ECOSINT – Energy Community System Integration
Consumption of energy within the framework of local energy communities (LECs for short). However, a positive effect on the operation of the energy networks is the top priority.

Of course, energy communities do not only bring new opportunities, the integration of LECs in the energy system also poses challenges. In the Energy Community System Integration (ECOSINT) project, LECs are viewed holistically from different perspectives so that opportunities and risks can be identified and appropriate solutions developed. The aim is to create opportunities for LECs to contribute to the stability and performance of the energy grid, e.g. by reducing peak loads and providing flexibility.
The goals, possibilities and requirements of the integration of Local Energy Communities will be determined in an overall systemic analysis. Based on this analysis, an extensible, modular and scalable IT system architecture will be designed, which forms the basis for integration and operation of LECs in the overall energy system, and considers IT security and privacy “by design”. This will create a uniform basis for the system-friendly and secure integration of LECs.
In the project, Salzburg Research will contribute to the digital implementation of LECs and contribute to the smooth communication within LECs. A data communication architecture will be designed and defined that enables flexible (in terms of potentially loose relationships within a LEC), reliable (in terms of protection against misconfiguration), bidirectional connectivity between the participants of a LEC or external players. Special attention is paid to the communication connection of the technical units at the end users or prosumers.