Vicar Vision (NL)

Common projects


We want to build a truly empathic robot that will help older people remain healthy. We will develop an AI-driven personalized wellbeing program that will enhance the capabilities of the Buddy robot. Buddy is a friendly emotional personal robot that can watch over elder users and help with daily activities. In order to be a real companion, Buddy must also understand the user. This means the Buddy will be updated to enable computer vision analysis to analyze emotions and physiological signals from the face, body, and voice. Learning these important emotional signals can help integrate a successful health coaching program.


Aid2BeWell – AI-based Emotion Detection and Behaviour Change Robot Support System to Benefit Ageing Well

AID2BeWell is exploring the use of cutting-edge AI technology to develop a robot assistance system (ROSS) that recognises and responds to the mood of older people with Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) to support active and healthy ageing in their own homes.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria