TeleCareHub – Platform for technology-supported care and support for people with dementia living at home
In the TeleCareHub, a platform is to be created through which various stakeholders, but above all family caregivers of dementia patients, can gain better access to support.

Telecare is a complementary service to personal care and support on site. TeleCare is primarily aimed at older people who want to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible, as well as their relatives and professional carers.
TeleCareHub is a network for digital support in care that brings the players together but also offers services and solutions for independent use.
The technology on which TeleCareHub is based is a platform that can be accessed via the internet. People with care needs, their relatives and professional caregivers can access this platform and put together individual offers from (seven) TeleCareHub services.
In the project, Salzburg Research determines the technical requirements, describes the technical integration and is involved in the implementation.