• Post: Digibus® Demo Day at the ÖAMTC Driving Technology Center Teesdorf

    On November 13, 2019, the 1st Digibus® Demoday, an information and networking event for a trade audience, took place at the ÖAMTC Driving Technology Center Teesdorf. In addition to Digibus® demo rides, newly developed and proven technologies for passenger communication, V2X communication and high-precision positioning on site could be tried out and experienced.   The following demos were presented on site by Digibus® project partners: V2X Communication Project partner Kapsch TrafficCom AG presented a V2X communication for networked vehicles based on ITS-G5: V2X enables the Digibus® to communicate with its environment. So sends e.g. a V2X roadside unit, which was integrated into a traffic light system, the traffic light phase to the V2X onboard unit in the Digibus®. Thus, the Digibus® knows whether it is red (bus stops) or green (bus can drive). In addition, a defective vehicle was simulated as an obstacle. The vehicle was also equipped with a V2X onboard unit and was […]

  • Post: We Are Looking For: Java Web Developer

    […] up to publishing activities possible and desired Qualifications Completed training (diploma, master) in the field of computer science/software development (university/FH) Well-founded software engineering and Java knowledge, preferably web/server development (Java EE/Spring Framework) Linux knowledge and experience in dealing with web and application servers Secure handling of databases, preferably PostgreSQL Knowledge in HTML, CSS and Java/TypeScript Advantageous Experiences With common open source tools in the Java environment (Spring Framework, Maven, …) Frontend Frameworks in Java/TypeScript (AngularJS, Aurelia) In the operation of web applications In design & implementation of APIs incl. Security Visualization of geodata (Geoserver, JavaScript card frameworks) With cross-platform development (Apache Cordova) The annual salary for a 38.5 horus/week is at least EUR 41.454 gross according to the research collective agreement in the E1 level with the possibility of overpayment. The actual classification is based on the respective qualification and experience. Please send your application with the ID to: jobs@salzburgresearch.at We look forward to you!

  • Projekt: Bicycle Observatory – on the pulse of cycling

    The project Bicycle Observatory aims to fuse technical sensor data and qualitative data into a multi-dimensional, spatially differentiated picture of bicycle mobility.

  • Post: The Digibus as a Research Object

    […] equipment are scrutinized. “We’ve just learned to walk straightaway in automated mobility and are now trying on the children’s shoes so that big leaps will be possible in the future”, provincial council member Schnöll realistically adapts the current implementation status. “It’s clear that automated mobility will play a role in the future, the how and when are still to find out.”   More about the project: www.digibus.at Final Report „Digibus 2017: Erfahrungen mit dem ersten selbstfahrenden Shuttlebus auf öffentlichen Straßen in Österreich“: Endbericht Digibus 2017 Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer Digibus Salzburg Research Koppl Salzburg, 20180703 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer […]

  • Post: Research Results for a Targeted Planning of Cycling

    In order to be able to plan measures according to the actual needs of cyclists, current decision-making bases are required. The identification of different bike types and a bike dashboard should help.

  • Post: Digibus® in Lower Austria

    […] be offered several days a week. “This is not about an additional tourist attraction. We want to use the state exhibition to gather scientific findings on the acceptance of self-driving vehicles”, explains Lower State Mobility Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko. Autonomous vehicles could be an important part of the mobility strategy. An exciting field of application is about the ‘last mile’ – speak the way from or to the junctions of public transport. “Digibus Austria” is a lead project under the direction of Salzburg Research. The project with a total volume of 4.15 million euros is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology within the framework of the “Future Mobility” funding scheme. Lower Austria is an associated partner in this project. “Worldwide, there are only a few projects that aim to systematically advance automated shuttles to higher levels”, explains Dr. Karl Rehrl from Salzburg Research. “The […]

  • Post: The Self-Propelled Digibus® is Driving Without a Driver for the First Time

    […] all test drives with self-driving vehicles on public roads is an obligatory operator on board, who can intervene at any time. For the first time ever, Salzburg Research sent the Digibus® at the Salzburgring alone on 19 September. A supervisor in a control center paid attention to safety. This is only the second driverless test worldwide with a self-propelled EasyMile shuttle. The objective of the scientific study by Salzburg Research was to test the subjective sense of security of the test persons as well as the information and communication between the passengers and the driverless vehicle as well as with the control center. The subjects completed different test scenarios and were also confronted with unpleasant situations: in one scenario, they sat all alone in the self-propelled shuttle, in another with two, but with a groaning passenger. It also examined how the subjects organize when the masimum number of passengers is exceeded. Also a technical […]

  • Post: Test series with self-propelled minibus in Salzburg before approval

    […] vehicles in the future? Great public interest in panel discussions. In 2017 the self-propelled minibus returns to Salzburg. In the middle of October 2016, an independent minibus rolled through Salzburg’s old town for the first time. Soon the minibus will return to Salzburg to answer open questions as a research and demonstration project. In the course of the preparatory work on 13 December four experts asked the public: DI Martin Russ, Managing Director, Austria Tech – Fe deral Association for Technology Policy Measures, contact Point Automated Driving Dr. Manfred Tscheligi, Head of the Center for Human Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg Karl Rehrl, Head of Intelligent Mobility, Salzburg Research Johannes Gfrerer, Press Officer Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH The resulting discission clearly showed that a lot of research work is still needed before self-propelled vehicles can actually drive autonomously and in regular operation. The self-service minibus will return to Salzburg in spring 2017. The minibus is […]

  • Post: Innovation support for the tourism, sports and leisure industry

    No f unding application, no waiting, no administrative hassle and no costs either: the new European Digital Innovation Hub “Crowd in Motion” offers tailor-made advice and services for SMEs and the public sector for green and digital transformation in the tourism, sports and leisure industry. Digitalisation and innovation capabilities are crucial for both SMEs and the public sector to achieve sustainability goals and to profitably use the digital transformation. The new European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “Crowd in Motion” supports the digital transformation of the tourism, sports and leisure industry as well as the public sector. “In the innovation hub “Crowd in Motion”, we rely on a unique combination of artificial intelligence and human swarm intelligence to increase the innovative power and readiness for change of SMEs and public organisations,” says Markus Lassnig from Salzburg Research and head of the new EDIH “Crowd in Motion”. Low-threshold access to free support The new EDIH is […]

  • Post: Test Persons Wanted: For the First Time, Digibus® Drives Completely Without a Driver

    Austrian Premiere: On September 19, 2019, the self-propelled Digibus will for the first time really drive alone – be part of it!

  • Post: New Lead Project Digibus® Austria

    […] as a transferor to intermodal mobility nodes or to the development of local centers. A first 7-month test run in Salzburg in 2017 revealed the limitations and challenges of self-driving vehicles (see: Digibus 2017: Experiences with the first self-driving shuttle bus on public roads in Austria). The new Austrian flagship project “Digibus® Austria” will develop and test methods, technologies and models for the reliable and safe operation of automated vehicles over the next three years in or der to further improve the autonomy and driving safety of such vehicles. More and more test attempts are announced or carried out worldwide. Only a few test attempts aim at a systematic further development of automated minibuses in the direction of higher automation levels. Currently, the self-driving minibuses in mixed traffic just meet automation level 2 (partial automation). In the lead project, level 3 (conditional automation, intervention only when needed) is targeted and level 4 (high automation) […]

  • Post: Digibus®: Public Demo Operation in Koppl

    Between August 10 and October 16, 2020, the automated Digubus® will run according to the timetable in a public demo operation for the first time.

  • Post: Governor Haslauer is testing the Digibus

    Governor Wilfried Haslauer convinced himself personally of the research work around the self-employed minibus of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft during the test ride in Koppl.

  • Post: Digitization in Mobility

    […] European Parliament, and Josef Schöchl, President of the Landtag, visited Salzburg Research. As a member of the European Committee on Tourism and Transport, she learned about the research topic of digitalisation in mobility. Digitization is one of the big enablers in mobility. It makes networking and linking different modes of transport and forms of mobility possible. This creates an attractive offer for the users.   v.l.n.r.: Landtagspräsident Joseph Schöchl, Claudia Schmidt, Abgeordnete im Europäischen Parlament, Karl Rehrl und Siegfried Reich (beide Salzburg Research) MEP Claudia Schmidt Autonomous Driving: Digibus The self-propelled Digibus, with which Salzburg Research conducted intensive tests in Koppl for seven months in Koppl, met with great interest in 2017. Self-driving minibuseses could be used in local public transport as a means of transporting or transferring to intermodal mobility nodes or to the development of local centers. They could complement existing public transport and make it more attractive. The technology is still […]

  • Post: Next Test Ride with the Digibus

    The Digibus is used again after a repair phase. Get in please! The Digibus goes back to Austria’s streets, more precisely in the municipality of Koppl. With public test drives for interested guests, Salzburg Research wants to explore acceptance and personal experiences with autonomous vehicles. For the announced test trips you can travel without registration or ticket. Get in and experience the future of driving! Next public test ride: S unday, September 10, 2017, 1 pm – 5 pm Don’t miss: Follow the Digibs on Facebook or Twitter. Get in please! Access point at the village center Koppl More information about the self-propelled minibus and the last mile: digibus.at With the Digibus, Salzburg Research is the first organization in Austria to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomFahrV. The current route between Gemeindezentrum und Bundesstraße 158 is one of the longest routes worldwide, which […]

  • Post: Autonomic Minibus in Salzburg

    […] the first self-propelled minibus on Austria’s roads. Salzburg Research presented the first self-propelled minibus on Austria’s roads during a premiere tour on 19 October 2016. In the public transport sector, accessing the “last mile” – the journey from the stop to the destination or home – is critical for customer acceptance. Self-propelled minibuses can significantly improve the attractiveness of public transport as a local feeder. Hier fährt die Zukunft Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Federal Minister of State Jörg Leichtfried (BMVIT), governor Wilfried Haslauer, District Administrator of transport Hans Mayr, Land Councilor Christian Nagl, City Councilor Johann Padutsch and Club Chairman Bernhard Auinger (for BGM Heinz Schaden) as well as Archbishop Franz Lackner and other decision-makers assured themselves of the technology at the premiere ride. […]

  • Post: Survey on (Bicycle) Mobility Behaviour

    Support the Salzburg mobility culture – with only 15 minutes – and win awesome prizes!

  • Post: This was the Citizen Debate on Automated Mobility in Salzburg

    […] only 44% left who agree fully or rather and 21.7% with “do not answer/unsure”. “You get used to new technologies quickly. If something is released for the road, I assume it has been sufficiently tested before.” Participant Salzburg “If the individual mobility behaviour does not change, nothing is gained. Because if personal mobility is made even easier by individual automated systems, the traffic or space problems are not solved.” Participant Salzburg Safety is Paramount The fact that security plays a very important role for almost all participants has been reflected in several answers. Security was the most widely used term in terms of the hopes of automated mobility solutions. Regarding the concerns, confidence in the software as well as data security and privacy ranked among the most commonly used terms. Around 88 percent of respondents said that they did not or did not seem to be in the mood to sell passenger data generated […]

  • Event: Long Night of Research 2016

    Numerous research institutions, universities and organizations throughout Austria open their doors and present exciting research projects and results. Numerous research institutions, universities and organizations throughout Austria open their doors and present exciting research projects and results. Lange Nacht der Forschung 22. April 2016, 17:00-23:00 troughout Austria + in 10 locations in and around Salzburg, including Salzburg Research In Salzburg, these institutions will open their doors and give insights into their current research: Fachhochschule Salzburg Land Salzburg/Luftgütemessnetz Österreichisches Zentrum für Begabtenförderung und Begabungsforschung Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Pädagogische Hochschule Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft Universität Salzburg Universität Mozarteum ZAMG – Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik www.langenachtderforschung.at www.facebook.com/LangeNachtderForschung www.twitter.com/LNF_Austria  #LNF16 LNF Logo 2016

  • Post: B2B Platform for Online Collaboration

    […] European research initiative NIMBLE offers intelligent management of supply chains for companies. The final release of the platform, which was intensively tested with over 250 companies as part of the research work, is now freely available. The open source platform software is suitable for strengthening the cooperation between companies in a region or within an economic sector. In the European research initiative NIMBLE (Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe), the infrastructure for a cloud-based, IoT-enabled B2B platform was developed under the direction of Salzburg Research. Companies can register on such a platform, publish machine-readable catalogues for products and services, search for suitable partners for the supply chain, negotiate contracts and handle delivery logistics. By securely exchanging business-to-business and machine-to-machine information, collaboration between companies can be strengthened and the business workflow optimized. COVID-19 has shown that professional and integrated supply chain management ensures the survival of companies. Transparent supply chains with […]