CreativeCH – Creative Cooperations in Cultural Heritage
Cooperation of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries promotes innovative communication and economic potential of cultural heritage.

The goal of CreativeCH is enabling European cities and regions to enhance the social and economic value of their cultural heritage through creative cooperations of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries.
Regional showcases in the Banat (Romania), Catalonia, Salzburg and Tuscany will demonstrate how such cooperations can promote the access to, and better understanding of, cultural heritage. The showcases also have a particular focus on involving and training students.
On the European level the project will facilitate sharing of knowledge and experiences in innovative cooperations through an open peer-learning network, a series of workshops at major European events, and a virtual forum of students and practitioners. These activities will include collecting examples of innovative cooperations, identifying success factors, and providing recommendations on good practice.