All projects (chronologically)


Hallein-Tour-Guide – Virtual Tour Knappensteig

Together with the tourism association Hallein und other regional partners Salzburg Research develops a mobile, interactive experiences trail from the city of Hallein up to the Dürrnberg.

Netd@ys Austria 1998-2010

A success story in promoting creative ICT projects of students.

sAssist – mobile assistive systems for the elderly

Study to evaluate the potential and acceptance of mobile assistive systems for the elderly.

i-busuu – Language learning on a online social community platform

Innovative solutions for language learning in an online social community.

EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training.

MOMENT – Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies

A common and open, pan-European platform by confederating participants from various FP5, FP6 and other measurement-related projects.

SemWay – Semantics for Navigation Systems

SemWay aims at developing a methodology and models for building semantically enriched navigation systems.

PRISM – PRIvacy-aware Secure Monitoring

Passive monitoring of communication networks is relevant for running these networks and the detection of cyber attacks.

EduMoodle – Evaluation of the learning platform EduMoodle

A study on the use of EduMoodle commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.

ComStudy – Successful virtual community building and technological support

The success of new and participative applications of the Web 2.

Smart Move – tripwolf iPhone travel guide

The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide“ offers travelers quick (online and offline) access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities.

OECD study on ICT in Teacher Training

Austrian part of the OECD study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.

SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students

The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository).

CaR Connect and Rescue

A software prototype for the connection of the IT of the field forces to existing in-house IT-Security systems.

SNML-SMA – Digital Media Archives

Digital media archives – together instead of alone? The digital archives of today’s medium-sized and major companies are more than just a collection of documents and rows of numbers.

LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.

ways2know – An innovative tool for knowledge management of ways2go

Assessment of feasibility of a knowledge management tool.

LIVE – Staging of Media Events

LIVE attempts to radically improve on the linear approach to TV broadcasting of live sporting events by delivering digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience.

FLOW – Dynamical Fleet Scheduling

Design and evaluate a service architecture to utilize real-time traffic information for dynamical fleet scheduling.

ImportNet – Setting up collaboration in virtual enterprises for mechatronics design

ImportNET will  provide a framework which builds a base to support cross-domain engineering (mechanics, electronics, embedded software) tasks within an intercultural collaboration in an efficient way.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria