Digibus® Austria
Exploring and testing methods, technologies and models for the reliable and safe operation of automated vehicles as carriers in a regional, intermodal mobility system.

The Austrian flagship project “Digibus® Austria” pursues the goal to research and test methods, technologies and models for proofing a reliable and traffic-safe operation of automated shuttles on open roads in mixed traffic in a regional driving environment on automated driving level 3 (“Conditional Automation”) and creating foundations for automation level 4 (“High Automation”).
Expected results address the following fields:
- Driving environment and digital infrastructure
- Driving scenarios and interaction with other traffic participants
- Automated mobility system and passenger interaction during driverless operation
The results form the basis for an Austrian reference model for the real testing and operation of highly or fully automated vehicles in local public transport.
“Digibus® Austria” starts in April 2018 and has a project duration of 3 years.
The project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology within the framework of the “Future Mobility” funding scheme.