• Post: The Digibus is in Koppl

    […] on public roads. Salzburg Research is thus the first organization in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT in order to carry out tests with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomFahrV. Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the Digibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance of existing public transport. Automated vehicles could close this gap in the future. Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Siegfried Reich, GF Sbg Research, Karl Rehrl, Forschungsleiter Intelligente Mobilität SR, Hans Mayr , Landesrat, Rupert Reischl, BĂźrgermeister Koppl, Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, Teststrecke, Salzburg Research, PK, 20170424, Salzburg, (c)wildbild Selbstfahrender Minibus, Koppl, […]

  • Event: Report: ÖGOR Annual Meeting 2013

    […] Bank Austria UniCredit Group Dissertation Prize 2013 and the Magna Steyr Master Thesis Award 2013 for Operation Research. 22. November 2013, 13:00 – 18:00 Techno-Z Events Centre, Salzburg This year’s Annual General Meeting of ÖGOR (Austrian Society for Operations Research ) was organised by Salzburg Research. Keynote speeches by Hans-Georg Beyer (University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg) with an overview of new results of evolution strategy research, and Herbert Meyr (University of Hohenheim) with the question of how useful customer prioritization is within demand fulfillment of stock production. ÖGOR president Marc Reimann and GĂźnther Raidl, responsible for youth development, awarded outstanding scientific work in the area of ​​Operations Research: The Bank Austria UniCredit Group Dissertation Prize 2013 for Operations Research went to Stefan Gollowitzer for his dissertation “Mixed Integer Programming Approaches to the problem Combining Network Design and Facility Location” at the University of Vienna. As the award winner is currently working abroad , the price […]

  • Projekt: OIKS – Open Innovation Kompetenzplattform Salzburg

    […] ideas for new products and services. How people can participate The Salzburg Open Innovation Platform is all about ideas: Idea generators help solve questions and problems, work on ideas alone or together with others and get honest feedback from the community. Everybody is welcome, and it doesn’t matter if you are not from Salzburg but still have good ideas for Salzburg issues. Our contribution As an expert in digital open innovation methods, Salzburg Research contributes to increasing the innovation performance and capacity of companies and educational institutions. In the project, we support the development of the regional crowd, accompany and evaluate the implementation, impact and quality of the open ideas competition. In addition, success factors are identified together with the consortium and worked out how the solutions selected in the ideas competition are then implemented in practice. Consortium: ITG, Salzburg Research, FH Salzburg, Seeburg Private University, University of Salzburg and Land Salzburg (province of Salzburg).

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher – ICT for energy systems

    […] department, we are looking for a Researcher – ICT for energy systems. The Research Network Advanced Networking Center (ANC) conducts applied research on the technical foundations of communication technologies and measurement infrastructures. The main focus is on the Internet and the planning and development of reliable IP networks as well as network monitoring and network management. Our team is ready for your energy! Researcher – ICT for energy systems Invitation to tender as pdf (German) Areas of Practice: Development of communication solutions for energy systems Participate in the design, application and implementation of (inter-) national research and economic projects Scientific publication in German and English  Qualifications: University degree (FH, UNI) in the field of computer science, electrical engineering or related fields Competencies in the field of communication & networking technologies Experience in the field of smart grids The annual fee for a 38.5 hrs/week is at least EUR 40,446.00 gross according to the research […]

  • Event: Report: 6th IT Business Talk

    […] This are our greatest and most valuable asset: data. But: How to deal with the flood of data? How to benefit from it – and how to make sure, that they are kept safe? This is the topic of the 6th IT Business Talk by nic.at and Salzburg Research. 6th IT Business Talk: using data – protecting data Thursday May 16, 2013, from 1.30 p.m. Edmundsburg , Salzburg Experts from research and industry present the latest results and technologies, and bring vivid examples from practice. For more information (in German): www.it-businesstalk.at/programm The participation in the IT business talk is free of charge. Registration atwww.it-businesstalk.at/anmeldung The organizers: nic.at GmbH is at the registry for all domains ending co.at and or.at (www.nic.at). Salzburg Research is an innovation-driven research & technology organisation (RTO) that conducts applied research in the area of information technologies (IT). (www.salzburgresearch.at). Enquiries: Christine Gollackner (nic.at): 0662 and 4669-12 Julia Eder (Salzburg Research): 0662 2288-245 info@it-businesstalk.at

  • Post: „MINTwoch“: Journey Into The Research World

    […] so that now they are even considering buying their own 3D printer for the school. Then three-dimensional workpieces were planned, designed on the computer and then printed out by the 3D printer. This allowed the students to print out their own little works of art in 3D.   About MINT:labs And The Science City Itzling The Science City Itzling is the knowledge and innovation cluster where university teaching, application-oriented research and technology-savvy startups meet. The establishment of the MINT:labs strengthens interdisciplinary cooperation and bundles the knowledge at the location. The departments Chemistry and Physics of Materials, Computer Science, Geoinformatics, Mathematics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the School of Education of the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research are involved. Through targeted knowledge transfer in workshops, children and young people are enthusiastic about science and technology in the long term, get to know the training opportunities in the Science City Itzling and discover new professional fields.

  • Event: DyMoN Webinar: Digitally-enabled behaviour change for sustainable mobility

    […] or do you have a smartphone app that helps you with physical activity? Then you have a first understanding of digitally enabled behaviour change! We can transfer this idea to mobility. For this, we are talking about models of behaviour change that help us in a deeper understanding of human behaviour and how behavioural interventions and nudges can be built on them. Further, we show how digital tools can help in shaping mobility behaviour and discuss best practice examples. Participation is free of charge. Registration required: Hier registrieren DyMoN Webinar Series DyMoN webinars for an interdisciplinary view on motivating sustainable urban mobility Sustainable mobility matters and can have a big impact: 70% of the EU population live in cities today, and this is projected to reach almost 84% in 2050. 50 billion passengers were carried by buses, trams and metros in EU cities in 2018, saving 100 million car trips every day. 6 out […]

  • Projekt: NIMBLE

    […] Playing an active role in the global economic system will be one of the future challenges for European small to medium enterprises. Even today, it is hard for smaller companies to be sufficiently visible in the WWW. Many firms have no option other than joining the big platforms like eBay or Amazon and they have to pay a significant portion of their margins to remain visible via these platforms, or to place advertisements that are tailored to customer segments. The NIMBLE project is developing an open source infrastructure for a B2B platform that can be customised by providers. It will be possible to specialise the platform to suit regional markets or to suit specific sectors of industry and commerce. By using the platform, small to medium enterprises can define supply chains and can even synchronise their production logistics in order to optimise their production schedules. The business model envisaged for platform providers is that […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher – communication technologies

    […] team in the ANC department, we are looking for a Researcher – communications technologies. The Research Network Advanced Networking Center (ANC) conducts applied research on the technical foundations of communication technologies and measurement infrastructures. The main focus is on the Internet and the planning and development of reliable IP networks as well as network monitoring and network management. Work on the network of the future! Researcher – communication technologies Invitation to tender as pdf (German) Areas of Practice: Development and further development of measuring methods and own measuring tools Participate in the design, application and implementation of (inter-) national research and economic projects Scientific publication in German and English  Qualifications: University degree (FH, UNI) in the field of computer science, telecommunications or related fields Competencies in the field of communication & networking technologies Experience with software development and mobile networks Interest in statistical tools The annual fee for a 38.5 hrs/week is at least […]

  • Event: 4th Online MINT Wednesday („MINTwoch“)

    […] The MINT:labs Science City Itzling invite you to another virtual journey into the world of research with their “Christmas MINT Wednesday” on December 16, 2020 between 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. as part of the regular workshop series. School classes can announce their desired time slot (time frame: 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.; each workshop usually lasts 45 minutes – shorter/longer duration possible by arrangement) for the respective offer when registering. 4th Online MINT Wednesday (“MINTwoch”) December 16, 2020, 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Online (Webex) The program includes: The earth from above – I see something that you don’t see 3D Christmas printing Math meets poinsettias Shazam – a music recognition app City trees – on the trail of natural air conditioning units Distorted world! Why all maps of the earth are wrong. Christmas physics experiments Christmas things from the world of materials science Details and registration for these virtual workshops: Details and Registration


    […] an explicit domain model of BI that can be parameterised to suit the specific needs of the end-user SME. The domain model is injected into the evaluation function of the agent (this is the function which regulates the agent’s search behaviour). The BI model will be encoded in a variant of R.C. Schank’s Conceptual Dependency Theory from the early 1970s. The software agent translates documents that fit the customised schemata, into a series of statements that are valid according to the model. It then saves these statements in a knowledge base, together with references to the sources. Our chosen method is to tackle the four main issues in “R&D sprints” of 2 months duration, followed by two validation rounds. The sprints include the building of feasibility prototypes in SWI-Prolog. We will use RESTful services for communication. Expected Results and Findings We expect four major results: (1) a generally applicable, controlled vocabulary for BI; (2) […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher (m/f)

    […] and Web-based Information Systems) department is researching sophisticated software solutions in the area of intelligent mobility / transport systems (ITS) with the focus on the development and evaluation of scalable data analysis methods. Hands off the wheel! In Salzburg, an independent minibus for research will soon be taking place. Stay curious and analyse as full-time Researcher (m/f) already now the variety of motion and sensor data to bring the cutting-edge technology safely onto the road. Areas of Practice: Development of innovative project ideas Conception & Evaluation of novel methods in the field of spatial and temporal data analysis in the thematic focus on mobility Participation in the design / application of (inter-) national research projects Takeover of project lines after an induction phase desired Scientific presentation of results in German & English (publications & lectures) Qualifications: Completed (university) degree in computer science Java, database & statistics expertise Safe handling of common statistic tools (e.g., […]

  • Publikation: Smart Media Archive.

    Nowadays, professional Media Asset Management systems are a standard tool for many organizations to manage their media assets. The classification of media must be sophisticated enough to remain stable throughout several decades. However, even the most sophisticated classification scheme covers only particular aspects of the archive domain. Furthermore, the public understanding of the domain may evolve over time. In our approach, the system is opened to communities which classify the media themselves building their own folksonomy. The folksonomy is analyzed using semantic technologies and then compared to the organization’s classification. Using this approach, the organization obtains two key benefits. Firstly, knowledge can be adapted as the community notices different aspects of the organization’s media. Secondly, the organization can gain more insight about their community and can use this experience as a direct input in the product innovation process and therefore increase market orientation as well as customer retention.

  • Erfolgsstory: Mobile gait analysis in everyday life for prosthesis users

    […] sock worn on the prosthesis and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Salzburg Research was commissioned to develop an algorithm for detecting the ground contact time difference between the prosthesis and the healthy foot for this system and to test it in a study. The contact time difference is considered a decisive gait parameter in the analysis of a symmetrical gait pattern. Benefit With the study for Saphenus Medical Technology, Salzburg Research proved that the developed system provides valid data for the care of leg amputees in rehabilitation. The system further developed by Salzburg Research enables the analysis of the contact time difference as a decisive spatio-temporal gait parameter on the basis of steps recorded in everyday life. Thus, medical advice on rehabilitation can be given based on a much larger and, above all, everyday database. A visit to the clinic will no longer be necessary for prosthesis wearers in the future, as the data […]

  • Post: Tourism in Salzburg: Ideas Wanted

    According to the travel guide book publisher “Lonely Planet”, Salzburg is the best city to travel in 2020. Ideas are needed for the interaction between locals and guests! The city of Salzburg was elevated to the tourist aristocracy this week: The travel guide book publisher “Lonely Planet” has named it the “best city to travel” in 2020. For 15 years, Lonely Planet has selected ten top cities, countries and regions each year. Salzburg took first place among the cities in 2020, followed by Washington DC, Cairo, Galway (Ireland) and Bonn. Decisive were the themes of the city, the incomparable experience and the “wow-effect”. In addition to the festivals with the baroque old town as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the high culture of exhibitions to concerts, the medieval fortress and the mountain panorama Salzburg has much to offer here. That this will flush “accolade” more guests to Salzburg is to be expected according to previous […]

