• Projekt: AlTrOPiC – AI-based Anomaly Diagnosis and Traffic Prediction for Service Orchestration and Placement in Clouds

    The AITrOPiC project focus on the research and development of AI-based methods to enable automated provisioning of services and processing resources in cloud-based computing infrastructures. Cloud-based computing enables the provisioning of computing, storage, and networking resources in the dynamic fashion. This concept has become the cornerstone of many modern software applications and services. Cloud computing has, however, evolved into a vast and complex ecosystem of technologies, products and services. As a consequence, efficient and effective cloud management has become a major challenge. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are regarded as useful tools and potential solutions to make networks self-aware and self-managed by incorporating intelligence in the Cloud networks. Particularly, AI may enable networks to learn from experience to make them more robust against vulnerabilities and failures. AI-based applications have the potential to further automate network management and thereby improve performance and efficiency. The AITrOPiC project focuses on the research and development of AI-based methods to […]

  • Post: Successful recertification according to ISO 9001

    […] years. The quality management system is reviewed annually in an internal and external audit. Recertification audits are planned every three years, with two monitoring audits in between. The scheduled recertification audit in 2023 took place as a two-day system audit, during which all processes and procedures in all areas of the research institute were reviewed by auditor Peter FĂŒrnweger (TÜV Austria). Quality as a lasting process Quality management system improves company performance and creates clarity for employees. It contributes significantly to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company by defining integrated business processes and procedures. It also provides the ability to carry out research and development work at a higher level, with higher quality and to the best possible satisfaction of customers, clients, partners and other stakeholders. See also: Unternehmens- und QualitĂ€tspolitik Bild (v.l.n.r.): Siegfried Reich (GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer), Peter FĂŒrnweger (TÜV Austria), Birgit Strohmeier (QualitĂ€tsmanagement), Yvonne Berger (Prokuristin, Leitung Rechnungswesen), Gudrun Wallner (Human Resources).

  • Post: C-ITS: More safety for emergency vehicles

    […] road and vehicle infrastructure, develops and operates the C-ITS centre for the province of Salzburg and tests and evaluates the use cases. The use case with blue light vehicles is supported by the Salzburg Red Cross, while the hardware and software for the OnBoard Units come from the Hamburg-based company consider it. Salzburg Research is working on further use cases, for example with gritting and clearing vehicles of the provincial road administration. C-ROADS Austria projects are f unded by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme of the European Commission. More information: Press release (in German): Mit C-ITS-Technologie mehr Sicherheit fĂŒr Einsatzfahrzeuge Cover picture: C-ITS technology in emergency vehicles complements blue lights and sirens and will ensure greater safety for all road users in future. Successful pilot operation in Salzburg: (from left to right) Helmut Steinkogler, fleet manager of the Salzburg Red Cross, Sven Leitinger, Salzburg Research, Johanna Moser, Voluntary Social Year, Stefan Schnöll, Transport Minister […]

  • Post: Sharing energy smartly: The best ideas for bidirectional charging of e-vehicles

    […] the electricity grid? What (new) services, cooperation opportunities or business models will emerge from smart charging? Salzburg Research asked for ideas from the community by means of an open innovation ideas competition. In this crowdsourcing, all ideas are welcome – regardless of whether the idea providers have previous knowledge in the subject area or not. Both the community and a top-class jury of experts then evaluated the submissions. The best ideas were awarded prizes on 23 February 2023 in MoonCity Salzburg. Ideas will be incorporated into an European research project The ideas from this open innovation process will flow into the international research work as scenarios and business opportunities. In “GAMES – Grid Aware Mobility and Energy Sharing”, the researchers focus on the question of how mobility needs can be satisfied by means of digitalisation of electric shared vehicle fleets and how new sources of revenue can be created at the same time by […]

  • Post: Mobility Observatory Austria supports transport planning

    […] used, among other things, to draw conclusions about previously unknown relationships and phenomena. The Mobility Observatory Austria has the task of transferring the collected data to personal mobility and to use it as a basis for designing a sustainable mobility system. In the coming months, data will be collected, compared with the actual needs of the actors and evaluated in a series of workshops and interviews. Salzburg Research will mainly focus on the quality assessment of potential data in a Mobility Observatory. The insights gained in this process will flow into the creation of a concept for the establishment of a Mobility Observatory Austria. The results are expected in summer 2023. The concept study will be published by the client in autumn 2023. KOMOA is funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as part of the “Mobility of the Future” programme. Team der KOMOA-Studie

  • Post: Industry 4.0: First result presentation

    Last week, the results of the study “Digital Transformation through Industry 4.0 and New Business Models” were presented to the public for the first time.Last week, Markus Lassnig from Salzburg Research and Infrastructure Minister Jörg Leichtfried presented the results of the study „Digital Transformation through Industry 4.0 and New Business Models“ to the public for the first time. 68 well-known companies were surveyed comprehensively for the project. The result is a well-fo unded current picture of Industry 4.0 in Austria. CMS Electronics in Klagenfurt and AVL List in Graz now organized the first two press conferences. Markus Lassnig presented the project as a central author and expert, together with Minister Jörg Leichtfried, and tackled the questions of journalists. The results are intended to contribute to a better understanding of digital transformation ‘industry 4.0’ in Austria and to provide companies with support in decision-making about their industry 4.0 strategy. Infrastrukturminister Jörg Leichtfried prĂ€sentiert bei einem […]

  • Post: Networking of Consumer, Production and Service: 8 Recommendations for Action

    […] the field and therefore have some catching up to do in the areas of e-commerce, social media marketing and the deployment and use of digital / smart services (European Commission 2017). As can be seen from the cross-section of companies in Austria, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) still have the most deficits in the area of digitization. The current publication “When customers, production and services are more closely networked – a digital transformation model” (Wenn K unde, Produktion und Dienstleistung stĂ€rker vernetzt werden – ein digitales Transformationsmodell) by the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Salzburg Research addresses topics relating to the acceptance of modern information and communication technologies such as cloud computing or digital twins, as well as the Internet of Thinks IoT). Different aspects of these topics are made accessible to different target groups – small and medium-sized companies, research and educational institutions as well as political decision-makers. The report aims […]

  • Post: DyMoN webinar series: motivating sustainable urban mobility

    […] (source of statistics), with implication for overall public health costs. Active modes, such as walking and cycling contribute not only to climate protection, but also to health preservation. Within the project “Dynamic Mobility Nudge” (DyMoN), we bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to support people in making sustainable choices when it comes to urban mobility. Join us during upcoming (remote) webinars for an interdisciplinary view on motivating sustainable urban mobility. This webinar series will be accompanied by the handbook “Digital nudging for sustainable mobility” (free download upon publication in November 2023) and consists of the following webinars: DyMoN webinars for an interdisciplinary view on motivating sustainable urban mobility Webinar 1 (16/11/2023): An interdisciplinary view on sustainable urban mobility behaviour Webinar 2 (07/12/2023): Digitally-enabled behaviour change for sustainable mobility Webinar 3 (11/01/2024): Using data to support sustainable mobility behaviour Webinar 4 (01/02/2024): Learnings and recommendations for sustainable mobility from the Dynamic Mobility Nudge proj

  • Event: DyMoN Webinar: Learnings and recommendations for sustainable mobility from the Dynamic Mobility Nudge project

    […] of 10 people aged over 15 never or hardly ever are physically active (source of statistics), with implication for overall public health costs. Active modes, such as walking and cycling contribute not only to climate protection, but also to health preservation. Within the project “Dynamic Mobility Nudge” (DyMoN), we bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to support people in making sustainable choices when it comes to urban mobility. Join us during upcoming webinars for an interdisciplinary view on motivating sustainable urban mobility. This webinar series will be accompanied by the handbook “Digital nudging for sustainable mobility” (free download upon publication in November 2023): Webinar 1 (16/11/2023): An interdisciplinary view on sustainable urban mobility behaviour Webinar 2 (07/12/2023): Digitally-enabled behaviour change for sustainable mobility Webinar 3 (11/01/2024): Using data to support sustainable mobility behaviour Webinar 4 (01/02/2024): Learnings and recommendations for sustainable mobility from the Dynamic Mobility Nudge proj Dynamic Mobility Nudge Webinar Series

  • Event: DyMoN Webinar: Using data to support sustainable mobility behaviour

    […] of 10 people aged over 15 never or hardly ever are physically active (source of statistics), with implication for overall public health costs. Active modes, such as walking and cycling contribute not only to climate protection, but also to health preservation. Within the project “Dynamic Mobility Nudge” (DyMoN), we bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to support people in making sustainable choices when it comes to urban mobility. Join us during upcoming webinars for an interdisciplinary view on motivating sustainable urban mobility. This webinar series will be accompanied by the handbook “Digital nudging for sustainable mobility” (free download upon publication in November 2023): Webinar 1 (16/11/2023): An interdisciplinary view on sustainable urban mobility behaviour Webinar 2 (07/12/2023): Digitally-enabled behaviour change for sustainable mobility Webinar 3 (11/01/2024): Using data to support sustainable mobility behaviour Webinar 4 (01/02/2024): Learnings and recommendations for sustainable mobility from the Dynamic Mobility Nudge proj Dynamic Mobility Nudge Webinar Series

  • Event: 5G-EXPS Demo Forum

    Forum at the GI_Salzburg 2023 Conference – International Forum for Geoinformatics 2023 5 July 2023, 13:30-14:45 Salzburg, Austria Presentation, demonstrators and discussion of technical framework and spatio-temporal application scenarios of 5G(+) in Salzburg. Chair(s): Manfred Mittlböck (UniversitĂ€t Salzburg, Z_GIS) Presenters: Peter Dorfinger (Salzburg Research), Manfred Mittlböck (UniversitĂ€t Salzburg, Z_GIS), Alexander Meschtscherjakov (UniversitĂ€t Salzburg, AIHI), Caroline Atzl (RSA FG), Simon Kranzer (FH Salzburg) Conference Agenda: conftool.com/gi-salzburg2023

  • Event: Promoting sustainable mobility with digital solutions

    Forum at the GI_Salzburg 2023 Conference – International Forum for Geoinformatics 2023 5. Juli 2023, 15:30-16:45 Uhr Salzburg, Austria Forum: DyMoN: Promoting sustainable mobility with digital solutions With a diverse panel of experts from the fields of politics, urban planning, mobility research, psychology, and the digital economy, this session promises a comprehensive exploration of the opportunities and limitations associated with digital tools and interventions in the promotion of sustainable mobility. The panel discussion aims to foster a dynamic exchange of past experiences, new ideas and insights on the requirements and framework conditions for an efficient implementation of digital solutions. Panelists: Magdalena Weichselbraun, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Albert Vogl-Bader, Carployee Johannes Gfrerer, Salzburg Verkehr Conference Agenda: conftool.com/gi-salzburg2023

  • Post: Whitepaper: The Digital Transformation of Maintenance

    […] increasing digitization and networking of industrial processes (keyword Industry 4.0) has a massive impact on the strategies and methods of maintenance and asset management, says publication author Georg GĂŒntner from Salzburg Research: “According to experts, production, maintenance and plant construction will come even closer together in the future through the use of shared and integrated databases.” State-oriented and forward-looking maintenance strategies will become more important than reactive and preventive approaches. The use of cost-effective sensors, IoT and cloud technologies, combined with visualization and forecasting software systems, creates new business models for operational asset management. New value chains harbour disruptive potential for traditional relationships between plant manufacturers, operators and maintenance personnel. The whitepaper “Die digitale Transformation der Instandhaltung” (The Digital Transformation of Maintenance) was published as part of the research project i-Maintenance by Georg GĂŒntner (Salzburg Research) and Lydia Höller (dankl+partner consulting GmbH). It outlines selected content of the toolkit for the digital transformation and […]

  • Post: Data Engineer (w/d/m) fĂŒr MobilitĂ€tsdaten gesucht

    Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt auf VerstĂ€rkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Data Engineer fĂŒr MobilitĂ€tsdaten Willst du auch zur MobilitĂ€tswende beitragen und dein Know-how in aktuellen sowie zukĂŒnftigen Forschungsprojekten einbringen? Dann bewirb dich bei uns fĂŒr eine Teil- oder Vollzeitposition als Ausschreibung als PDF Beteilige Dich an zukĂŒnftigen MobilitĂ€tslösungen! Unsere tĂ€gliche MobilitĂ€t steht vor großen VerĂ€nderungen. Die MobilitĂ€tswende soll nachhaltige, leistbare, zuverlĂ€ssige, flexible sowie inklusive MobilitĂ€t gewĂ€hrleisten. Die Digitalisierung ist ein zentraler Baustein der MobilitĂ€tswende. Daten helfen dabei das MobilitĂ€tsverhalten zu verstehen, die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit und Sicherheit von Verkehrssystemen zu optimieren oder neue MobilitĂ€tsdienste auf deren Praxistauglichkeit zu erproben. Die angewandte Forschung von Salzburg Research, einem der fĂŒhrenden österreichischen Forschungsinstitute in der Digitalisierung der MobilitĂ€t, entwickelt und erprobt Lösungen fĂŒr die komplexen Herausforderungen der MobilitĂ€tswende. Das spezialisierte Know-how der Forschungsgruppe Mobility and Transport Analytics (MTA) liegt in der Verarbeitung, Analyse […]

  • Post: Charity Challenge 2021: Moving together for children with heart disease

    Here we go again! As in the previous two years, Salzburg Research is once again part of the Salzburg Business Run Charity Challenge. Within the framework of the Charity Challenge, active and socially committed Salzburg companies, organisations and associations challenge each other to collect as many kilometres as possible in a mutual competition for a good cause! Our employees will once again run, walk and hike between 15 June and 15 September 2021 in competition with other socially committed Salzburg companies for a good cause. Every kilometre collected is converted into a donation of 0.21 cents for Heart Children Austria. In 2020, 363 participants from ten companies collected a total of 79,934 kilometres and together donated 16,760 euros. In 2021, 23 teams have registered so far, which is more than double the number of participants compared to the previous year! The overall winner will be the team with the highest average total distance/participant. More information: […]

  • Post: Talents: The expectations of Generation Z and how we should respond to them

    A “bold Europe” – the motto of the Forum Alpbach 2023 – needs determined, innovative and forward-thinking people. At the invitation of Forschung Austria, a good 70 participants discussed in the workshop “Bold people for a bold Europe”: What are the expectations of the talents and how do they fit in with the offers of the companies, the research institutions, the funding institutions, etc.? There was intense discussion on how Europe can best harness its talent potential to succeed in a rapidly changing global landscape. The main results can be summarised as follows: Expectations and offers It is important that the “system side” regularly discusses the expectations of the talents and reflects on its offers. The essential expectations include: the possibility to implement things, the possibility of further development including an appropriate learning and error culture as well as the compatibility of professional and private life. More diversity and flexibility There is a lot […]

  • Event: 13th Austrian Cycling Summit: Bike Quality

    Shift up a gear! Salzburg Research presents the results of the cycling infrastructure analysis in the city of Salzburg at the 13th Cycling Summit. Shift up a gear! Salzburg Research presents the results of the cycling infrastructure analysis in the city of Salzburg at the 13th Cycling Summit. Evaluation of the surface quality of the cycling infrastructure in the city of Salzburg: At the 13th Austrian Cycling Summit 2022, Salzburg Research and the city of Salzburg will present the results of the “Bike Quality” project. For this purpose, vibrations on the handlebars were measured during bicycle rides, thus identifying the quality of the cycle paths, which are now being improved step by step. Austrian Cycling Summit 2022 3-5 April 2022, Vienna Contribution Salzburg Research: Tue 5 April, 14:00-15:30 radgipfel2022.at

  • Projekt: OptiChargE – Optimised and automated charging management for battery electric bus fleets

    […] buses (BEB), starting in December 2023. These lines are the first ones for Albus to be operated with emission-free buses and therefore, serve as a pilot for a fleet up to 90 buses operated by Albus as well as 950 buses operated by the Dr. Richard group, that Albus belongs to. As for any bus operator, the operation of BEBs is challenging compared to fuel-powered buses. Beside challenges concerning the installation and operation of the electric charging infrastructure including several power transformers and a photovoltaic array, the operation of BEBs is also challenged by an increased charging time compared to refuelling times of diesel buses and a reduced range resulting in reduced operational flexibility. Therefore, transport companies, such as Albus, have to significantly adapt their everyday operation processes when converting to BEBs. Currently, there is no integrated software solution available being able to manage a BEB fleet. Various solutions for managing different aspects of […]

  • Event: Lange Nacht der Forschung 2018 (The Long Night of Research)

    Salzburg’s research is once again at its best: current projects, the latest findings and technologies are presented in a clear and descriptive way – live and with free admission. On Friday, April 13, 2018 it will again be: Admission free to the Long Night of Research, Austria’s largest research event. In Salzburg, eleven organizations provide exciting insights into the diverse world of science and research across different disciplines – from medicine and technology, to humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, economics and education, to weather, art and culture. Salzburg Research once again assumes the role of regional coordination in the federal state and invites visitors to marvel at and discover on April 13 between 5 pm and 11 pm together with other exhibitors at the Science City Itzling location. Detailed program will follow soon
 Lange Nacht der Forschung

  • Post: Green Deal Research: Salzburg Research One of the Main Players

    The “Green Deal” is the guiding principle of the EU for the coming years. An analysis by the FFG shows that Salzburg Research is at the forefront of green-deal-relevant research in the state. In December 2019, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the “Green Deal” concept as a leitmotif for the future work of the European Commission and the European Union. The aim is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union to zero by 2050 and thus become the first continent to become climate-neutral. The Green Deal in Current Research Activities An overview report by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) shows how the EU’s Green Deal is already represented in the EU research framework program Horizon 2020 and in the programs that are being handled by the FFG. A total of 38 percent of the funding from the current Horizon 2020 framework program and 52 percent of the funding […]