All projects (chronologically)


ImportNet – Setting up collaboration in virtual enterprises for mechatronics design

ImportNET will  provide a framework which builds a base to support cross-domain engineering (mechanics, electronics, embedded software) tasks within an intercultural collaboration in an efficient way.

LIVE – Staging of Media Events

LIVE attempts to radically improve on the linear approach to TV broadcasting of live sporting events by delivering digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience.

E-Portfolio for your Future

E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students.

WORKPAD – Collaboration Software for Emergency Teams

An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency Scenarios.

EPOCH – Excellence in Processing Open Heritage

A network of excellence in innovative ICT applications for cultural heritage institutions.

Innovcom – Promoting innovations in small trade businesses

A learning toolkit for innovating traditional trade businesses.

NetQOS Policy based Management of Heterogeneous Networks for Guaranteed QoS

The main focus is on an (widely) autonomous management approach with the objective of providing enhanced quality of service (QoS) and resource utilization in varying operational environments.

MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio

E-portfolios as a method to prevent early school leaving and foster successful learning of students.

QVIZ – Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamic

QVIZ is an European research project started in order to enhance user access to European National Archive material by providing spatial-temporal query visualization environment based admininistrative units and other facets; and a collaborative community tools for social knowledge building in order to further enhance access to materials in a more diverse semantic network.

Heritage Alive! – Using new media for communicating the value of cultural heritage sites

Promoting cultural heritage sites as resources for regional development and cultural learning of local people and visitors.

OLCOS – eLearning Content Observatory Services

A roadmap, tutorials and collaborations for open educational resources and practices.

nowledge management for the House of World Cultures

Implementation of an archive system that allows for easy reuse of digital assets for new cultural events, products and services.

MOME – Monitoring and Measurement Cluster

Platform for knowledge and tool exchange and for co-ordination of activities in the field of IP monitoring and measurement.

METOKIS – Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units

Architecture and tools for producing, exchanging, and trading knowledge units.

PRO-ICT – Promoting ICT to Female Students

Webbased e-learning platform to support women when entering into the information and communication technology sector.

DigiCULT Forum – The Technology-Watchdog for European Cultural Heritage

Monitoring of digital Technologies with Relevance to the Cultural Heritage Sector.

VICODI – Visual Contextualisation of Digital Content

Dynamic publication, visualisation and contextualisation of historic documents.

INTERMON – High Quality QoS-Monitoring

Quality parameters of different ISP domains are visualised and via simulation optimised.

BISER – Benchmarking the Information Society: e-Europe Indicators for European Regions

Development of indicators for benchmarking the development of the information society in European regions.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria