Markus Steinmaßl, Karl Rehrl (2025): Evaluating traffic trajectories from stationary multiple object tracking systems In: Journal of Location Based Services
Hannah Wies, Markus Steinmaßl, Andreas Wagner, Edwin Frühwirth, Florian Bissinger, Alexander Paier, Karl Rehrl, Robert Kölbl, Fabio F. Oberweger und Cornelia Zankl (2025): Cooperative collision risk detection for C-ITS-equipped bicycles and connected automated vehicles. In: Journal of Location Based Services
Guntram Pressmair, Jakob Papouschek, Michael Thelen, Roberto Rocchetta, Jalomi Maayan Tardif, Aviva Shemesh (2025): New Business Opportunities Leveraging the Flexibility Potential of Electric Shared Vehicle Fleets. GAMES Industry White Paper
Moritz Beeking, Hannah Wies, Markus Steinmaßl, Karl Rehrl (2024): How smooth is your ride? Comparison of sensorsand methods for surface quality assessmentusing IMUs. In: Traffic Safety Research
Cornelia Zankl (2024): Integration eines automatisieren Shuttles in den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr im ländlichen Raum. In: e+i elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, Ausgabe 6.2024
Hula, Andreas; Dirnwöber, Martin; Ladstätter, Stefan; Schaub, Andrea; Luley, Patrick; Tötzl, Daniel; Wittmann, Stephan; Schallauer, Dominik; Erdelean, Isabela; Rehrl, Karl; Frötscher, Alexander; Monschiebl, Bernhard; Prändl-Zika, Veronika (2024): Physical and Digital Infrastructure (PDI) Support for Automated Vehicles – Case Studies in Austria In: Cornet, H., Gkemou, M. (eds) Shared Mobility Revolution. Lecture Notes in Mobility.
Michael Thelen, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Sebastian Will (2024): Exploring Outcome-driven Innovation for the Responsible Design of Electric Two-wheelers In: Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Special Issue on Innovation Paradigms for Earth Systems Governance.
Hannah Wies, Moritz Beeking, Karl Rehrl (2024): Interactive visualizations for assessing car-to-bicycle overtaking manoeuvres In: Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 186
Stemmler, Thomas; Schoch, Stefanie; Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika; Hollauf, Eva; Luger-Bazinger, Claudia; Schaffner, Dorothea; Haiderer, Nicole; Gantenbein, Somara; Van Eggermond, Michael (2024): Sichere und effiziente S-Pedelec-Infrastruktur S-ESPIN Ein Projekt finanziert im Rahmen der D-A-CH Kooperation, Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung 2022, D-A-CH 2022, Endbericht September 2024.
Christian Odenwald, Moritz Beeking (2024): SaBi3d – A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers. In: Data 2024, 9(8), 90.
Sven Leitinger, Hannah Wies, Martin Loidl, Christian Werner, Jochen Eckart, Michael Fath, Carsten Hagedorn, Rebecca Hunziker, Lena Ruegge, Michael Szeiler, Mark Richter, Marlene Mellauner, Maria Fleischer (2024): RADBEST: Radverkehrsführung bei beengten Straßenverhältnissen. Ein Projekt finanziert im Rahmen der D-A-CH Kooperation, Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung 2022, D-A-CH 2022, Endbericht Juni 2024.
Michael Thelen, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, David Leistner (2024): Exploring Digital Behaviour Interventions to encourage Sustainable Consumer Delivery Choices In: 36th NOFOMA Conference “Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a Risky and Uncertain World”, 13-14 June 2024.
Florian Schöpflin, Caroline Atzl, Stefan Farthofer-Oster, Peter Dorfinger, José Carmona, David Hildenbrandt, Andreas Kuhn, Manfred Mittlböck (2024): Mehrwert und Herausforderungen der 5G-Technologie im Anwendungsbereich der Geoinformatik. Ergebnisse aus den zwei Forschungsprojekten 5G-Mobis und 5G-EXPS In: gis.Science Fachzeitschrift für Geoinformatik
Armin Niedermüller, Moritz Beeking (2024): Transformer based 3D semantic segmentation of urban bicycle infrastructure In: Journal of Location Based Services
M. Thelen, V. Hornung-Prähauser, C. Luger-Bazinger, S. Will (2023): Exploring Outcome-driven Innovation for the Responsible Design of Electric Two-wheelers In: ISPIM Connects Innovation Conference Proceedings
M. Beeking, H. Wies, M. Steinmaßl, K. Rehrl (2023): How Smooth is Your Ride? A Comparison of Sensors and Methods for Surface Quality Assessment In: International Cycling Safety Conference
M. Thelen, C. Luger-Bazinger, E. Hollauf, H. Atasayar, C. Zankl, V. Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Perceptions and Attitudes of Bicyclists towards Self-driving Cars A Mixed Methods Approach In: International Cycling Safety Conference
M. Steinmaßl, M. Berrazouane and K. Rehrl (2023): On the Impact of Classification Quality of Multiple Object Tracking Systems on Analysing the Path Choice Behaviour of Multimodal Traffic. In: Proceedings of the18thInternational Conference on LocationBased Services, Ghent, 2023.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Michael Thelen, David Leistner, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Martin Loidl, Matthias Seeber (2023): Handbook: Digital nudging for sustainable mobility Salzburg: Salzburg Research. ISBN: 978-3-200-09441-3
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Eva Hollauf, Hatun Atasayar, Cornelia Zankl, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Perceptions and attitudes of bicyclists towards self-driving cars: a mixed methods approach In: Frontiers in Future Transportation
Michael Thelen (2023): Data-Driven Innovations for Sustainability: In the case of the electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment bundling
Martin Loidl, Dana Kaziyeva, Robin Wendel, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Matthias Seeber and Charalampos Stamatopoulos (2023): Unlocking the Potential of Digital, Situation-Aware Nudging for Promoting Sustainable Mobility In: Sustainability 2023, 15(14), 11149.
Michael Thelen, Guntram Pressmair, Markus Lassnig, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Electric Vehicles as Flexibility Assets: Unlocking Ecosystem Collaborations. Leveraging Value Creation Partnerships for Mutually-beneficial Exchanges. In: Maastricht University Press.
Hollauf, Eva-Maria; Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika; Thelen, Michael; Wieden-Bischof, Diana; Lassnig, Markus; Pressmair, Guntram; (2023): Systematic Innovation Ecosystem Modelling for Sustainable E-Mobility Services: Insights into an Open Multi-Stakeholder Design Approach. In: R&D Management Conference 2023
Michael Thelen, Markus Lassnig, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Guntram Pressmair (2023): How to Innovate e-Vehicle Charing in Support of the Energy Transition In: XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana
Luger-Bazinger, Claudia; Geser, Guntram; Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2023): Digital Behavioural Interventions for Sustainable Mobility: A Review of Behaviour Change Techniques in Mobile Apps In: Behavioural Economics Guide 2023
Luger-Bazinger, C.; Marquez, R. M.; Hornung-Prähauser, V. (2023): Digital interventions for sustainable mobility behaviour: Gender bias in innovation. In: Proceedings of the XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-7 June 2023
Moritz Beeking, Markus Steinmaßl, Melanie Urban, Karl Rehrl (2023): Sparse Data Traffic Speed Prediction on a Road Network With Varying Speed Levels In: Transportation Research Record
Wies, H. and Beeking, M. (2022): Self-Localization Accuracy of Instrumented Probe Bicycles. In: Krisp, J., Meng, L., Kumke, H. and Huang, H. (eds.): Proceedings 17th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS2022), Munich / Augsburg, Germany, September 12-14.
Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Laura Eisenberger, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Bernhard Reich, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Birgit Böhm, Josef Niebauer (2022): Valorization of Natural Cardio Trekking Trails Through Open Innovation for the Promotion of Sustainable Cross-generational Health-Oriented Tourism in the Connect2Move Project: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study. In: JMIR Research Protocols Vol 11, No 7 (2022).
Birgit Böhm, Laura Eisenberger, Katja Hofbauer, Eva Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Christina Kranzinger, Barbara Mayr, Katja Vordermayer, Diana Wieden-Bischof (2022): Wandern fürs Herz: Implementierung eines innovativen, wissenschaftlich geprüften Angebots im Gesundheitstourismus. Handbuch zum INTERREG-Projekt Connect2Move. Norderstedt: Book on Demand © Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH – Juni 2022. ISBN 9 783756 232413.
