All projects (chronologically)

Innovation Signals – Development of a Social Web Innovation Signals Amplifier

Utilisation of social web and user generated content for innovation purposes for companies in the sports and leisure industry.

CreativeCH – Creative Cooperations in Cultural Heritage

Cooperation of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries promotes innovative communication and economic potential of cultural heritage.

VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education

Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues.

SMARD – European Support Framework on Networked Media R&D for SMEs

SMARD is an EU funded project that aims at supporting SMEs in the creative industries to better translate their research and development (R&D) activities, particularly in the field of networked media, into innovative products and services.

INNO-Grips – Disruptive Innovations in Tourism

On behalf of the European Commission, INNO-GRIPS supports evidence-based innovation policy by enhancing the understanding of key barriers to product and service innovation in companies.

eT-Fitness – eTourism Fitness For Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

Online marketing and electronic communication solutions for tourism regions.

(e-)Accessibility Watch

With the BarrierefreiheitsChecks accessibility test, tourism providers can find out in a mere five minutes whether their facility is handicapped accessible and what further opportunities and potentials accessible tourism offers for them.

(e-)Access Lab

Lead users and workshops helped identify the individual problems and needs of people with disabilities in the field of skiing.

ICT-enhanced Equipment Prototyping and Testing

The sporting goods industry often doesn’t gather client and user feedback in a systematic way.

Open Innovation & Community Tools

In what ways can users join the innovation process in the tourism, sports and leisure industry? To answer this question, we identified and assessed different concepts, methods and applications.

MobiCom – Study on Mobile Communities

A study on how to develop successful mobile communities in the domains of games, learning and health.

STERNA – Semantic Web-based Thematic European Reference Network Application

Semantic Web technologies in museums should enhance access to cultural content.

Hallein-Tour-Guide – Virtual Tour Knappensteig

Together with the tourism association Hallein und other regional partners Salzburg Research develops a mobile, interactive experiences trail from the city of Hallein up to the Dürrnberg.

i-busuu – Language learning on a online social community platform

Innovative solutions for language learning in an online social community.

EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training.

EduMoodle – Evaluation of the learning platform EduMoodle

A study on the use of EduMoodle commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.

ComStudy – Successful virtual community building and technological support

The success of new and participative applications of the Web 2.

OECD study on ICT in Teacher Training

Austrian part of the OECD study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.

SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students

The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository).

LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria