- Manfred Bortenschlager, Gabriele Kotsis, Marco Mamei (2008): Towards a Coordination Framework for Pervasive Environments. In: UBICC SI on Coordination in Pervasive Environments. Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal UBICC: 3, 2008
- Andrea Marrella, Ruggero Russo, Andrea Capata, Manfred Bortenschlager, Harald Rieser (2008): A Geo-based Application for the Management of Mobile Agents during Crisis Situations. In: Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 2008
- Pascal Costa, John Pereira, Andreas Strasser, Margareta Strasser and Thomas Strasser. (2008): Narratives for Exploring Digital Content in Physical Spaces. In: In: Vladimir Marik, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw et.al. (ed.). Proceedings of the DHMS 2008 IEEE SMC International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems, March 9-12, 2008, Athens, Greece, pp. 329-334.
- Elisabeth Haid, Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll, Martin Soutschek (2008): Evaluation of a Web-based and Mobile Ski Touring Application for GPS-enabled Smartphones. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L., Murphy, J. (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Wien, New York: Springer Computer Science.
- Elisabeth Schallhart, Diana Wieden-Bischof (2008): Voraussetzungen und Ziele der Portfolioarbeit. In: bibernetz
- Sandra Schaffert, Guntram Geser (2008): Open Educational Resources and Practices. In: elearningpapers, (abstracts in 16 European languages available)
- Sandra Schaffert, Guntram Geser (2008): Open Educational Resources and Practices. In: Roberto Carneiro & Lluis Tarin (Ed.), eLearning Papers. Promoting innovation in lifelong learning. Special edition 2008. Barcelona, p. 14-19.
- Sandra Schaffert (2008): Christian Stegbauer, Michael Jäckel: StegbauerSocial Software. Formen der Kooperation in computerbasierten Netzwerken. (Rezension). In: elearning-reviews.
- Sandra Schaffert , Martin Schön (2008): Nicole Dietrich: Berufsförderung als Chance? Der Umgang junger Frauen mit Maßnahmen der Berufsförderung (Rezension). In: socialnet Rezensionen.
- Andreas Strasser, John Pereira (Ed.) (2008): Heritage Alive! Case Studies in Interactive Cultural Experiences. ISBN 3-902448-11-3
- Mark Markus, Markus Lassnig (2008): Some Critical Remarks on Dynamic Packaging from the Perspective of SMEs and Small Tourism Destinations. In: Sigala, M. / Mich, L. / Murphy, J. (eds.) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Wien / New York: Springer Computer Science
- Karl Dörner, Manfred Gronalt, Richard Hartl, Günter Kiechle, Marc Reimann (2007): Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple, Interdependent Time Windows. In: Computers & Operations Research (accepted for publication)
- Günter Kiechle, Karl Dörner, Michel Gendreau, Richard Hartl (2007): Patient Transportation – Dynamic Dial-a-Ride and Emergency Transportation Problems. In: Preprints of Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN) 2007
- Tobias Bürger, Michael Hausenblas (2007): Why Real-World Multimedia Assets Fail to Enter the Semantic Web. In: Proceedings of the Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop (SAAKM)
- Guntram Geser, Elisabeth Haid, Markus Lassnig, Manuela Plößnig, Diana Wieden-Bischof (2007): Tourismus-Trends & IKT-Szenarien. Trendradar und Zukunftsszenarien im e-Tourismus. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Tourismus- und Freizeitwirtschaft. Hamburg: ITD-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-9810378-0-7
- Peter Baumgartner, Sandra Schaffert (2007): Zum Thema: Technologie verändert die Bildungsforschung. In: bildungsforschung, Jahrgang 4, Ausgabe 2
- Sandra Schaffert (2007): Professionelle Literaturrecherche und -verwaltung im Web [Praxisbericht]. In: bildungsforschung, Jahrgang 4, Ausgabe 2
- Cesar Córcoles, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Marco Kalz, Julià Minguillón, Viola Naust-Schulz, Sandra Schaffert (2007): Open Educational Content – Introduction and Tutorials.
- Tobias Bürger, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Christian Eckes, Stavros J. Perantonis, John Pereira, Vassilis Tzouvaras (Eds.) (2007): Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content. Proceedings of the KAMC Workshop co-located with SAMT 2007
- Peter Dorfinger und Armin Veichtlbauer (2007): Validierung des einheitlichen Energie- und Daten-Modells ASKI Public Deliverable
- Tobias Bürger, Rupert Westenthaler, Christian Eckes, Felix Zielke, Janez Zetelij, Richard Wages (2007): LIVE: Semantic-based Multi-Stream Broadcasting of Media Events In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Semantics and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT), December 05-07, 2007, Genova, Italy
- Hans-Peter Fröschle, Siegfried Reich (Hg.) (2007): Enterprise Content Management – vom Dokument zur Information. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 258, Dezember 2007, ISSN 1436-3011
- François Bry, Tim Furche, Liviu Badea, Christoph Koch, Sebastian Schaffert, Sacha Berger (2007): Querying the Web Reconsidered: Design Principles for Versatile Web Query Languages In: Amit Seth, Miltiadis D. Lytras (eds.): Semantic Web-Based Information Systems---State-of-the-Art Applications. Idea Group Inc., December 2007
- Siegfried Reich, Wernher Behrendt (2007): Technologien und Trends für Wissensarbeit und Wissensmanagement In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 258, Dezember 2007, ISSN 1436-3011
- Wolfgang Maass, Wernher Behrendt and Aldo Gangemi (2007): Carrier Model for Semantically Annotated Information Goods In: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), 2(3), p. 18-35, 2007.
