DIEGO – Digital Energy Path for Planning and Operation of Sustainable Grid, Products and Society
Energy management and balancing of industrial processes, residential prosumers and e-mobility charging through real-time data exchange and control.

The DIEGO project seeks to improve the integration of industrial processes into sustainable energy supply systems contributing to achieve the EU roadmap of climate neutrality by 2050. The overall aim of the project is the development of digital solutions for the coupling the energetic consumption and production flexibilities of large industrial facilities, complex multi-energy systems (gas, heat, and electricity), e-mobility and residential and commercial buildings. The DIEGO project deals with both planning and operational aspects to optimise the integration of own electric power generation and demand side management for net zero energy industrial sites.
Within the overall project, the Austrian consortium focuses on the design and development of ICT technologies for energy management or in broader sense energy system balancing applicable for the microgrid operation in the aforementioned context. The particular goal of the Austrian partners is to develop a real-time capable energy management system gaining efficiency improvements in micro grid environments through a narrow timely coupling of energy demands in different sectors. The envisioned monitoring and control systems addresses the coupling of flexibilities, production and consumption of energy of industrial production processes, residential households and e-mobility charging infrastructures combined within a single microgrid or grid segment.
The particular developed building blocks are:
- An Energy Management System integrating electricity requirements of industrial processes, residential prosumers, and e-mobility charging.
- The integration and adaption of control strategies and forecasting methods required for real-time energy management,
- The development of an ICT architecture supporting (near-)deterministic data exchange for real-time energy balancing.