All projects (chronologically)


IPEN – IP Infrastructure for Energy Networks

Study of interdependencies between the communication and the electrical network, in particular, how impairments of the communication quality (e.

IoT4Industry – Secure, Privacy-preserving Agents for the Industrial Internet

In order to benefit from the emerging Industrial Internet, manufacturing companies will have to adapt their current automation infrastructure.


The CarSense project surveys, tests and assesses different existing and probably upcoming vehicle sensor technologies as potential data sources for road operators.

AAL Methods

Study: The integration of end users as a critical success factor for the development of AAL products and services.

Innovation Signals – Development of a Social Web Innovation Signals Amplifier

Utilisation of social web and user generated content for innovation purposes for companies in the sports and leisure industry.

OFSE_Grid – Open Flow Secure Grid

The potential of Open Flow for becoming a next generation Smart Grid communication infrastructure will be explored.


Exploratory research project for industrial R&D in the field of Business Intelligence (BI) for small to medium enterprises.


LabSchedulerPlus is a research and development project in cooperation with the Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, aimed at developing a planing tool for a company from the chemical industries.


According to international studies 5 – 25 % of all patients with limited mobility (slow-goes and no-goes) are affected by bedsore (lat.

PIK – Patient transport management in a crisis

PIK supports emergency response organizations in crisis situations providing automated disposition support of operating resources and to automatize communication with hospitals.

VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education

Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues.

SNML-TNG: Salzburg NewMediaLab – The Next Generation

Research on the socio-economic and the technological level in the fields of Social Computing, Social Media & Enterprise 2.

ServicePLAN+ – dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry

In the project ServicePLAN+ a pilot system will be developed and evaluated to calculate inter-modal tours that support dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry.

SUEHC – Securing Urban Extramural Health Care

Optimising and securing the delivery of mobile care services in urban as well as in rural areas in case of catastrophes (for example, in case of flooding).

SafeMotion – integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia

The project “SafeMotion” will develop and evaluate a new, integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia with “medium severity”.


RACE is a basic research project which studies the automated selection and parameterization of heuristic optimization methods.

myTV – my Semantically Enhanced Personalized TV Experience

myTV’s aim is to support Austrian IPTV providers to reach the next level in the Internet TV evolution by providing methods and tools that lower the hurdles for content and infrastructure providers.

STEP – online measurements for dispatching of waste disposal vehicles

In STEP, a prototype of a planning system will be developed and that uses online measurements from waste containers for the dispatching of waste disposal vehicles.

iMedication – a Rule-based Expert Network for Intelligent Medication

Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector.

ROFCO – Robust Facility Communication

ICT Infrastructures for in-house communications.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria