• Post: Most Innovative Solution Award for Nimble Paper

    A paper within the NIMBLE project has been awarded the Most Innovative Solution Award.

  • Post: Industry 4.0: Recommendations for Action for Companies

    […] network are able to vote for technical content: Companies should coordinate as early as possible and proactively with the relevant stakeholders in their value-added network, so that their own company can influence the establishment of technical standards as effectively as possible and in any case do not miss any development in its value-added network. Allowing the activities to other players is the risk of being substituted in the value-added network by other players.  Ensure IT and data security proactively: A proactive strategy to ensure their own IT and data security is a must for companies who want to secure their place in successful value-added networks. The importance of IT and data security continues to grow in times of the Industrial Internet of Things and has not only technical but also direct competitive effects. Finally, data security is not an exclusively internal business issue, but must also be secured to suppliers and customers. In-depth collaborations […]

  • Post: Green Deal Research: Salzburg Research One of the Main Players

    The “Green Deal” is the guiding principle of the EU for the coming years. An analysis by the FFG shows that Salzburg Research is at the forefront of green-deal-relevant research in the state. In December 2019, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the “Green Deal” concept as a leitmotif for the future work of the European Commission and the European Union. The aim is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union to zero by 2050 and thus become the first continent to become climate-neutral. The Green Deal in Current Research Activities An overview report by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) shows how the EU’s Green Deal is already represented in the EU research framework program Horizon 2020 and in the programs that are being handled by the FFG. A total of 38 percent of the funding from the current Horizon 2020 framework program and 52 percent of the funding […]

  • Post: EventFant: Safe Meetings in Times of Pandemics

    The baby elephant is going digital: the “EventFant” smart badge is intended to ensure sufficient distance between people.

  • Post: HAWX ULTRA CONNECTED: Smart Ski Boot for an Improved Ski Experience

    At CES 2019, Atomic presented a smart, digital ski concept developed jointly with the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research. Atomic has been building ski equipment with know-how and a passion for skiing for over 60 years in Altenmark, Salzburg. Numerous professional athletes at the World Cup top rely on the material of the Salzburg-based company. At the CES 2019, the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show, Atomic introduced the HAWX ULTRA CONNECTED, the future of ski boots with an innovative digital ski concept. © ATOMIC Austria GmbH Atomic’s HAWX CONNECTED concept was developed in collaboration with biomechanics experts from the University of Salzburg and the data experts from Salzburg Research. Atomic’s free mobile Connected app brings state-of-the-art digital tracking and analysis capabilities to feedback directly on the slopes for an improved skiing experience. This allows both professionals and pleasure skiers to refine quality details such as balance, pressure control, edge guidance and much more. […]

  • Post: Speed Dating With Researcher

    Michèle Zlöbl answered questions of students during a research speed dating. At the end of November there was an fti…remixed dialogue event in the form of a speed dating as part of the BeSt³ – The Trade Fair for Work, Study and Further Training in the Salzburg Exhibition Center. Students of the BORG Oberndorf and the HTL Salzburg had the opportunity to get to know 6 experts and to ask them about their professional and everyday work. One of the local experts was Michèle Zlöbl from Salzburg Research: Michèle Zlöbl presented an app for training from the fit4AAL research project. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA fti … remixed Speeddating OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Michèle initially attended an HTL for mechanical engineering & manufacturing technology. Then she completed a non-commissioned officer training with the Federal Army and was also deployed abroad as an emergency medical non-commissioned officer. Her interest in medicine led her to study […]

  • Projekt: NIMBLE

    […] define supply chains and can even synchronise their production logistics in order to optimise their production schedules. The business model envisaged for platform providers is that approximately 1000 – 2000 connected enterprises would make a platform economically viable. Different business models can be supported, e.g. a region may run a platform as not-for-profit infrastructure in order to attract entrepreneurs to the region. Salzburg Research leads the NIMBLE consortium and its 16 further partners. IBM will be contributing Cloud-Solutions and Internet-of-Things infrastructure. Whirlpool Italy is one of the four industrial user organisations of NIMBLE and they will use the platform to bring third-party service technicians into their virtual enterprise. Three further use cases will come from house building, furniture manufacturing and the textile sector. The scientific and technical challenges of the project are security and privacy of business data, the extensibility of the platform and at the same time, ensuring interoperability across the different, federated […]

  • Post: Manufacturer-Independent Robot Control for Production and Maintenance

    Autonomous and collaborative robots are a great future opportunity for companies as well as logistics support in care.However, the complexity of the required programming and manufacturer-specific interfaces represent a major hurdle. An Austrian consortium headed by Salzburg Research is developing an open source solution for simplified robot control: This should make tasks and capabilities of social and industrial robots easier to transfer and combine.

  • Post: Best Paper Award for CARIMO-System

    A research team from Salzburg Research received the Best Paper Award at the ICT4AWE in Portugal.

  • Post: Study results: Smart Assisted Living – Findings of AAL Research

    […] the senior-friendly platform “meinZentrAAL”. The Most Important Findings The study collected and evaluated data on system acceptance, usage behaviour, and impact analysis. The research team has succeeded in integrating the AAL system into the daily lives of users and dismantling initial scepticism. Especially the use of the mobile tablet was significantly higher than expected. On average, the device was used 1.3 times per person per day. The AAL system was able to demonstrably improve the sense of security: smartwatches that had been converted into fitness and emergency clocks made it possible to place an emergency call at any time, even outside of one’s own home, at the touch of a button. “An improved sense of security can in turn promote mobility in the everyday lives of older people and thus contribute to a better quality of life”, says Cornelia Schneider. The clock worked reliably even when hiking and abroad. In addition to test distress […]

  • Post: Support With Digitization

    Preserving the vision of digitization is not always easy, even for innovative companies. We offer neutral, vendor-independent know-how:Digitization continues to progress and penetrate more and more areas. It is an opportunity for site security and competitiveness. However, not everything that is technically possible makes sense for every company. Conversely, not every technical innovation is as mature as it appears. Preserving this view is not always easy, even for innovative companies. Learn from the success stories of others and benefit from our neutral, supplier-independent know-how from research. We accompany you on the way to the ideal solution for your individual requirements. Digitization: Suggestions and Examples of Success In these current activities companies can get suggestions: Digital Transfer Center With the Digital Transfer Center (DTZ), neutral, vendor-independent experts are now available to the companies as contact persons. By bundling the expertise of FH Salzburg and Salzburg Research, the necessary know-how is guaranteed, even for complex issues. […]

  • Post: New Publication: Digital Twins in the Factory Lifecycle

    A compilation of important conceptual principles of digital twins in the plant life cycle and examples for their application and use in industrial practice.

  • Post: Sustainable logistics in suburban areas

    Together with its partner organizations, Salzburg Research is investigating solutions for sustainable and inclusive logistics in suburban areas. In doing so, digital methods for sustainable behavior are developed, and also citizens’ needs, the necessary infrastructure, a database for bicycle logistics, and inclusive and socially beneficial pick-up stations are taken into account. Suburban areas can be brought closer to the 15-minute city ideal through the use of e-commerce and sustainable delivery and pick-up options. However, the consequences of urban logistics often result in high greenhouse gas emissions as well as non-inclusive solutions that are difficult for neighborhoods to tolerate, such as so-called dark stores like pickup and delivery stations. The goal of the research is the development of a methodological and empirical model of how sustainable consumer behavior can be designed with regard to the delivery and collection of goods, especially the use of bikes, in order to promote climate-neutral logistics. To this end, digital […]

  • Post: Digitization Solutions for the Aging Society

    AAL Practice Conference: Information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in more than 500 Austrian households.

  • Post: This was the first Mini Maker Faire

    The festival for creatives was a complete success. Around 800 people of all ages worked and tweaked on 29 April. The youngest exhibitor was 13 years old. The family-friendly festival for creative people in Salzburg was a complete success. About 800 persons of all age groups worked and tinkered on the 29th of April from 10 am to 6 pm at the TriBühne Lehen. The youngest exhibitor was 13 years old. It has been sol dered, folded, woven, 3D-modeled and 3D-printed, robot programmed, computer operated with vegetables and much, much more. The 23 stations of the approximately 60 makers – the youngest exhibitor was 13 years old – were stormed. Adults, young people and many children were amazed, thy looked, tried and experimented themselves. Some wanted to take a look – and stayed the whole day. The feedback about the event was overwhelming. The youngest maker was 13 years old The youngest maker with […]

  • Event: 7th IT Business Talk: everything connected

    The Internet of Things (IoT) and the associated trend towards virtualization and networking offer tremendous opportunities for businesses. At the 7th IT Business Talk of nic.at and Salzburg Research experts report on different perspectives around this correlation between IT technology and business.

  • Publikation: Towards the Future of Sustainable Mobility: Results from a European Survey on (Electric) Powered-Two Wheelers.

    […] attitudes towards E-mobility to create sustainable transport solutions that will be broadly accepted. An online survey with N = 432 participants across Europe was conducted. The majority of respondents came from Germany, followed by Italy, Austria and Sweden. Generally, cars are the main vehicle for personal transport. PTWs are used for commuting as well as leisure activity. Driving experience, easier parking and lower maintenance compared to cars are major reasons to choose a PTW. No differences between younger and elderly participants were observed. E-PTWs are primarily avoided due to high costs, range anxiety and expected problems with the charging infrastructure. To support sustainable mobility, these obstacles need to be overcome. One aspect is definitely the provision of better charging infrastructure or electric vehicles with increased range. Hence, given typical trip lengths and purposes, it might seem equally important to tackle prejudices and increase the knowledge about E-mobility with all its potential benefits in the population.

  • Post: Sepcialist Seminar On Social Innovation In Brussels

    Increasing creativity and self-efficacy of young people: Presentation of the DOIT research results at the European Research Council in Brussels.

  • Event: Revolutionary Toolbox for Agile Urban Accessibility Management

    […] Technologies, and Salzburg Research, will unveil the TAAM-toolbox, a revolutionary digital system for agile urban accessibility management. The webinar will cover key features of the TAAM-toolbox such as greener traffic solutions, streamlined traffic planning, and real-time traffic changes enabled by AI. This event aims to introduce groundbreaking innovations for sustainable and efficient traffic management in European cities and regions. Revolutionary Toolbox for Agile Urban Accessibility Management: A Groundbreaking Innovation for Cities and Regions in Europe! 25. Oktober 2023, 10:00-11:00 Uhr What will you learn in the webinar? Discover a digital solution for greener traffic. Learn how TAAM-toolbox streamlines traffic planning. Find out how to monitor traffic impact. See how AI enables real-time traffic changes. Sign up for the free webinar Agenda 10:00 – 10:05 Introduction and Welcome Piotr Bardadyn, Business Development Manager, dots. 10:05 – 10:15 TAAM project overview  Elisabeth Jarusel, PRISMA solutions Deutschland GmbH 10:15 – 10:35  Key conclusions results analysis from interviews with cities Karl […]

  • Projekt: DyMoN – Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data

    […] by directing attention, changing the environment or through social influences. Nudges can also be used in the area of mobility behaviour. The DyMoN project will enrich digital nudging for more sustainable mobility behaviour with data sources. For example, the situational component is often crucial in nudging (i.e., in which context or situation a nudge reaches a person). In this context, data that should make digital nudging more effective in DyMoN includes, for example, weather data, environmental data, infrastructure data, or traffic data that converge and are processed in the DyMoN Data Hub. By taking into account the situational components within a city, effective nudges are to be designed within the DyMoN framework. Citizens’ involvement is a key component in the project. In DyMoN, the ideas, requirements and opinions of the citizens regarding sustainable mobility are to be included from the beginning and for the development of the nudges. For cities, DyMoN will create a […]