• Publikation: update 08.1

    Netd@ys Austria 07|08 LBS2008: Call for Contributions 10 Jahre ANC Innovationsscheck eingelöst Wanderbarer SalzburgfĂŒhrer Optimierung in der Transportlogistik

  • SRFG Team: _beeking moritz
  • Publikation: NavigationsunterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr intermodal Reisende in komplexen Umsteigebauwerken

    Intermodale Reiserouten weisen aufgrund von komplexen UmsteigevorgĂ€ngen eine oftmals höhere KomplexitĂ€t fĂŒr Reisende auf als monomodale Reisen (Heye, 2003), wodurch die Bereitschaft bei Reisenden zu einem Verkehrsmittelwechsel relativ gering ist. Die Barrieren sind vielfĂ€ltig und reichen von unzureichenden Informationen ĂŒber Alternativrouten, ĂŒber fehlende Informationen bei möglichen UmsteigeplĂ€tzen auf ein anderes Verkehrsmittel bis hin zur fehlenden Integration der bereits vorhandenen monomodalen Informationen in ein integriertes, intermodales Reiseinformationssystem. Vor allem fehlt es auch an einem elektronischen, mobilen Reisebegleiter, der fĂŒr Reisende in den unterschiedlichen Reisesituationen wertvolle Informationen anbieten und dadurch Barrieren ausrĂ€umen kann. Die Annahme im Forschungsprojekt Open-SPIRIT ist, dass der Anteil an intermodalen Reisen durch derartige Dienste nachhaltig erhöht werden kann. Ziel ist die Entwicklung eines mobilen Reisebegleiters fĂŒr intermodale Reisen. Open-SPIRIT wird im Impulsprogramm “I2 – Intelligente Infrastruktur” des BMVIT gefördert.

  • Publikation: Changing business models arising from digitalization
  • Event: Maintenance Days 2018

    Industry meeting: Excellent maintenance as THE engine for manufacturing companies.

  • Publikation: Kontext-abhĂ€ngige UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr mobile Erfassung geographischer Daten.
  • Projekt: FEMroute – Consideration of gender-specific requirements for mobile services

    So far the producers of mobility supporting systems have often used little more than fancy packaging and design to reach out to female customers. The underlying software solutions, however, usually have been remained unchanged. Female-specific factors in spatial perception and navigation were either not considered sufficiently, or not at all. This ignores studies that have shown gender-specific differences concerning orientation and strategies of path-finding.

  • Post: Researcher wanted – with focus on geographic information processing in automated & connected mobility

    An exciting niche between science and business with new technological challenges is waiting for reinforcement in part-time or full-time as a Researcher with a focus on geographic information processing in automated & networked mobility, starting immediately or at a later date.

  • Publikation: “Entwicklung eines Planungswerkzeuges fĂŒr die Optimierung von Fertigbetonauslieferungen”
  • Publikation: A Resilient Distributed Measurement System for Smart Grid Application

    Abstract Since the production of energy from renewable energy sources is strongly increasing, the migration from the classical electric grid toward the smart grid is becoming a reality. Distribution System Operators, along with the control of the entire network and its stability, need to address the security and the reliability of the communication channels and the data itself. In this paper a solution is proposed to address these issues. It is based on a distributed measurement system that relies on a wireless network as well as a redundant Power Line communication system in order to transfer the electrical measures to a centralized SCADA server. The collected data are used to run a power flow algorithm in order to give the operator the whole picture of the network energy flow and to suggest specific actions aimed to keep the electricity network stable. An external computational layer has the role to check and validate the data […]

  • Leistung: Context-Sensitive Analysis of Human Movement Data

    […] sleeping? We answer questions about evaluating the quality of human movement in order to increase the experience and well-being of various target groups. For this we rely on professional data recording in the familiar environment of the users as well as on the latest scientific methods. Your Added Value From the Idea to the Data Pipeline: We translate your product requirements to data requirements. We find suitable sensor systems for your application, set up an appropriate data infrastructure that complies with data protection regulations and design apps and dashboards to make the data usable for you. From Data to Knowledge: We develop algorithms based on the latest technology. Whether ski turns, work steps or movements while sleeping: we identify and evaluate relevant events so that you can offer your users new insights into their movement behavior. Everything with the claim of scientific rigor and practical feasibility. Data Management: Our experience with data collection in […]

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte ReiseunterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr intermodale Reisen

    Das österreichische Forschungsprojekt Vienna-SPIRIT hat zum Ziel, ein integriertes Reiseinformationssystem fĂŒr intermodale Reisen zu konzipieren und pilothaft umzusetzen, wobei bestehende intermodale Fahrplanauskunftssysteme sowie Kfz-Navigationssysteme in ein System mit einer durchgĂ€ngigen, situationsbezogenen Pre-trip- und On-trip-ReiseunterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr intermodale Reisen integriert werden sollen. Der folgende Beitrag beschreibt ein Modell fĂŒr diese situationsbezogene ReiseunterstĂŒtzung, die daraus abgeleitete Systemarchitektur und deren Umsetzung im Vienna-SPIRITPilotsystem.

  • Projekt: MMAssist II

    Assistance systems in production in the context of human – machine cooperation

  • Post: How nudging and gamification impact urban mobility and sustainable behaviour

    Can people be encouraged to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle with digital tools? The research results are promising: a personal mobility app with playful elements and incentives motivates people to cycle more and use sustainable services in the city. Many cities are trying to integrate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into their policies. In doing so, they are confronted with numerous challenges: One of the biggest challenges is the adjustment of the “modal split”, the distribution of traffic among different modes or means of transport. Therefore, cities want to change the mobility behaviour of their citizens. Promoting sustainable behaviour or only informing about it, however, does not motivate sufficiently. “We have therefore investigated how motivational techniques using data from a personal mobility tracker can be used to influence citizens’ personal mobility,” innovation researcher Luger-Bazinger continues. Within the European research project SimpliCITY, effective strategies were developed to promote sustainable behaviour. Citizens were addressed by means […]

  • Publikation: Estimating Completeness of VGI Datasets by Analyzing Community Activity over Time Periods
  • Event: Austrian AAL Practice Conference 2018: From Practice to Practice – AAL Made in Austria

    Information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in over 500 Austrian households and insights into digitization solutions for the aging society.

  • Publikation: Data-Driven Innovations for Sustainability: In the case of the electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment bundling

    AbstractThis research aimed to bring a user-view to a prospective sustainable mobility innovation, namely that of a product bundle of an electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment. This is with the view that pairing complementary innovations are necessary to increase the value proposition for stakeholders within an ecosystem. By harnessing theoretical insights from innovation ecosystems, business model innovation, and the Technology Acceptance Model, the aim of this study was to quantify an Austrian sample’s interest in and willingness to buy an electric vehicle and a product bundle of an electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment. The method utilized was a quantitative online survey which gauged the sentiments of 144 Austrian residents in November 2022. The main findings are as follows: (1) the product bundle’s environmental risk reduction was shown to bring the most added value of the bundle; (2) there is a statistically significant difference between interest in a standalone EV and interest in the bundle, with […]

  • Publikation: update 07.4

    Selbstvertrauen durch E-Portfolios GrenzĂŒberschreitende Qualifikation Barrierefreie Sportregion Salzburger Online-Jugendatlas kids_JOIN_tech Mobiles Fernsehen in Österreich

  • SRFG Team: _eisl stefan
  • Publikation: Assisting orientation and guidance for multimodal travelers in situations of modal change

    Increasing the share of multimodal journeys will be necessary for society to guarantee a high level of mobility given current growth rates. However, while car drivers are already assisted by advanced guidance and navigation facilities, continuous on-trip assistance for multimodal travelers is still in its infancies. Especially when it comes to situations of modal change, travelers get discouraged by increased complexity and missing information and guidance. Thus, our goal is to develop a palm-based personal travel companion for multimodal travelers. The work presented in this paper especially focuses on pedestrian orientation and guidance in complex public transport interchange buildings.