- Janez Zaletelj, Richard Wages, Tobias Bürger, Stefan M. Grünvogel (2007): Content Recommendation System in the Production of Multi-Channel TV Programs In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (Axmedis), November 28-30, 2007, Barcelona, Spain
- Karl Rehrl, Sven Leitinger, Georg Gartner (2007): The SemWay Project – Towards Semantic Navigation Systems In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Hong Kong, 2007
- Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll (2007): TourGuide – ein Informations- und Navigationssystem für Bergwanderer und Skitourengeher. In: Dreiländertagung: Der Alpenraum und seine Herausforderungen an Orientierung, Navigation und Informationsaustausch (AHORN 2007), Bad Reichenhall, November 2007
- Violeta Damjanovic, Milos Kravcik (2007): Using Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptation. In: Vijayan Sugumaran (Ed.). Intelligent Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, IGI Globus Publications, 2007, pp. 1716-1742.
- Violeta Damjanovic (2007): An Ambient Intelligent Prototype for Collaboration In: Ned Kock (Ed.). Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration, IGI Globus Publications, 2007
- Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll, Karl Rehrl (2007): TourGuide – A Navigation System for Ski Tourers on GPS-enabled Smartphones. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Hong Kong, 2007
- (2007): Using Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptation.
- Diana Wieden-Bischof, Sandra Schaffert (2007): Der Einsatz der E-Portfolio-Methode bei der persönlichen Studienorientierung und beim Erlernen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens In: Bernard Batinic, Alfons Koller, Hermann Sikora (Hg.). Digitale Medien und lebenslanges Lernen. Universitätsverlag Trauner, Linz, S. 43-51
- Wolf Hilzensauer (2007): The MOSEP E-Portfolio Course: A New Didactic Concept for Teachers and Vocational Trainers In: ERCIM-News, 71, October 2007, pp. 18-19
- Erich Gams, Georg Güntner (2007): InterEDU: Supplying Teachers and Students with Educational Resources In: ERCIM News, Issue 71, Special: Technology-Enhanced Learning, October 2007
- Richard Wages, Stefan Grünvogel, Georg Güntner, Janez Zaletelj (2007): Next Generation Live iTV Formats and Aesthetics: A Joint Scientific and Artistic Approach In: Proceedings of the eChallenges e-2007: Conference & Exhibition, seventeenth in a series of technology research conferences supported by the European Commission, 24-26 October 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2007
- Guntram Geser (2007): Principles and potential benefits of Open Educational Resources and Practices In: EcoMedia Europe. Network Report: ICT in European Schools, ePortfolios and Open Content. St. Michael, Austria 2007, pp. 62-64
- Guntram Geser, Sandra Schaffert (2007): Open Educational Resources: Features, Trends and Implications In: ERCIM-News, 71, October 2007, pp. 19-20
- Wolf Hilzensauer, Sandra Schaffert, Martin Prokoph, Markus Ulrich, Diana Wieden-Bischof (2007): The E-Portfolio Method with Open Source Tools. Fullpaper In: 2nd Thematic Conference "Lifelong Learning - Portfolio and Open Content", Katowice, Poland.
- Karl Rehrl, Nicolas Göll, Sven Leitinger, S. Bruntsch, H.-J. Mentz (2007): Smartphone-based Information and Navigation Aids for Public Transport. In: G. Gartner et. al. (Eds.), Location Based Services and TeleCartography, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer Verlag
- Violeta Damjanovic (2007): A Touch of Web Intelligence. Andrejevic Foundation, Belgrade, 2007, ISBN 86-7244-549-X
- Guntram Geser, David Arnold (2007): Research Agenda for the Application of ICT to Cultural Heritage. Preliminary edition. EPOCH Publication. Budapest: Archaeolingua 2007
- Diana Wieden-Bischof (2007): Klaus Himpsl: Wikis im Blended Learning. Ein Werkstattbericht In: sozialnet Rezensionen
- Wernher Behrendt, Andreas Gruber (2007): Semantische Technologien unterstützen den Wissenstransfer. Lösungen für das Web 3.0. In: personalmanger. Zeitschrift für Human Resources. September/Oktober 2007,
- Stefan M. Grünvogel, Richard Wages, Tobias Bürger, Janez Zaletelj (2007): A Novel System for Interactive Live TV In: Entertainment Computing - Proceedings of the ICEC 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 4740
- Tobias Bürger (2007): Realizing Multimedia Processes by Combining Intelligent Content and Semantic Web Services In: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, September 24-29, 2007, Augsburg, Germany
- Sandra Schaffert, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2007): Thematic Session: Open Educational Resources and Practices. A Short Introduction and Overview. Full paper In: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference (ICL) in Villach, Austria, 26.-28.9.2007
- Guntram Geser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Sandra Schaffert (2007): Observing Open E-Learning Content: A Roadmap for Educational Policy and Institutions and Hands-On Tips for Practitioners In: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference (ICL) in Villach, Austria, 26.-28.9.2007
- P. Dorfinger, und A. Veichtlbauer. (2007): Test des einheitlichen Energie- und Daten-Modells ASKI Public Deliverable
- Sacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Christoph Wieser (2007): Visual Languages: A Matter of Style In: Philip Cox, Andrew Fish, John Howse (Eds). Proceedings of the VLL 2007 workshop on Visual Languages and Logic in Coeur d