  • Projekt: Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

    […] holidays and the other one for the winter season. Innovation-Potential-Analysis: The analysis of the innovation potential of participating tourism regions is conducted by Salzburg Research. It shall answer the following question: “How can innovation activities be pursued closer to the market and the needs of potential guests – at the level of individual enterprises as well as the whole destination?” In general, the tourism industry as a service sector works very close to, often even with their customers. It knows the needs of guests quite well and sometimes it is successful in picking up on hints of tourists. This is the starting point of our work: By means of two workshops, that took place in spring 2013, as well as further extensive desk research, we develop a voluminous catalogue of customer needs. Then, these needs shall be assessed and analysed with a dual online survey targeted at tourists as well as tourism experts in […]

  • Post: We assign an internship in the field of system set-up and evaluation

    […] spatio-temporal analysis of large amounts of geo- and localization data. The focus is on so-called AAL systems (Active and Assisted Living), which serve the support of older people. In a current research project, it is now necessary to transfer such a system into a field test and to evaluate the usage data acquired during the field test. From March to August 2017, we offer a varied internship in the field of system set-up and evaluation. Areas of Practice: Independent evaluation of usage data Support for data interpretation Collaboration in the field test preparation (for example compilation of the system components, configuration) System installations Qualifications: Ongoing education in the field of computer science (FH- / university study) SQL knowledge Excel knowledge Knowledge in DISCO – Process Mining is an advantage   Depending on your degree (Bachelor/Master), your assignment will be rewarded with 1.000,- Euro / 1.300,- Euro full-time (38.5 hours / week) per month. Please […]

  • Publikation: A Rapid Prototyping Software Framework for Early Acceptance Testing of Mobile Applications.

    […] acceptance in tourism, particularly tourist services like city, sport or museum guides. The potential of mobile services is difficult to estimate a priori because hardly any user acceptance tests can be carried out before having a concrete implementation of that service. Due to this fact, enterprises risk potentially high misinvestments because of the wrong decision to develop a mobile application which does not get accepted on the market. This paper introduces a software framework which proposes to integrate rapid prototyping into the development process in order to be able to conduct early acceptance tests in the real user context. This approach allows savings in time and cost and increases in quality and customer satisfaction. As a showcase, the proposed methodology was applied to the development of a mobile TourGuide to plan and conduct tours and subsequently, confronted with the efforts of conventional mobile software engineering. Keywords: Rapid Prototyping, Mobile Applications, Acceptance Testing, Software Framework Development

  • Event: European Researchers Night: Getting People Excited About Research

    […] “Night in Salzburg”. A varied range of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology awaits you! Every half hour starts a new exciting workshop at which you can dial. Offers from Salzburg as Part of the European Researchers Night The contribution from Salzburg Research: DOIT: Making Young Social Innovators In this online course, you will learn how to develop projects in the field of social innovation for and with young learners. The DOIT program supports the development of creative and innovative ways of thinking to solve social problems. This course is aimed at teachers, (maker / innovation) pedagogues and youth workers. DOIT: https://doit-europe.net The MINT:labs Science City Itzling initiative is a joint project of the departments of computer science, mathematics, chemistry and physics of materials, geoinformatics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction and the School of Education at the University of Salzburg in cooperation with Salzburg Research. Further information on the MINT:labs Science City Itzling: www.mintlabs.at

  • Projekt: Innovation Signals – Development of a Social Web Innovation Signals Amplifier

    […] assign them to concrete consumer needs and, subsequently, translate them into promising new ideas and solutions for innovation. These will be packaged into “Innovation Subscriptions”, i.e. tailored, scalable and visualized short reports which companies will receive several times a year (between two and six times). They include relevant trends and ideas for concrete products, business models or process innovations. They will allow companies to develop tailored products and services that meet the demands of consumers and thus strengthen the company’s position in an increasingly competitive market. Our primary target group will be companies in the sports and leisure industry situated in German speaking countries. Within the consumer goods sector, especially these enterprises have to react swiftly towards changing customer needs and interests and market conditions and will therefore be able to benefit strongly. Innovation Signals will enable them to vigorously enhance their innovative capability and reduce the flop rate when introducing new products and services.