• Post: 9th IT-Businesstalk: Digital Technologies as the future of companies

    The 9th IT-Businesstalk devoted to the furture topic “Business as usual? How platforms and blockchain change business models”. The 9th IT-Businesstalk from Salzburg Research and nic.at devoted to the future topic „Business as usual? How platforms and blockchain change business models”. High-caliber lecturers from research and practice have given the numerous visitors a chance to learn about chances and opportunities in the online business. „Blockchain and platforms are building blocks of the next web revolution. They challenge well-known and proven systems, shatter established business models, and on the other hand offer unprecedented flexibility for start-ups and companies that jump early on this train”, says Siegfried Reich, Managing Director of Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH. IT Businesstalk, (c)Salzburg Research IT Businesstalk, (c)Salzburg Research IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, (c)wildbild IT Businesstalk, Salzburg […]

  • Event: Save the Date: 9. IT-Businesstalk

    […] as usual? How Platforms and Blockchain Change Business Models”. 9th IT-Businesstalk “Business as usual? How Platforms and Blockchain Change Business Models” May 18, 2017, 14:00 – 17:00 Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber The event deals with the trends of platforms and new payment models. The program is currently being produced and published in March. You can now register for the event: Registration About the IT-Businesstalk Since 2005 Salzburg Research and nic.at have been organizing the IT-Businesstalk. The aim of the talk is to show trends and current developments on the internet – in theory and practice. Experts from business and science explain where the journey goes on the internet and give examples of how companies can benefit from it. The event is free of charge and is aimed at IT managers, decision-makers and all those interested who want to take a look at the IT-Zukunft. www.it-businesstalk.at

  • Post: Free Online Course: Making Young Social Innovators

    Learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative mindset to solve social problems. Register now! “Making Young Social Innovators”: New ways of training young learners in creativity, social innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in makerspaces How can young learners work together and find creative solutions to societal problems? How can YOU facilitate an engaging, meaningful and practice-oriented creativity workshop in a makerspace? How can YOU encourage a socially entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among your students?   Online Course on Making Young Social Innovators Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. In this online course you will learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative way of thinking to solve social problems. You will benefit from practical and effective […]

  • Page: Diversity & Gender Equality

    […] grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation. The Federal Constitutional Law (B-VG), the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act, the UN Conventions on Women’s Rights and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as other equal treatment and equality rights at EU level, may apply in addition. Salzburg Research is also subject to the Salzburg Corporate Governance Codex, the Research Collective Agreement with its associated Ethics Contract, the Employment Agreement, the externally certified quality & process management system, as well as the corporate concept for internal strategy and orientation and, from 2021 onwards, this Equality Plan. Gender-balanced Conditions Details anzeigen The gender ratio at all operational and decision-making levels has an impact on all processes and their results. Care is therefore taken to ensure a fair balance of genders at all levels of the hierarchy and in all areas of Salzburg Research on an ongoing basis. In job ads […]

  • Post: Test Austria’s First Self-Propelled Vehicle

    […] in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomatFahrV. Interested people can go along – without registration and without ticket. Simply experience autonomous driving: Public test runs: Monday, 22 May 2017, 13.30-16.00 Uhr Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 10.00-12.00 Uhr und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 09.30-12.00 und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Get in please! Access at the village center Koppl You can find the latest test runs on the bus website: digibus.at Automated driving in research Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the minibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance of existing public transport. Automated vehicles could close this gap in the future. The Digibus is on Twitter! Tweets by digibus_at

  • Event: Design Service Jam – from the idea tot he prototype in 48 hours

    […] of the worldwide community. This year’s topic is – as every year – still strictly secret. It is unveiled to the participants worldwide at the same time. In a team of 2-4 people, you develop, moderate and accompany an idea to a prototype. With a short video – simply filmed with the mobile phone – the idea is finally presented to the whole world. The Design Thinking method can be applied to yourself at any time. And it is fun! It’s about doing and not talking about it! Sustainable learning All participants learn methods of design thinking: use innovative mindset, how does service design work? What methods and tools help you design? It’s all about trying. Collaboration with people from different disciplines and industries creates great ideas. Work materials and physical well-being are provided throughout the weekend. Notebooks, tablets, mobile phones are welcome. You can find more information about the procedure here. SalzburgCity-ServiceDesign JAM 2016

  • Post: Sepcialist Seminar On Social Innovation In Brussels

    […] specialist audience of more than 110 people after the invitation of the European Research Council in Brussels. The DOIT accompanying research led by the Austrian project partners from the Center for Social Innovation (Vienna), for example, showed that the creativity and self-efficacy of the young participants increase moderately after the workshops (lasting at least 15 hours) and are significantly higher. This is a surprisingly clear effect. This success should strengthen the fact that the demands for more practice-oriented projects within the framework of early entrepreneurship education that have existed for several years have been implemented across Europe. The project management also clarified this requirement in the presentation: “Every European child would benefit from a DOIT experience, that is social innovation in a makerspace and the public presentation of the results.” This appeal also linked her to the invitation to the final conference of the project in St. Virgil, Salzburg on March 19 and 20, […]

  • Page: Privacy Statement

    […] you the possibility to watch our YouTube videos directly via an iFrame embedding. After granting your consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit a DSGVO, we enable the service provider Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland to collect personal data from you for the purpose of playing the video for the duration of the website accessed. We do not process or store the data collected by Google. Your consent is only valid until you leave the respective website and will not be stored. We use the following services: Service: Youtube Operator: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland Privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?gl=AT&hl=de#intro Registration Form We offer you the possibility to register on our website. After sending the registration, the data stated in the registration form will be processed by us for the purpose of fulfilling the contract on the basis of the contract concluded with the […]

  • Projekt: STERNA – Semantic Web-based Thematic European Reference Network Application

    Semantic Web technologies in museums should enhance access to cultural content The STERNA project implements enhanced access to natural history and cultural heritage resources based on Semantic Web technologies and standards. STERNA is related to the European Digital Library initiative and provides a showcase of the capability such technologies provide to link, search and access content from distributed and heterogeneous databases. The STERNA consortium comprises 12 European natural history museums and other institutions that collect and hold content on biodiversity, wildlife and nature in general, the technology provider and implementer Trezorix and the project coordinator Salzburg Research. The project is co-funded under the eContentplus programme as a Best Practice Network in the target area of digital libraries: cultural and scientific/scholarly content. Images/Copyright: Wildscreen/ARKive, Teylers Museum, Royal Museum for Central Africa.

  • Post: 9th IT-Businesstalk

    […] usual? How platforms and blockchain change business models May 18, 2017, 2 pm to 5 pm Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber Admission free, registration required until 12 May 2017. Innovations are sawing old structures. Two of these radical “game changers” are blockchain and platforms. They deeply change existing business models and challenge existing systems. But where do challenges and obstacles lie? And what new opportunities and success strategies are emerging? Top-class speakers from research and practice will answer these questions for you. 14:00 BegrĂŒĂŸung und EinfĂŒhrung Richard Wein, nic.at und Siegfried Reich, Salzburg Research 14:10 Keynote: Blockchain und Smart Contracts Walter Blocher, UniversitĂ€t Kassel 14:50 Bitcoin – Digitales Gold? Stefan Huber, Bitpocket 15:15 Digitalisierter Zahlungsverkehr – wohin geht die Reise? Andreas Faltinger, Bank Austria 15:40 Kaffeepause 16:10 Was Sie schon immer ĂŒber Plattformen wissen wollten Johannes Innerbichler, Salzburg Research 16:35 Reise durch den Online-Dschungel – Erfolgsfaktoren und Stolpersteine Gila Gfader, booking.com 17:10 […]

  • Publikation: Communitys im Web

    […] sich mit der Hilfe von Internettechnologien regelmĂ€ĂŸig austauschen, gemeinsame Interessen teilen, gemeinsame Projekte bearbeiten und sich als zusammengehörig fĂŒhlen. Verwandt dazu sind soziale Netze oder virtuelle Gruppen, wobei der Kontakt weniger eng und das spezifische Interesse weniger ausgeprĂ€gt zu sein braucht. Online-Communitys haben in den letzten Jahren dank Web 2.0 (Social Web) und Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) rasant zugelegt. Neben Communitys of Interest – gemeinsame Sache oder Hobby steht hier im Vordergrund – entwickeln sich Communities of Practice ebenfalls stark. Hier beteiligen sich die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft an einem Projekt der Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft oder Gesellschaft und investieren freiwillig Zeit und Wissen. Das Schwerpunktheft HMD 280 widmet sich den vielfĂ€ltigen Entwicklungen von virtuellen Gemeinschaften, wagt eine Klassifikation und illustriert einzelne Erscheinungsformen: Community Networks, Buddy Systems, Matchmaking Systems, soziale Netze, Gemeinschaften der BlogsphĂ€re u.a. Zudem zeigen Erfahrungsberichte, wie Plattformen fĂŒr Communitys aufgebaut und gepflegt werden, welche KommunikationskanĂ€le erfolgreich sind, wie die Zusammenarbeit organisiert wird, wie die […]

  • Event: Isn Crowdfunding Seminar in Salzburg | Early Bird Action!

    From the idea to the successful implementation: Crowdfunding as a modern financing form offers a wide range of opportunities for start-ups, but also established entrepreneurs. From the idea to the successful implementation: Crowdfunding as a modern financing form offers a wide range of opportunities for start-ups, but also established entrepreneurs. Crowdfunding goes beyond the financing of innovation projects and enables entrepreneurs to create entirely new business models and customer loyalty opportunities. Therefore, Salzburg Research and isn – innovation service network GmbH – invite interested parties to the crowdfunding seminar on 30th January 2017. Isn Crowdfunding Seminar January 30, 2017, 13:00 – 17:00 Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Room Holodeck (2nd floor) Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5 | 5020 Salzburg Isn-mastermind and 1000×1000.at-GrĂŒnder Dr. Reinhard Willfort, who also serves as a board of directors of the ECN, European Crowdfunding Network, offers a comprehensive overview of the different models and frameworks of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding in the premises of Salzburg […]

  • Page: Corporate Values and Mission Principles

    Our corporate values Connecting In our eyes, connecting means building bridges – between science and business, between theory and practice, and between the national and international research landscape. We believe in synergistic, value-oriented and mutually beneficial collaboration, whether with our clients, other research institutions, political bodies, interested young researchers, or within our own organisation. Unconventional We take unconventional approaches to analysing problems and finding potential solutions. The open working environment at Salzburg Research always gives us the opportunity to think outside the box and be creative. A high degree of flexibility and autonomy gives us leeway to develop exciting new projects. We thereby increase the innovative strength of our organisation and improve our clients’ chances of success. Visionary Adopting a visionary mindset and visualising future scenarios is the essence of all research institutions. To this end, we identify technological trends and turn them into innovative ideas for business and society. This innovative drive also […]

  • Post: The Digibus is in Koppl

    […] on public roads. Salzburg Research is thus the first organization in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT in order to carry out tests with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomFahrV. Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the Digibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance of existing public transport. Automated vehicles could close this gap in the future. Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Siegfried Reich, GF Sbg Research, Karl Rehrl, Forschungsleiter Intelligente MobilitĂ€t SR, Hans Mayr , Landesrat, Rupert Reischl, BĂŒrgermeister Koppl, Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, […]

  • Event: Report: ÖGOR Annual Meeting 2013

    […] Bank Austria UniCredit Group Dissertation Prize 2013 and the Magna Steyr Master Thesis Award 2013 for Operation Research. 22. November 2013, 13:00 – 18:00 Techno-Z Events Centre, Salzburg This year’s Annual General Meeting of ÖGOR (Austrian Society for Operations Research ) was organised by Salzburg Research. Keynote speeches by Hans-Georg Beyer (University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg) with an overview of new results of evolution strategy research, and Herbert Meyr (University of Hohenheim) with the question of how useful customer prioritization is within demand fulfillment of stock production. ÖGOR president Marc Reimann and GĂŒnther Raidl, responsible for youth development, awarded outstanding scientific work in the area of ​​Operations Research: The Bank Austria UniCredit Group Dissertation Prize 2013 for Operations Research went to Stefan Gollowitzer for his dissertation “Mixed Integer Programming Approaches to the problem Combining Network Design and Facility Location” at the University of Vienna. As the award winner is currently working abroad , the price […]

  • Projekt: OIKS – Open Innovation Kompetenzplattform Salzburg

    […] ideas for new products and services. How people can participate The Salzburg Open Innovation Platform is all about ideas: Idea generators help solve questions and problems, work on ideas alone or together with others and get honest feedback from the community. Everybody is welcome, and it doesn’t matter if you are not from Salzburg but still have good ideas for Salzburg issues. Our contribution As an expert in digital open innovation methods, Salzburg Research contributes to increasing the innovation performance and capacity of companies and educational institutions. In the project, we support the development of the regional crowd, accompany and evaluate the implementation, impact and quality of the open ideas competition. In addition, success factors are identified together with the consortium and worked out how the solutions selected in the ideas competition are then implemented in practice. Consortium: ITG, Salzburg Research, FH Salzburg, Seeburg Private University, University of Salzburg and Land Salzburg (province of Salzburg).

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher – ICT for energy systems

    […] department, we are looking for a Researcher – ICT for energy systems. The Research Network Advanced Networking Center (ANC) conducts applied research on the technical foundations of communication technologies and measurement infrastructures. The main focus is on the Internet and the planning and development of reliable IP networks as well as network monitoring and network management. Our team is ready for your energy! Researcher – ICT for energy systems Invitation to tender as pdf (German) Areas of Practice: Development of communication solutions for energy systems Participate in the design, application and implementation of (inter-) national research and economic projects Scientific publication in German and English  Qualifications: University degree (FH, UNI) in the field of computer science, electrical engineering or related fields Competencies in the field of communication & networking technologies Experience in the field of smart grids The annual fee for a 38.5 hrs/week is at least EUR 40,446.00 gross according to the research […]

  • Event: Report: 6th IT Business Talk

    […] This are our greatest and most valuable asset: data. But: How to deal with the flood of data? How to benefit from it – and how to make sure, that they are kept safe? This is the topic of the 6th IT Business Talk by nic.at and Salzburg Research. 6th IT Business Talk: using data – protecting data Thursday May 16, 2013, from 1.30 p.m. Edmundsburg , Salzburg Experts from research and industry present the latest results and technologies, and bring vivid examples from practice. For more information (in German): www.it-businesstalk.at/programm The participation in the IT business talk is free of charge. Registration atwww.it-businesstalk.at/anmeldung The organizers: nic.at GmbH is at the registry for all domains ending co.at and or.at (www.nic.at). Salzburg Research is an innovation-driven research & technology organisation (RTO) that conducts applied research in the area of information technologies (IT). (www.salzburgresearch.at). Enquiries: Christine Gollackner (nic.at): 0662 and 4669-12 Julia Eder (Salzburg Research): 0662 2288-245 info@it-businesstalk.at

  • Post: „MINTwoch“: Journey Into The Research World

    […] so that now they are even considering buying their own 3D printer for the school. Then three-dimensional workpieces were planned, designed on the computer and then printed out by the 3D printer. This allowed the students to print out their own little works of art in 3D.   About MINT:labs And The Science City Itzling The Science City Itzling is the knowledge and innovation cluster where university teaching, application-oriented research and technology-savvy startups meet. The establishment of the MINT:labs strengthens interdisciplinary cooperation and bundles the knowledge at the location. The departments Chemistry and Physics of Materials, Computer Science, Geoinformatics, Mathematics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the School of Education of the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research are involved. Through targeted knowledge transfer in workshops, children and young people are enthusiastic about science and technology in the long term, get to know the training opportunities in the Science City Itzling and discover new professional fields.

  • Projekt: NIMBLE

    […] Playing an active role in the global economic system will be one of the future challenges for European small to medium enterprises. Even today, it is hard for smaller companies to be sufficiently visible in the WWW. Many firms have no option other than joining the big platforms like eBay or Amazon and they have to pay a significant portion of their margins to remain visible via these platforms, or to place advertisements that are tailored to customer segments. The NIMBLE project is developing an open source infrastructure for a B2B platform that can be customised by providers. It will be possible to specialise the platform to suit regional markets or to suit specific sectors of industry and commerce. By using the platform, small to medium enterprises can define supply chains and can even synchronise their production logistics in order to optimise their production schedules. The business model envisaged for platform providers is that […]