All projects (chronologically)


LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.

E-Portfolio for your Future

E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students.

EPOCH – Excellence in Processing Open Heritage

A network of excellence in innovative ICT applications for cultural heritage institutions.

Innovcom – Promoting innovations in small trade businesses

A learning toolkit for innovating traditional trade businesses.

MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio

E-portfolios as a method to prevent early school leaving and foster successful learning of students.

ANET-BAWI – eAccessibility in Sports Regions

Innovative (ICT)-measures and sport products for disabled people.

Heritage Alive! – Using new media for communicating the value of cultural heritage sites

Promoting cultural heritage sites as resources for regional development and cultural learning of local people and visitors.

OLCOS – eLearning Content Observatory Services

A roadmap, tutorials and collaborations for open educational resources and practices.

nowledge management for the House of World Cultures

Implementation of an archive system that allows for easy reuse of digital assets for new cultural events, products and services.

ANET-Prosumer in the tourism industry

New ICT applications allow tourists to customize their travel services package.

Austrian Digital Heritage Initiative

Implementation of an information platform for digitisation projects in Austria.

PRO-ICT – Promoting ICT to Female Students

Webbased e-learning platform to support women when entering into the information and communication technology sector.

digiTech innovativ – Consulting and Learning Platform

Research-driven Innovation Management for SMEs.

DigiCULT Forum – The Technology-Watchdog for European Cultural Heritage

Monitoring of digital Technologies with Relevance to the Cultural Heritage Sector.

BISER – Benchmarking the Information Society: e-Europe Indicators for European Regions

Development of indicators for benchmarking the development of the information society in European regions.

EP2010 – The Future of Research into Publishing, Content and Knowledge Technologies

A strategic study for the European Commission, DG Information Society, on how to promote research on content and knowledge technologies.

Digital Cultural Heritage Networks

A survey for the Council of Europe on digital cultural heritage networks and projects in Europe and beyond.

Check your Chances – Corporate Financing in the eContent Industries

A survey and information material on the financing of businesses of the e-content industries.

DigiCULT – Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow’s Cultural Economy

A strategic study on the digital cultural economy for the European Commission, DG Information Society.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria