Together with AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology – Salzburg Research is supporting Tourism Salzburg GmbH and Altstadt Salzburg in this multi-annual project as competence partner for the evaluation, planning and realisation of a system for smart visitor management.
We are measuring and analysing streams of visitors in the city of Salzburg with a technology-enhanced automated system in a data science approach. We are generating evidence with respective data and creating nudging concepts for interventions for a smart system in visitor management. In this way, we intend to avoid phenomena of so-called overtourism. In this way, we are supporting the management of tourism in the city of Salzburg in a way that the creation of tourism value is still enforced, but the city as a place for living and business is not affected negatively.
Details of challenges, solution and benefits:
Success Story: Visitor management in tourism in Salzburg
Data-based visitor flow analyses are the basis for smart steering measures in tourism. Salzburg Research is creating a system for the automatic monitoring of movement flows in Salzburg’s Old Town and is developing, simulating and evaluating incentive systems for targeted visitor guidance measures.

Feedback from the client
“Data-based visit management including sustainable steering measures is a challenging task for smart destination management. The Corona pandemic has only partially shifted the nature of the challenges. The complexity of guest flow analyses and control measures is high and our cooperation with Salzburg Research is correspondingly profitable here – for the benefit of tourism businesses, for an increased quality of experience for tourist:inside and an overall sustainable acceptance of the tourism industry by locals.”
Bert Brugger, Tourismus Salzburg GmbH
Our offer:
Visitor guidance in tourism
- Where do your guests come from, and how do they move around the region?
- How long do your guests stay where, and where do they go afterwards?
- Where are the neuralgic points of interest, how are they combined by the visitors, and where do concrete control measures need to be taken?
- What effect would a concrete steering measure have?
- Which nudging concepts are suitable for which problems in visitor guidance?
Salzburg Research offers detailed answers to these questions by means of innovative solution approaches, which we make possible through expertise in the field of visitor flow measurement, visitor flow analysis and visitor guidance. Benefit from complete process support and our rich pool of methods.
To our offer: Visitor management in tourism