• Publikation: A decision support system for ambulance scheduling.
  • Publikation: Nutzung von OpenStreetMap-Daten für Augmented Reality-Anwendungen am Beispiel von Peak.ar.
  • Post: Detecting anomalies in real-time communication networks

    The timely detection of anomalies in communication networks is especially important for time-critical applications. The more time it takes to detect and react to an anomaly, the more serious the consequences can be. Salzburg Research has developed a software architecture that can detect and react to anomalies in real time using machine learning.

  • Publikation: Die mobilen Reisenden.

    Der Tourismus ist ein Informationsgeschäft: Eine Branche, in der Information und deren Aufbereitung eine wesentliche und entscheidende Rolle spielen. Die Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologien (IKT) haben genau das zur Aufgabe: die Verarbeitung von Information. Es liegt also nahe, IKT und Tourismus zusammenzuführen. Immer häufiger ist außerdem das Handy mit im Reisegepäck – dies bietet völlig neue Möglichkeiten, die Reisenden auch unterwegs mit Information zu versorgen. Artikel erschienen in NOEO, dem Wissenschaftsmagazin Salzburger Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen. NOEO erscheint vierteljährlich als Beilage zum österreichischen Wirtschaftsmagazin “Trend” und “Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Österreich)” sowie im Eigenvertrieb. Auflage: 48.000 Stück. Beteiligte Institutionen: Universität Salzburg, FH Salzburg GmbH, Universität Mozarteum, fh.sozialarbeit und Salzburg Research.

  • SRFG Team: _wagner andreas
  • Publikation: Establishing and Maintaining Situation Awareness for Shop-Floor Assistance in Manufacturing.

    Abstract—We report on design and implementation of a situation awareness module for a site-wide assistance system in manufacturing plants. We design individual assistance units that are able to support workers interactively, on the shop floor and we enable these units to keep track of the shop-floor situation at the level of workers’ cells. Each work cell is thus logically monitored by an assistance unit that is aware of workers, manufacturing tasks and subtasks, as well as having an inventory of components and equipment used by the workers, to accomplish their tasks. Input from multiple sensors is translated into streams of observations expressed at a higher conceptual level, so that they can be interpreted w.r.t. a pre-defined, discrete knowledge model. Keywords—situation awareness, shop floor, assistance, manufacturing, sensor streams, task models https://edas.info/showManuscript Ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Paper Award

  • Publikation: update Dez|09

    Forschung erleben und verstehen Freund oder Feind Red Bull Hot Spot Viewer Innovatives Rettungskonzept Intelligentes Gebäudemanagement Peak.AR – das iPhone gibt dir Berge

  • Event: Training: Maturity Model Industry 4.0

    The ITG Salzburg – Innovation Service for Salzburg invites you to the training: Assess the degree of maturity of your company and discover possible potential.

  • Projekt: LabSchedulerPlus

    LabSchedulerPlus is a research and development project in cooperation with the Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, aimed at developing a planing tool for a company from the chemical industries.

  • Publikation: A Generic Coordination Architecture as an Enabler for Mobile Collaborative Applications.
  • Publikation: Crowdsourcing bei Geo-und Reisedatenprojekten: ein Fallstudienvergleich, extended abstract.
  • Publikation: Semantic Integration Patterns for Industry 4.0.

    In the manufacturing industry, digital twins have emerged as a key technological concept for the creation and use of digital representations of assets and their associated processes. In emerging networked manufacturing systems, digital twins of machines or components do not reside within one specific application, platform or edge node, but they ideally consume and deliver information (e.g. sensor data, master data) to all connected applications in the operational systems. This results in complex integration requirements for both, the assets and the applications. Starting from an overview of industrial information models, the paper describes a recent research approach towards semantic interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twin in manufacturing systems. It gives an architectural overview of a platform for the integration of operational management systems and connected assets based on semantic integration patterns. The paper describes the initial concepts of the underlying research project “i-Twin”.  

  • Publikation: SensorNets@Home.
  • Publikation: User Requirements for a Mobile Disaster Documentation System

    According to a successful disaster management the analysis of the disaster is needed. For this purpose the documentation of the disaster is necessary. Up to now many studies deal with different aspects of mobile systems for the disaster management. They are developed for disaster management activities of public safety units, but there are no applications for the documentation process during and after a disaster. In this paper we describe an approach for a mobile disaster documentation system. The main focus lies on the user requirements of the different user groups. The disaster documentation focuses mostly on information about a disaster and possible activities undertaken by disaster and public safety experts. The documentation structure should use a common language based on a standard terminology. A standardized documentation structure would help to harmonize the information basis, accessibility, and better integration in spatial decision-making processes.

  • SRFG Team: _troth natasha
  • Publikation: Analysis of Public Datasets for Digital Twin-based Testbeds for Automotive Cybersecurity Validation
  • Publikation: An Approach to Semantic Processing of GPS Traces.
  • Event: Workshop in Saalfelden: Digital Innovation for Craft & Trade in Open Workshops and IOT Research Lab

    […] others about suitable materials and determine the roadmap to the market or start-up? Workshop in Saalfelden. Be smart about taking advantage of open workshops and research labs for your business and bottom-up innovation in MakerSpaces. Get to know new machines, tools and methods on site! Thursday – March 1, 2018 , 3 pm to 5.30 pm DO!LAB Lofererstrasse 12. 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer Program (in German) 15.00 Begrüßung 15.15 Unternehmen berichten über Nutzen neuer digitaler Tools und Methoden bei Design-, Prototypen- und Produktentwicklung sowie Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit mit einer digitalen, offenen Werkstätte. 15.45 Potenziale für digitales Handwerk und Gewerbe Der digitale Twin – Wenn physische und digitale Welt verschmelzen. Christoph Schranz, Salzburg Research, Open IOT-Lab 16.00 Fahrplan zum innovativen Geschäftsmodell – Wie komme ich von meiner Produktidee zum Markt? Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research, InnovationLab 16.15 Kaffeepause 16.30 Offener Austausch und Brainstorming für Ihr Projekt. Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit Happylab Salzburg, […]

  • Projekt: Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

    The EU-INTERREG-project „Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg“ aims to boost the innovative strength of the tourism industry at the level of individual enterprises as well as destinations as a whole.

  • Publikation: A Taxonomy of Localisation Technologies to Support Effective Design Decisions for Mobile Systems.