Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector. Doctors are no longer able to keep abreast of the steadily growing amount of drugs and their potential for unintended interactions and adverse drug events (ADE). more
Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector. Doctors are no longer able to keep abreast of the steadily growing amount of drugs and their potential for unintended interactions and adverse drug events (ADE). more
Salzburg Research entwickelte im Auftrag des Prothesenherstellers Saphenus Medical Technology ein mobiles System zur Erfassung der Kontaktzeitdifferenz während des alltäglichen Gangs, um Prothesenträger:innen in der Rehabilitation zu unterstützen.
Sport is about efficient execution of movement for encouragement. In order to support this digitally with the help of sensors, Salzburg Research and partners developed the “SensorHub”, a distributed sensor platform for setting up so-called Body Sensor Networks.