• Post: This was the first Mini Maker Faire

    The festival for creatives was a complete success. Around 800 people of all ages worked and tweaked on 29 April. The youngest exhibitor was 13 years old. The family-friendly festival for creative people in Salzburg was a complete success. About 800 persons of all age groups worked and tinkered on the 29th of April from 10 am to 6 pm at the TriBĂŒhne Lehen. The youngest exhibitor was 13 years old. It has been sol dered, folded, woven, 3D-modeled and 3D-printed, robot programmed, computer operated with vegetables and much, much more. The 23 stations of the approximately 60 makers – the youngest exhibitor was 13 years old – were stormed. Adults, young people and many children were amazed, thy looked, tried and experimented themselves. Some wanted to take a look – and stayed the whole day. The feedback about the event was overwhelming. The youngest maker was 13 years old The youngest maker with […]

  • Event: 13th IoT Talks: „IoT in Motion“

    “IoT in Motion”: movement, mobility and their impact on the Internet of Things

  • Post: Sepcialist Seminar On Social Innovation In Brussels

    Increasing creativity and self-efficacy of young people: Presentation of the DOIT research results at the European Research Council in Brussels.

  • Publikation: Towards the Future of Sustainable Mobility: Results from a European Survey on (Electric) Powered-Two Wheelers.

    […] attitudes towards E-mobility to create sustainable transport solutions that will be broadly accepted. An online survey with N = 432 participants across Europe was conducted. The majority of respondents came from Germany, followed by Italy, Austria and Sweden. Generally, cars are the main vehicle for personal transport. PTWs are used for commuting as well as leisure activity. Driving experience, easier parking and lower maintenance compared to cars are major reasons to choose a PTW. No differences between younger and elderly participants were observed. E-PTWs are primarily avoided due to high costs, range anxiety and expected problems with the charging infrastructure. To support sustainable mobility, these obstacles need to be overcome. One aspect is definitely the provision of better charging infrastructure or electric vehicles with increased range. Hence, given typical trip lengths and purposes, it might seem equally important to tackle prejudices and increase the knowledge about E-mobility with all its potential benefits in the population.

  • Post: First 5G stand-alone network in operation in Salzburg

    […] to 10 gigabits per second, extremely low latency times (delay times), high availability, high reliability as well as high energy efficiency. The factors of latency, reliability and energy efficiency are particularly important in professional applications. However, the roll-out of 5G to date has largely been carried out by 5G non-stand-alone (NSA), in which essential 4G/LTE elements continue to be used. Promises such as low latency can only be realised in 5G SA networks. A provider-independent 5G-SA research infrastructure has now been created in Salzburg. Different configurations are being tested in the 5G Exploration Space: Interactions are to be excluded, security and privacy are to be guaranteed. At the same time, vendor-independent monitoring tools are being developed to monitor network characteristics. The 5G SA network can be used by research institutions and companies to test their own applications. The experience gained will help in the proper deployment and optimisation of the 5G network. In addition, […]

  • Projekt: CrossChargePoint – Integrated Multi-Energy Storages coupling the power network to the transportation sector

    Planning, integration and operation of charging and refuelling infrastructures to supply e-mobility and the integration of charging and refuelling needs into energy management and regional value creation. The coupling of the electricity sector with the transport sector is essential for more efficient energy use and thus for the decarbonisation of society. The CrossChargePoint project deals with the planning, integration and operation of charging and refuelling infrastructures to supply e-mobility and the integration of charging and refuelling needs into energy management and regional value creation. A system architecture and the infrastructure for data and information exchange for a regional energy management system are being developed and the interdependencies that occur between the ICT system, the electrical grid and the transport sector are being investigated. In rural areas with low population density and limited grid capacities, the development of electricity-dependent infrastructures for alternative fuels is a challenge. The expansion of gas/hydrogen refuelling and charging infrastructures including […]

  • Post: Handbook: Digital Nudging for sustainable Mobility

    […] behaviour and that data can help to make these tools more effective by taking current situations and context into account. As a service for implementation, it offers practical instructions and templates for your own behavioural interventions for sustainable mobility. Valuable lessons learnt from the scientific field test and data protection factors are also included. Who is this handbook for? This handbook is primarily intended to serve local decision-makers (e.g., city officials, urban planners) and providers of transport infrastructure and services, who have a stake in increasing sustainable mobility within their community. This handbook is not meant to be an exhaustive framework, but rather a resource to support shaping sustainable urban mobility and to ensure that already existing or planned mobility infrastructure will be used by the public. In turn, this handbook can also be used by app developers who are involved in building mobility interfaces and looking to expand their features to include digital […]

  • Publikation: BĂŒrgerInnen Dialog Automatisierte MobilitĂ€t in Salzburg

    Das französische Beteiligungsinstitut Mission Publiques hat gemeinsam mit nationalen Partnern den BĂŒrgerInnen-Dialog zum Thema automatisierte MobilitĂ€t in Europa, Nordamerika und Asien initialisiert. Dessen Zielsetzung ist es, die Meinungen der lokalen Bevölkerung durch die Organisation von BĂŒrgerInnen-Dialogen in internationale und globale Diskussionen und Verhandlungen ĂŒber gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen miteinzubinden. Wie bringt man BĂŒrgerInnen aus verschiedenen Lebensbereichen dazu, ĂŒber ein Thema nachzudenken, das einerseits ein breites Spektrum gesellschaftlicher Fragen behandelt, andererseits eine sehr technische Seite aufweist? Anstelle den herkömmlichen Weg zu gehen und eine Umfrage durchzufĂŒhren, wurden SalzburgerInnen eingeladen, einen Tag lang ĂŒber die Möglichkeiten, Chancen, Potentiale aber auch Risiken automatisierter MobilitĂ€t zu diskutieren und sich ĂŒber ihre Auswirkungen auf unseren Alltag auszutauschen. Die Diskussion fand in Form eines Dialoges statt, der darauf abzielte, Meinungen einzuholen und gemeinsam VorschlĂ€ge zu entwickeln. Die Teilnehmenden hatten jedoch nicht nur die Gelegenheit, sich in offener AtmosphĂ€re zu unterhalten und andere Sichtweisen zu hören, sondern konnten in den sechs organisierten Diskussionsrunden […]

  • Post: Communication Solution for Flexible Production Systems

    […] for industrial systems, especially at the level of real-time communication, do not yet have the necessary capabilities for fast, automated reconfiguration. The exchange of data between automation and IT networks currently runs across many transitional layers and is often complex, slow and sometimes unreliable. However, the desired concepts and visions for future production systems require a highly flexible, resilient, secure and distributed communication and computational architecture covering all layers of real-time communication from the lowest levels to cloud communication at the highest levels. The research focuses on the following points: Apply software-defined networking concepts based on the TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) standard to provide on-the-fly reconfigurable real-time communication networks for flexible production systems. Development of appropriate solutions for the transition from local real-time networks to standard, as well as real-time wide area networks or wireless networks for a simplified exchange between automation and IT networks and simplified vertical and horizontal integration within and between sites. […]

  • Post: Winter Services are Looking for Dead Zones

    […] way, in March it is still the Pinzgau’s turn. “A very large amount of data that comes together because every second a measurement takes place. With the findings, we can create a map of Salzburg, which shows exactly where the cell phone and data connection is still in need of improvement”, explain project leader Peter Dorfinger of Salzburg Research and Fabian Prudky, Broadband Coordinator of the State of Salzburg. Card “Unmasks” the Dead Spots © Salzburg Research/OpenStreetMap und Beitragende The measurements provide reliable data to identify areas without adequate network coverage in the province of Salzburg. A glance at already created maps shows immediately: Black areas along the provincial roads still have some catching up to do, with the green ones the Salzburg residents have a good connection. Smart Metering System for Network Quality The basis for the measuring system is the modular MINER infrastructure from Salzburg Research. This makes it possible to carry […]

  • Post: Business Models for Innovation Projects

    […] cooperation between SMEs and InnoLabs to make the innovation process in companies more efficient, cost-effective and faster, and to increase the share of innovative companies. Participation was open to SMEs from the participating project regions (Interreg V-A Italy-Austria – AT: Salzburg, Tyrol and IT: Friuli Venezia Giulia, South Tyrol, Veneto). Twenty-five innovation projects were selected by a jury, which have been implemented in the form of a joint “SME-LAB cooperation” since October 2018. Selected projects benefit from: Consulting and project coaching: Intensive workshops (daily basis) and accompanying advice on project conception and design, material selection, design and prototype production, Hands-on seminars: basic principles of digital fabrication and innovation work (for example, 3D print training, laser cutter, CNC milling machine, cutting plotter etc.), Use of the lab infrastructure of a technological workshop to the extent of at least 3 months. The project Labs-4-SMEs is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020.

  • Projekt: RADBEST – Cycling guidance in confined road conditions

    A transnational consortium led by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft is investigating in objective safety and the subjective perception of safety and is developing evidence-based recommendations for the future planning of cycling infrastructure at bottlenecks. The rapid expansion of cycle path networks in the DACH region is a prerequisite for increasing the share of cycling, which is absolutely necessary to achieve the European and national climate targets. In daily planning practice, the routing of cycling traffic in confined spaces is often a particular challenge. Although the regulations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland contain some recommendations for the guidance of cyclists on such stretches of road, there are great differences in the regulations and also in practice. A cross-border consortium from Germany, Austria and Switzerland is now developing evidence-based recommendations for cycling guidance, especially in congested road conditions, as well as professionally sound evaluations of various alternative solutions. For the first time, this research work also creates […]

  • Post: We are seeking: IT Administrator

    To strengthen our team in the department of technology, we are looking for an IT administrator (m / f) in part-time (15 hrs / week) The “Technology” department manages the entire IT infrastructure of the research company – from budgeting, purchasing to installation and maintenance, and is now awarding a diversified part-time job for 15 hours per week as an IT administrator   Invitation to tender as pdf (German) Your job: Order, procurement & furnishing of new equipment Installation, Maintenance & Maintenance of Hard- & Software Administration of PCs, printers and other peripherals Your qualifications: Ongoing education in the field of computer science (FH- / university study) Windows & Linux knowledge Good English knowledge The annual fee is full-time for a 38.5 hrs / week at least EUR 33,180 gross according to the research collective agreement in stage D1. Please send your application with motivation letter, curriculum vitae and current certificates or your questions […]

  • Post: 61st Innovationspool: Development of Digital Strategies

    […] 61st Innovation Pool on September 12th. The event, organized by Salzburg Research, Hagleitner Hygiene International and Platform for Innovation, focused on the topic “Development of Digital Strategies”. The following lectures (in German) formed the core of the 61st innovation pool: Erfolgsstrategien fĂŒr die digitale Transformation – Wie gehen das Vorreiter-Unternehmen an? Dr. Markus Lassnig, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft Erfolgsfaktoren der FĂŒhrung der Digitalen Transformation Bernhard A. Zimmermann, ZĂŒhlke Engineering (Austria) Digitale Produkte bei Hagleitner – Entstehung, GeschĂ€ftsmodelle im Wandel und wo geht die Reise hin? Christian Aigner, HAGLEITNER HYGIENE INTERNATIONAL Digitalisierungsstrategie im Werkzeugbau – Antworten auf die Herausforderungen der vernetzten Produktion Rene Haidlmair, Haidlmair After the business lunch, the partcipants were allowed to take a look behind the scenes of Hagleitner Hygiene International during a factory tour. Finally, there was a lot of discussion with the participants. 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. Innovationspool (c)schwarz-koenig.at 61. […]

  • Post: Software Engineer (w/d/m) fĂŒr MobilitĂ€tsdatendienste gesucht

    Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt auf VerstĂ€rkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Software Engineer fĂŒr MobilitĂ€tsdaten Willst du auch zur MobilitĂ€tswende beitragen und dein Know-how in aktuellen sowie zukĂŒnftigen Forschungsprojekten einbringen? Dann bewirb dich bei uns fĂŒr eine Teil- oder Vollzeitposition als Ausschreibung als PDF Beteilige Dich an zukĂŒnftigen MobilitĂ€tslösungen! Unsere tĂ€gliche MobilitĂ€t steht vor großen VerĂ€nderungen. Die MobilitĂ€tswende soll nachhaltige, leistbare, zuverlĂ€ssige, flexible sowie inklusive MobilitĂ€t gewĂ€hrleisten. Die Digitalisierung ist ein zentraler Baustein der MobilitĂ€tswende. Daten helfen dabei das MobilitĂ€tsverhalten zu verstehen, die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit und Sicherheit von Verkehrssystemen zu optimieren oder neue MobilitĂ€tsdienste auf deren Praxistauglichkeit zu erproben. Die angewandte Forschung von Salzburg Research, einem der fĂŒhrenden österreichischen Forschungsinstitute in der Digitalisierung der MobilitĂ€t, entwickelt und erprobt Lösungen fĂŒr die komplexen Herausforderungen der MobilitĂ€tswende. Das spezialisierte Know-how der Forschungsgruppe Mobility and Transport Analytics (MTA) liegt in der Verarbeitung, Analyse […]

  • Post: Minister of Transport Pallauf at Salzburg Research

    […] many of our areas of life and creating new opportunities, including the mobility of tomorrow. Minister of Transport Dr. Brigitta Pallauf convinced herself on the topics of real-time traffic data and self-driving minibus of the forward-looking research work of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft. Efficient, environmentally friendly and affordable mobility is a ubiquitous challenge of our time. Salzburg Research is researching digital technologies to improve the mobility system. “Digitalisation offers us the opportunity to use the existing transport infrastructure more efficiently or to try out completely new ways of mobility. This includes both an objective view of the traffic situation and its future development as well as the expansion of public transport services by automated vehicles”, says Minister of Transport Dr. Brigitta Pallauf. Real-Time Traffic Information is Looking for Volunteers With data from moving vehicles (Floating Car Data FCD), congestion or even delays after accidents can be recorded in real time and measures for traffic […]

  • Post: Project Completion Report: Wireless Broadband Options in Rural Regions

    A new project final report provides options for broadband expansion in the Province of Salzburg. Salzburg Research recently published the project completion report „Wireless Broadband Options accompanying the infrastructure expansion“ (Kabellose Breitbandoptionen begleitend zum Infastrukturausbau). The report represents an important step in the expansion of broadband in the Province of Salzburg and serves as a source of information for currently available options in nderserved rural regions. „More bandwidth when accessing the Internet, as well as a fast and stable Internet connection, are essential to remain competitive. Our declared goal is to reach a nationwide broadband supply in Salzburg by 2020. For this, we have to rely on wireless technologies, especially in sparsely populated and rural areas where the expansion of wired solutions is not possible”, explains governor Wilfried Haslauer. Four Options for More than Ten Megabits Per Second If, in an area with cable-bound solutions, a sufficient supply can not be guaranteed, the change […]

  • Projekt: DigibusÂź Austria

    […] safe operation of automated vehicles as carriers in a regional, intermodal mobility system. The Austrian flagship project “DigibusÂź Austria” pursues the goal to research and test methods, technologies and models for proofing a reliable and traffic-safe operation of automated shuttles on open roads in mixed traffic in a regional driving environment on automated driving level 3 (“Conditional Automation”) and creating foundations for automation level 4 (“High Automation”). Expected results address the following fields: Driving environment and digital infrastructure Driving scenarios and interaction with other traffic participants Automated mobility system and passenger interaction during driverless operation The results form the basis for an Austrian reference model for the real testing and operation of highly or fully automated vehicles in local public transport. “DigibusÂź Austria” starts in April 2018 and has a project duration of 3 years. The project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and […]

  • Post: Sustainable mobility through connectivity and automation

    […] day trippers and tourists. Building on the experiences from the DigibusÂź Austria project, the pilot in Salzburg aims to test an automated, electrified passenger transport system to connect rural regions to intermodal mobility hubs in order to better bridge the first and last mile in public transport. C-ITS technologies are to be tested on an existing bus corridor that connects the outskirts of the city with the city centre. These enable communication between vehicles or vehicles and infrastructure (e.g. prioritisation of buses at traffic lights). Projects such as SHOW, which test the real-world use of shared, networked and electrified automation in transport, are crucial for gaining insights into how the full potential of automated vehicle technology can be used with the aim of driving the transformation towards sustainable urban mobility. Survey: Help shape the mobility of the future! By answering this survey, you will help to develop solutions for the automated mobility of the […]

  • Post: Visit of State Secretary Muna Duzdar

    […] of applications. In addition to operational organizations, companies or individuals who often travel in poorly supplied areas and need a broadband connection also benefit. Digital transformation through industry 4.0 and new business models Over the last few months, Salzburg Research has dealt intensively with the digital transformation through industry 4.0 in Austria. A total of 68 Austrian companies were interviewed by means of qualitative interviews. The objectives of this current study on behalf of BMVIT are: Better understanding of digital transformation (“industry 4.0”) in Austria Aid for companies in decision-making through their I40 strategy Evidence-based support for policy choices The first two studies have already been published and are available for download (in German):   Erster Studienbericht: Studienkatalog Überblick ĂŒber Studien in deutscher und englischer Sprache zu den Themenfeldern Industrie 4.0 Industrial Internet Internet of Things / Internet der Dinge Neue GeschĂ€ftsmodelle Digitale Transformation Knapp 90 Titel identifiziert, die 14 relevantesten fĂŒr einen guten […]