Markus Lassnig, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Marie Kolm (2022): Nachhaltige Besucherstromlenkung im Alpenraum. Mehrwert datenbasierter Analysen und Interventionen mittels Nudging. Innovation & Value Creation Arbeitsberichte, Band 11.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Rodessa May Marquez, Carlotta Harms, Martin Loidl, Dana Kaziyeva, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2022): Ethics of digital, data-based nudges: The need for responsible innovation. In: XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 June 5-8 2022: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-694-8.
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Eva Hollauf, Claudia Luger-Bazinger (2022): Challenges in assessing road users’ attitudes toward driverless mobility to engage them in co-designing novel data-driven alerts for cyclists. In: Science Technology in Society conference, Graz, STS conference Graz, Austria
Karl Rehrl, Simon Gröchnig, Thomas Piribauer, Roland Spielhofer, Patrick Weissensteiner (2022): Towards a standardized workflow for creating high-definition maps for highly automated shuttles In: Journal of Location Based Services
Guntram Geser, Julian D. Richards, Flavia Massara, Holly Wright (2022): Data Management Policies and Practices of Digital Archaeological Repositories.
Claudia Luger-Bazinger & Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (2021): Innovation for Sustainable Cities: The Effects of Nudging and Gamification Methods on Urban Mobility and Sustainability Behaviour In: GI_Forum 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2.
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Diana Wieden-Bischof (Ed.) (2021): Methods, pilot platforms and recommendations for active mobility and sustainable lifestyle SimpliCITY – Marketplace for user-centered sustainability services. Innovation Research Working Papers Band 10.
Stefan Kranzinger and Markus Steinmaßl (2021): Which Aggregation Fits Best? In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Simon Gröchenig, Karl Rehrl (2021): Towards C-ITS-based communication between bicycles and automated vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2021)
Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Cornelia Zankl, Karin Klieber, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Karl Rehrl (2021): Factors Influencing and Contributing to Perceived Safety of Passengers during Driverless Shuttle Rides. In: Future Transportation. 2021; 1(3):657-671.
Karl Rehrl, Simon Gröchenig (2021): Evaluating Localization Accuracy of Automated Driving Systems. In: Sensors. 2021; 21(17):5855.
Markus Steinmaßl, Stefan Kranzinger, Karl Rehrl (2021): Analyzing Travel Time Reliability from Sparse Probe Vehicle Data. A Case Study on the Effects of Spatial and Temporal Aggregation. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Patrick Weissensteiner, Georg Stettinger, Karin Trieber, Karl Rehrl (2021): Virtual Risk Assessment for the Deployment of Autonomous Shuttles. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Sebastian Will, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Marcus Schmitt und Cornelia Zankl (2021): Towards the Future of Sustainable Mobility: Results from a European Survey on (Electric) Powered-Two Wheelers. In: Sustainability 2021, 13, 7151.
Stefan Kranzinger und Sven Leitinger (2021): Eine Bestimmung der Oberflächenqualität von Fahrradinfrastruktur durch Smartphone-Beschleunigungsdaten mithilfe des k-means++-Algorithmus In: AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 7-2021, S. 104-116.
Karl Rehrl, Thomas Piribauer, Klemens Schwieger, Norbert Sedlacek, Patrick Weissensteiner (2020): Towards a uniform process model for deploying and operating autonomous shuttles on public roads In: Virtual ITS European Congress
Karl Rehrl, Stefan Kranzinger, Markus Steinmaßl, Michael Wimmer (2020): Live Dabei – Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten erfassung als Grundlage für ein effektives Verkehrsmanagement In: Zagel, Bernhard; Loidl, Martin (Hrsg.) Geo-IT in Mobilität und Verkehr Geoinformatik als Grundlage für moderne Verkehrsplanung und Mobilitätsmanagement. VDE Verlag.
Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt et.al. (2020): Trustworthy IoT Lifecycle Data Management for the Automotive Industry and Manufacturing IOT4CPS White Paper.
Leitinger, S., Wagner, A., & Kremser, W. (2020): Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung eines Datenmanagementplans für räumliche Daten des Radverkehrs. In: AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 6-2020, 255–262.