All projects (chronologically)

MyCorridor – Mobility as a service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor

Sustainable traveling in Europe both in rural and urban areas and across borders.


OptiFCD calculates, visualizes and interprets necessary FCD penetration rates for the Austrian freeway network.


The CarSense project surveys, tests and assesses different existing and probably upcoming vehicle sensor technologies as potential data sources for road operators.

IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

System of technologies and guidelines for optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders in case of disasters.

Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

The EU-INTERREG-project „Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg“ aims to boost the innovative strength of the tourism industry at the level of individual enterprises as well as destinations as a whole.

CERTESS -European Cultural Routes – Transfer Experiences, Share Solutions

CERTESS aims at setting up a common methodological framework on how to develop, manage and enhance European Cultural Routes (ECRs), by utilising reference development and governance instruments targeted to foster sustainable cultural tourism.

CreativeCH – Creative Cooperations in Cultural Heritage

Cooperation of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries promotes innovative communication and economic potential of cultural heritage.

STEP – online measurements for dispatching of waste disposal vehicles

In STEP, a prototype of a planning system will be developed and that uses online measurements from waste containers for the dispatching of waste disposal vehicles.

INNO-Grips – Disruptive Innovations in Tourism

On behalf of the European Commission, INNO-GRIPS supports evidence-based innovation policy by enhancing the understanding of key barriers to product and service innovation in companies.

eT-Fitness – eTourism Fitness For Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

Online marketing and electronic communication solutions for tourism regions.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria