• Post: Support With Digitization

    […] and illustrate complex relationships and concepts. This results in new ideas for implementation in the company, scenarios can be tried. The DTZ will also be offering public events over the coming months. More information, contacts andevents: dtz-salzburg.at SME 4.0 Free specialist knowledge for small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities of digitization in-house. Under the leadership of Salzburg Research, several qualification workshops, learning excursions and exchange of experience will be offered in the coming months. Further information and events: www.kmu40.eu The project is supported by the funding program Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014 – 2020. Special Requirements in Digitization Companies with very specific ideas and special requirements have the opportunity to exchange directly. Experts also enjoy coming to the company, picking up the individual challenge and, together with the company, looking for an ideal solution. Examples of an accompaniment by Salzburg Research: Digital – agil – customer-oriented: Digitization at Wien Energie MaCo data strategy

  • Event: 17th FORUM INNOVATION: -15% Promo Code Available

    High-caliber lectures and the latest innovation methods in interactive workshops. Save 15 percent with the prototype code from Salzburg Research. At the 17th FORUM INNOVATION, around 150 innovation experts from a wide range of industries meet each year to discuss current trends and exchange best practice experiences. On two days the participants will experience not only top-class lectures but also the latest innovation methods in interactive workshops. With the ticket code “Sbg-Research” you and your network receive a 15% discount on the tickets of the 17th FORUM INNOVATION. 17th FORUM INNOVATION NETWORK – KNOWLEDGE – FUTURE June 25 + 26, 2019 Ars Electronica Center + Tobacco Factory (Tabakfabrik) LINZ Main Topics: Fail – innovation and error Innovation-promoting ecosystems Science Update Innovation Social Innovation & Ethics Registration at: www.foruminnovation.at

  • Post: Another fundraising record at the Charity Challenge 2023

    25 Salzburg companies – including Salzburg Research – took part in this year’s Salzburg Business Run Charity Challenge. On 5 October, the donation cheque amounting to 34,350 euros was handed over to Alfred Pozetti, chairman of the association Kinder haben Zukunft. More than 121,000 kilometres have been collected by the 600 participants in the 25 company teams since mid-June while walking, running, hiking or trail running. Every kilometre collected was converted into a donation – 23 cents in 2023, as always adjusted to the respective year. The results were generously rounded up by the companies. The main sponsors of the Salzburg Business Run also added a hefty victory bonus for the children. More than just a sporting competition The Charity Challenge was never intended to be a purely sporting competition – at most a battle to overcome convenience for the double victory of health and helpfulness. The participants take on this ‘challenge’ in teams, […]

  • Publikation: Application of path based line planning in public bus transport

    http://euro2013.org/wp-content/uploads/program-euro26.pdf We present a report of the implementation of a customer path based line planning tool for regional bus line planning in Upper Austria. The challenge was to identify an approach that was able to consider both collected demand data, composed of source and destination addresses from over 50 000 pupils and commuters, as well as a given minimal ba- sic coverage. We give a comparison of a MIP-based formulation and a metaheuristic approach, regarding the computability and the practical- ity as judged by experts from the traffic association.  

  • Event: Qualification Workshop: „The Transformer in the Enterprise – Tools for Chagne to an Agile and Learning Organization“

    Free qualification workshop for SMEs within the framework of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020). The project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020) invites representatives of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to a free qualification workshop: Qualification Workshop: „The Transformer in the Enterprise – Tools for Change to an Agile and Learning Organization“ May 20, 2019, 2 pm to 5 pm Salzburg Practice has shown that change in companies must come from within. It needs pioneers, lateral thinkers, innovators, leaders, or in other words: Transformers. They are the people who initiate change, who stand for transformation, inspire, guide and motivate people around them to shape change with them. Every company has this type of staff, but often they are not visible and difficult to identify because of the current organizational structures or prevailing culture. However, they are indispensable for a successful transformation. The target group are entrepreneurs who have understood that technology only partially helps […]

  • Post: DyMoN Summer School: Registration is open

    […] city, close to the main station on the campus of the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences (Schillerstraße 30, 5020 Salzburg). During the summer school we will get to know the city during excursions and social events. The language of the event is English. The number of participants is limited to 20. Participation fee of 450 € will have to be paid prior to the event. Conference attendance, coffee breaks, a dinner and a lunch event, and all materials are covered by the participation fee. Accommodation and travelling are not included and have to be organized by participants individually. We highly recommend participants to bring along their personal laptops. Target audience In this summer school, we welcome Master and PhD students, as well as experts looking to expand their knowledge within this interdisciplinary event, with backgrounds in environmental studies, transport and urban planning, communication studies, psychology, sociology, behavioural economics, public policy studies, geography, and geoinformatics […]

  • Post: L3T 2.0 now online

    […] counted. Since February 2011, L3T is free and accessible online, also via app according to L3T’s principles of open access, open knowledge sharing, etc. L3T 2.0 was started because the textbook was believed to require revision and new chapters should be added. In August 2013, “L3T 2.0” the “Textbook for Teaching and Learning with Technology” will be completely revised and extended by further chapters – in 7 days! New ways of collaboration were successfully  explored. Now, all materials are made more easily accessible. The new edition L3T 2.0 is licensed under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons license to allow modifications of the content, for even more flexible use in teaching. Online: http://l3t.eu Print: epubli.de/shop   L3T-Camps took place from 20 to 28 August, 2013 at universities and academic institutions in Germany and Austria:   L3T 2.0 is proud that the Austrian Commission for UNESCO supports the L3T 2.0 project. Their decision is based on the […]

  • Projekt: ANET-Prosumer in the tourism industry

    New ICT applications allow tourists to customize their travel services package In search for competitive advantage tourism service providers have developed interactive platforms that allow tourists to select, package and book travel services. Thus tourists become producers and consumers („prosumers“) in the value chain of tourism services. A comprehensive study analysed the uptake of the „prosumer“ concept in the tourism sector, identified the state-of-the-art in dynamic packaging platforms, and provided recommendations for tourism businesses on how to use ICT for involving the customer in the innovation of tourism services.

  • Post: DIY as a Source for Business Innovation

    […] and Makers based on many successful examples. This will provide solutions to important problems of tomorrow. Numerous makers from home and abroad – from Salzburg to Zagreb to South Korea – had plenty of opportunity to try out and experiment at 30 different stations. Classic craftsmanship and digital future technologies merged into a creative festival. Making is a passion for technology and works, as well as the ability to solve a problem with cost-effective, digital tools and materials. Companies, start-ups, children, adolescents and adults alike were delighted. DIY as a Source for Business Innovation “Do-it-yourself is right on trend. But DIY is more than a hobby! Creative activities with a technological orientation give rise to important innovation competences and skills. Anyone who has experimented with scrap robots today has what it takes to develop solutions to the challenges of the world in the future”, says Siegfried Reich, managing Director of Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH. […]

  • Event: MINT:labs Science City Itzling

    University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research open their doors: Interactive STEM labs for students on science and technology. University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research open their doors: Interactive STEM labs show students how exciting science and technology can be and draw attention to the achievements of the Itzling-based knowledge institutions. May 15, 2019 8:30 am to 1:30 pm Science City Itzling The initiative MINT:labs SCI is a joint project of the departments Computer Science; Mathematics, chemistry and physics of materials; Geoinformatics; Center for Human Computing Interaction; School of Education (PLUS) and Salzburg Research and is funded by Wissensstadt Salzburg. Around 200 pupils (12-16 years) are waiting for exciting experiments and interactive workshops. Detailed information on the individual offers at wissensstadt-salzburg.at/mintlabs Registration on the German event page. MINT:labs Science City Itzling

  • Post: Center for Logistics Optimization (LOGO)

    Salzburg Research develops pioneering technologies that directly benefit domestic companies. The more complex the circumstances, the more challenging it is to identify an optimal solution. Salzburg Research developes at the Center for Logistics Optimization (LOGO) pioneering optimization technologies that directly benefit domestic companies. Increased competition and increasing customer demands call for flexibility and efficiency in order to successfully survive in the market. Operational decisions must therefore be as “optimal” as possible – decision making for complex problem situations in logistics planning is now largely computer-based. But because there is no silver bullet in the form of a universally applicable optimization process, many companies are reaching their limits – valuable optimization potential is unfulfilled. The ever increasing volume of freight traffic increased the need for effective optimization solutions. Therefore, the Centre for Logistics Optimization LOGO was set at Salzburg Research. The focus is on two main areas: On the one hand, so-called “hybrid” methods are […]

  • Post: EU project supports manufacturing SMEs

    […] NIMBLE is being developed as a native cloud application. The technologies used (e.g. Spring Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes) and the software architecture are adapted for operation in the cloud. The microservices architecture pattern serves as a blueprint for the NIMBLE-specific architecture. Microservices have the advantage that they are developed and operated independently of each other and thus have little influence on each other. Collaboration along the supply chain, already during the design process and for product variations: Both integrated industry partners and numerous early adopters should benefit from the NIMBLE platform. For all users, time and cost savings are expected through innovative services, faster response to market changes, customer feedback, better responsiveness to problems, etc. Through real-time process optimization, automation and data sharing, the value added of all those involved can be increased. The project’s technical challenges include ensuring the security of operational data, extensibility of platform functionality, and ensuring interoperability between various NIMBLE-based platforms. NIMBLE-Plattform

  • Event: 10th IT Business Talk: No Business Without Security

    […] you what DNS reveals about you. Be curious! 10th IT Business Talk Trends in the Future Internet | No Security Without Business April 11 from 2 pm – 5.30 pm Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber Program details and registration on it-businesstalk.at The event is free of charge and is aimed at IT managers, decision-makers and interested parties who want to take a look into the IT future. About the IT Business Talk Since 2005, Salzburg Research and nic.at have organized the IT Businesstalk. The aim of the talk is to point out trends and current developments on the Internet – in theory and practice. Experts from business and science explain where the journey on the Internet goes and give examples of how companies can benefit from it. The event is free of charge and is aimed at IT managers, decision-makers and anyone who wants to take a look at the IT future. www.it-businesstalk.at

  • Projekt: Netd@ys Austria 1998-2010

    A success story in promoting creative ICT projects of students Since 1998 Salzburg Research has organised Netd@ys Austria on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The“young creativity awards” of the initiative promote the creativity and innovative capabilities of young talents. Best practice projects in the categories web, video and mobile applications are awarded with sponsorships and presented to the public in a large final event. Since 1998 over 1000 projects involving more than 22.000 students have participated in Netd@ys Austria and demonstrated the creative use of new technologies for learning and social community. More videos: here.

  • Event: Webinar: More Girls in Makerspaces and MINT

    How do you get more girls for maker deals? Webinar with Sandra Schön. How do you get more girls for maker deals? In the webinar Dr. Sandra Schön gives Tips and recommendations on how girls’ participation in makerspaces can be increased. As part of the European project “DOIT – Entrepreneurial Skills for Young Social Innovators in an Open Digital World”, Dr. Ing. Sandra Schön with colleagues looked at proven practice models of gender-sensitive work with girls in the context of MINT: How do Makerspaces reach more girls? What conditions should be created? In the webinar, she presents the principles and measures that can increase participation in girls. Target group of this webinar are primarily youth workers and educators. December 13, 2018, 10 am to 11 am Participation with registration (in German) (reminder email, email with information & recording after the webinar) Participation without registration (in German)

  • Post: First interim balance: Innovative and climate-friendly mobility on two wheels

    […] needs Together with the WĂŒrzburg Institute of Transport Sciences, Salzburg Research last year surveyed users’ needs and acceptance of these new electric two-wheelers and their potential. This study takes a look into the future of sustainable mobility by expanding the knowledge of mobility behaviour with two-wheelers (such as mopeds and motorbikes) in Europe and investigating the factors for the acceptance of e-two-wheelers for a European market. In order for e-two-wheelers to contribute to more sustainable mobility, potential customer requirements were identified. A total of 432 participants mainly from Germany, Italy, Austria and Sweden took part in the online survey. The results show that in Europe two-wheelers are mainly used for leisure activities. Reasons beyond the use of two-wheelers as a leisure activity, such as cheaper maintenance and more convenient parking, nevertheless received high importance ratings in the survey. The strong, but not exclusive, focus on the use of two-wheelers as a leisure activity differs […]

  • Post: New Field of Research: Logistics Optimization

    […] research on problems of transport logistics. Numerous research projects for route planning in different industries and with different requirements – such as transport of patients, waste disposal, ready-mix delivery and field service – and to route network optimization in public transport are currently being developed or have already been successfully implemented. Due to the tremendous increase in demand, this new field of research was now created. This also allows the portfolio to be extended to other areas of logistics, such as manufacturing and warehousing. Services offered by the new Computational Logistics Lab: Analysis and modelling of logistical tasks Joint validation of the modelling, ideally with historical data by the customer Development of tailored heuristics, metaheuristics, or hybrid solution methods Analysis of the practicability of the procedures and determination of the expected savings potential Implementing the chosen solution method in software modules and their integration into the existing IT infrastructure Maintenance and enhancement of existing components

  • Post: Fit with ILSE: We Move 55+

    […] in the fir4AAL project – an innovative, technology-supported exercise program for home and on the move.Health promotion and prevention become more important with age. Salzburg Research is currently developing “ILSE” together with its partners in the fir4AAL project – an innovative, technology-supported exercise program for home and on the move. With a combination of personal care and new technologies, the 55+ generation can maintain or even improve their fitness. “ILSE is suitable for people who want to practice independently at home and still value professional support”, says project manager Cornelia Schneider of Salzburg Research. Muscle strength, cardiovascular function and balance should be promoted. A personal coach develops an individual exercise program for the ILSE users. With the help of a tablet and your own TV you can train independently at home. In doing so, ILSE is designed to promote not only the motivation for regular exercise, but also the proper execution of exercises. “From […]

  • Post: From Data to Value 2020/21: Annual report with intellectual capital statement

    From Resources to Impact: As every year, we disclose our tangible and intangible factors with our annual report. The annual report with intellectual capital statement is also available for download online. Salzburg Research looks back on a successful year. This particular time required a great deal of flexibility from everyone – everything was and is in motion and at the same time our mobility was severely limited. With our focus on “Motion Data Intelligence” and the approach “From Data to Value”, we had the right know-how at hand and were able to react well to the changing conditions thanks to our agile way of working. With a total of 68 employees, we generated an operating performance of around 5.5 million euros. In 2020, we worked on 69 research and development projects and conducted research for and with a total of 332 organisations, including 173 companies from Germany and abroad. Our research work resulted in […]

  • Post: QM-certification according to EN ISO 9001

    Salzburg Research has been audited and successfully recertified by TÜV Austria. From 15th to 16th November 2011 the re-certification was scheduled for the Salzburg Research quality management. For two days, all processes and procedures in all areas were put under the microscope. The current quality management system is well established in the daily work and therefore Salzburg Research was certified for another three years. Image: CEO Siegfried Reich, Quality Manager Birgit Strohmeier, Peter FĂŒrnweger (TÜV auditor), general manager Christiane Pedit (c) Salzburg Research.