Joint research activity (Veneto-Salzburg) in order to define, develop and test new “design concepts” of products and services for ageing people.

Its main scope is to provide in the near future suitable tools to improve and preserve health and wellness of elderly people and to safeguard them from physical and psychological problems. Such new future tools smartly integrate existing technologies at affordable prices, are deeply interconnected and easily wearable. They facilitate home assistance and the monitoring of physical activities inside and outside home perimeter in a friendly way, integrated with the clothing, becoming tools that looks like ornamental objects. They collect and manage a lot of physical and behavioural data and at the same time monitor a lot of conditions of the environment where elderly person is staying or passing. The project foresees the joint definition of the objectives of 4 research lines, the analysis of the differences and compatibility of the research results when exploited in Italy and in Austria, the ‘implementation of the research and the production of 4 ” design concept”, a demonstrative check on a panel of end-users, the final characterization and the evaluation of forms and methods for the continuation of the search. The project will be an opportunity to start a new phase of cross-border joint research activity in an area of high local demand and future high development chances.