All projects (chronologically)

RoboGen: Gender-sensitive interaction with social robots

RoboGen develops a prototype with a learning agent, which makes gender-sensitive options accessible to all users via feedback from the users, thus enabling gender-sensitive human-robot interaction and a high degree of personalization.

OIKS – Open Innovation Kompetenzplattform Salzburg

Open Innovation Competence Platform: Digital idea platform for Salzburg issues.


Digitisation in the areas of Industry 4.

R2C2 – Reconfigurable Real-time Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems

Dynamically reconfigurable software-defined real-time networks with AI support.

Digibus® Austria

Exploring and testing methods, technologies and models for the reliable and safe operation of automated vehicles as carriers in a regional, intermodal mobility system.


Extendable/adaptable and affordable plug & play solution in order to make the technology-familiar baby boomer generation “fit(ter)” and “fit for the use” of assistive technologies.

Bicycle Observatory – on the pulse of cycling

The project Bicycle Observatory aims to fuse technical sensor data and qualitative data into a multi-dimensional, spatially differentiated picture of bicycle mobility.

IoT4CPS – Trustworthy IoT for CPS

The main focus of IoT4CPS will be on developing, producing and operating, highly trustable components and applications for Connected and Automated Driving.


Wireless networks need to be reliable for many applications.

EMBS – Energy Management Building Set

The EMBS project develops an innovative, integrated control and planning system for demand-response and optimization of multi-utility/-energy devices and installations.

Virtuegrid – Virtualisation for resilient and secure Smart Grid communication networks

Ongoing digitisation of power grids by large numbers of ICT-components for the purpose of extensive integration of renewable energy sources (REC) is demanding for novel system management strategies.

MESSE – Model-based Engineering and Validation Support for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

The massive deployment of distributed generators from renewable sources in recent years has led to a fundamental paradigm change in terms of planning and operation of the electric power system.


SportSense aims at investigating the potential of sensor technology to determine motion-relevant parameters not only for alpine skiing and for running.


OptiFCD calculates, visualizes and interprets necessary FCD penetration rates for the Austrian freeway network.

OPOSSUM – Open Flow based system for multi Energy Domain

OPOSSUM provides a Software-defined Networking infrastructure for multiple domains in a heterogeneous telecom infrastructure.


Study to explore new, innovative business models for smart production, with a focus on manufacturing companies.

Impetus – collaborative ICT based platform for late life depression

Late life depression often remains undiagnosed or gets diagnosed with significant delay.


The objective of this project is to study the application of software-defined networking (SDN) approaches to real-time Ethernet (RTE) networks.

BIB4SGRID – Business Models including Batteries for Smart Grids

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are naturally very volatile as they depend on the time of day or weather.

ODAAL – Open Data AAL

Open and Big Data for AAL – A Study of the Potential for the Use of Open Data for AAL Topics.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria