All projects (chronologically)


The objective of this project is to study the application of software-defined networking (SDN) approaches to real-time Ethernet (RTE) networks.

BIB4SGRID – Business Models including Batteries for Smart Grids

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are naturally very volatile as they depend on the time of day or weather.

ODAAL – Open Data AAL

Open and Big Data for AAL – A Study of the Potential for the Use of Open Data for AAL Topics.

IPEN – IP Infrastructure for Energy Networks

Study of interdependencies between the communication and the electrical network, in particular, how impairments of the communication quality (e.

CONFIDENCE – Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service for People with Dementia

The CONFIDENCE project aims at providing mobility and safeguarding assistance services to people suffer from mild to moderate forms of dementia.

AAL Methods

Study: The integration of end users as a critical success factor for the development of AAL products and services.

IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

System of technologies and guidelines for optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders in case of disasters.

EMPOWER – Empowerment for Diabetes Patients

EMPOWER supports the self-management of diabetes patients through a modular and standards-based Patient Empowerment Framework.

OFSE_Grid – Open Flow Secure Grid

The potential of Open Flow for becoming a next generation Smart Grid communication infrastructure will be explored.


According to international studies 5 – 25 % of all patients with limited mobility (slow-goes and no-goes) are affected by bedsore (lat.

e-Energy Study

Analysis of the innovation potential of energy change for the Salzburg economy from the perspective of information and communication technologies.

SUEHC – Securing Urban Extramural Health Care

Optimising and securing the delivery of mobile care services in urban as well as in rural areas in case of catastrophes (for example, in case of flooding).

SafeMotion – integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia

The project “SafeMotion” will develop and evaluate a new, integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia with “medium severity”.

Interfaces for energy management in Smart Grids

Study to identify relevant protocols and interfaces for energy management in Smart Grid infrastructures.

iCARDEA – An Intelligent Platform for Personalized Remote Monitoring of the Cardiac Patients with Electronic Implant Devices

The iCARDEA Project develops an intelligent platform to automate and personalise the fol-low-up of the cardiac patients with implantable devices.

iMedication – a Rule-based Expert Network for Intelligent Medication

Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector.

ROFCO – Robust Facility Communication

ICT Infrastructures for in-house communications.

sTC-net – Subsidiary Traffic Control Network

Traffic Control using Example-based Modelling.

sAssist – mobile assistive systems for the elderly

Study to evaluate the potential and acceptance of mobile assistive systems for the elderly.

MOMENT – Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies

A common and open, pan-European platform by confederating participants from various FP5, FP6 and other measurement-related projects.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria