 301: dHealth 2023.
Thorwartl, C., Tschepp, A., Lasshofer, M., Holzer, H., Zirkl, M., Hammer, M., ... & Stöggl, T. (2023): Technique-Dependent Relationship between Local Ski Bending Curvature, Roll Angle and Radial Force in Alpine Skiing. In: Sensors, 23(8), 3997
Thorwartl, C., Tschepp, A., Lasshofer, M., Holzer, H., Stöggl, T. (2023): Analysis of Ski-Snow Interaction in Relation to Lean Angle, Radial Force and Curvature in Soft and Hard Slope Conditions. In: In Proceedings of 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing, Saalbach-Hinterglemm, Austria, 18–22 March 2023; pp. 12–13.
Michael Spitzhirn, Martin Benter, Christoph Heindl, Noël Scheder, Felix Strohmeier, Wernher Behrendt (2023): Hybrid Work Systems – Plattformbasierte Arbeitsplanung zur Gestaltung produktiver und ergonomischer Arbeitsprozesse In: Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (Hrsg.) Frühjahrskongress 2023, Hannover. Nachhaltig Arbeiten und Lernen - Analyse und Gestaltung lernförderlicher und nachhaltiger Arbeitssysteme und Arbeits- und Lernprozesse (1-6, Beitrag B.5.8)
Michael Thelen (2023): Data-Driven Innovations for Sustainability: In the case of the electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment bundling
Nils Haller, Stefan Kranzinger, Christina Kranzinger, Julia C. Blumkaitis, Tilmann Strepp, Perikles Simon, Aleksandar Tomaskovic, James O’Brien, Manfred Düring, Thomas Stöggl (2023): Predicting Injury and Illness with Machine Learning in Elite Youth Soccer: A Comprehensive Monitoring Approach over 3 Months. In: Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.
R.C. Sofia, C. Coutinho, G. Scivoletto, G. Insolvibile, R.A. Deshmukh, A. Schneider, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, F. Gigante, U. Wajid, A. Nizamis, D. Ioannidis, T. Mastos (2023): The EFPF approach to manufacturing applications across Edge-Cloud In: Sofia, R.C., & Soldatos, J. (Eds.). Shaping the Future of IoT with Edge Intelligence: How Edge Computing Enables the Next Generation of IoT Applications (1st ed.). River Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032632407
Häusler, E., Kremser, W., Hornung-Prähauser, V. and Huber, F. (2023): Data-intensive IoT New Product Development: a review and future directions In: Int. J. Product Development, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.265–292.
Martin Loidl, Dana Kaziyeva, Robin Wendel, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Matthias Seeber and Charalampos Stamatopoulos (2023): Unlocking the Potential of Digital, Situation-Aware Nudging for Promoting Sustainable Mobility In: Sustainability 2023, 15(14), 11149.
Nina Baumgartner, Christina Kranzinger, Stefan Kranzinger, Cory Snyder, Thomas Stöggl, Bernd Resch (2023): A Comparison of Methods for Automatic Outlier Detection in Ergospirometric Data and Their Effect on the Performance of Predictive Models In: 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport and 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport.
Michael Thelen, Guntram Pressmair, Markus Lassnig, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Electric Vehicles as Flexibility Assets: Unlocking Ecosystem Collaborations. Leveraging Value Creation Partnerships for Mutually-beneficial Exchanges. In: Maastricht University Press.
Hollauf, Eva-Maria; Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika; Thelen, Michael; Wieden-Bischof, Diana; Lassnig, Markus; Pressmair, Guntram; (2023): Systematic Innovation Ecosystem Modelling for Sustainable E-Mobility Services: Insights into an Open Multi-Stakeholder Design Approach. In: R&D Management Conference 2023
Michael Thelen, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Markus Lassnig, Guntram Pressmair (2023): Emergence of New Ecosystems for Innovative e-Mobility Services: Exploring Business Model Patterns for Vehicle-to-Grid Technology In: R&D Management Conference, Seville.
Elisabeth Häusler, Wolfgang Kremser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Franz Huber (2023): The Impact of Data Source Development on Iterations within IoT New Product Development Projects In: Proceedings of DRUID 2023
Nina Baumgartner, Christina Kranzinger, Stefan Kranzinger, Cory Snyder, Thomas Stöggl and Bernd Resch (2023): Detecting Outliers in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Data of Ski Racers – A Comparison of Methods and their Effect on the Performance of Fatigue Prediction. In: International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
Michael Thelen, Markus Lassnig, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Guntram Pressmair (2023): How to Innovate e-Vehicle Charing in Support of the Energy Transition In: XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana
Helmut Zörrer, Georg Weichhart, Mathias Schmoigl Tonis, Till Bieg, Matthias Propst, Dominik Schuster, Nadine Sturm, Chloé Nativel, Gabriele Salomon, Felix Strohmeier , Andreas Sackl, Michael Eberle and Andreas Pichler (2023): Enabling End-Users in Designing and Executing of Complex, Collaborative Robotic Processes In: Applied System Innovation 6, no. 3: 56.
Luger-Bazinger, Claudia; Geser, Guntram; Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Digital Behavioural Interventions for Sustainable Mobility: A Review of Behaviour Change Techniques in Mobile Apps In: Behavioural Economics Guide 2023
Georg Güntner (2023): Das geheime Leben einer Störmeldung. Moderne Industriekommunikation mit Semantic Integration Patterns. In: Andreas Dankl, Jutta Isopp (Hrsg.). Berichte aus Praxis und Forschung Instandhaltung. Asset Management. Digitalisierung. ISBN 978-3-7011-0514-4. Leykam Buchverlag.
Stefan Kranzinger, Sebastian Baron, Christina Kranzinger, Dominik Heib, Christian Borgelt (2023): Generalisability of sleep stage classification based on interbeat intervals: validating three machine learning approaches on self-recorded test data. In: Behaviormetrika (2023).
Luger-Bazinger, C.; Marquez, R. M.; Hornung-Prähauser, V. (2023): Digital interventions for sustainable mobility behaviour: Gender bias in innovation. In: Proceedings of the XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-7 June 2023
Christina Kranzinger, Aaron Martinez, Stefan Kranzinger, Thomas Stöggl (2023): Development of a simple algorithm to detect different types of freestyle jumps and jumps during skiing In: Abstract Book of the 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing.
Moritz Beeking, Markus Steinmaßl, Melanie Urban, Karl Rehrl (2023): Sparse Data Traffic Speed Prediction on a Road Network With Varying Speed Levels In: Transportation Research Record
Thorwartl, C., Kröll, J., Lasshofer, M., Holzer, H., Tschepp, A., & Stöggl, T. (2022): Relationship between local ski bending curvature, lean angle and radial force in alpine skiing. In: Proceedings of the 14. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, Chemnitz, Germany, 29-30 September 2022; p. 63-67.
Thorwartl, C., Kröll, J., Holzer, H., Tschepp, A., & Stöggl, T. (2022): SENSOR-BASED ANALYSIS OF SKI DEFLECTION IN THE FIELD. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials, Salzburg, Austria, 12 - 13 September 2022.
Wiesinger, H-P., Thorwartl, C., Müller, E., & Stöggl, T. (2022): ACUTE EFFECTS OF ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING ON ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE. A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMISED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED CROSS-OVER DESIGN. In: 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Seville, Spain, 30 August - 02 October 2022.
Thorwartl, C., Kröll, J., Tschepp, A., Holzer, H., Teufl, W., & Stöggl, T. (2022): Validation of a Sensor-Based Dynamic Ski Deflection Measurement in the Lab and Proof-of-Concept Field Investigation. In: Sensors, 22(15), 5768.
Thorwartl, C., Holzer, H., Kröll, J., Tschepp, A., Stöggl, T. (2022): Sensor-Based Curvature Detection of Alpine Skis. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Snow Sport Trauma and Safety—37th Congress of the International Society for Snowsports Medicine, Mônetier-les-Bains, France, 21 - 27 March 2022; p. 58.
Laura Eisenberger, Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Inga Jahn, Mahdi Sareban, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Josef Niebauer and Birgit Böhm (2022): Assessment of Exercise Intensity for Uphill Walking in Healthy Adults Performed Indoors and Outdoors In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Michael Spitzhirn, Martin Benter, Christoph Heindl, Noël Scheder, Gerhard Reisinger, Felix Strohmeier & Wernher Behrendt (2022): Hybrid work systems—platform-based work planning—designing productive and human-centered work processes In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft volume 76, pages 489–509 (2022)
Kranzinger Stefan, Kranzinger Christina, Snyder Cory, Stöggl Thomas (2022): Predicting the rate of fatigue during skiing on a ski treadmill based on ergospirometric data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Eva Hollauf, Elisabeth Häusler (2022): ”Digital MountAIn”: Initiating an open innovation ecosystem for data-driven alpine tourism and sports industry in Austria Experience with the ecosystem pie model method (EPM) In: 9th World Open Innovation Conference, 15-16 November 2022
Bernhart, S., Venek, V., Kranzinger, C., Kremser, W., & Martínez, A. (2022): Data-driven Cut-off Frequency Optimization for Biomechanical Sensor Data Pre-Processing. In: Data Science–Analytics and Applications (pp. 20-25). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
Sebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, Jan David Smeddinck (2022): Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings
Laura Eisenberger, Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Inga Jahn, Mahdi Sareban, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Josef Niebauer, Birgit Böhm (2022): Development and validation of a 1-km cardio-trekking test to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults. In: Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102039.
Strohmeier, Felix; Güntner, Georg; Glachs, Dietmar; Mayr, Reinhard (2022): Semantic Integration Patterns for Industry 4.0. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics - EI2N, Valletta, Malta, ISBN 978-989-758-612-5; ISSN 2184-9285, pages 197-205. DOI: 10.5220/0011550100003329.