• Projekt: VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education

    Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues Values and Knowledge Education is an innovative educational model that places values at the centre of constructivist learning processes. The model has been developed at the Department of Education of the University of Salzburg and used since several years in different educational face-to-face settings. In the VaKE project a Wiki-based platform is developed that supports the model both for individual and collaborative learning. Furthermore for VaKE-online didactical materials for teachers and trainers are developed. The online platform and materials will be evaluated by test users from Austrian universities of education and schools.

  • Event: 5th Maintenance Conference

    The maintenance conference compresses industry know-how in one day and shows the perfect mix of best practice coupled with visionary solutions for overall maintenance management and organization. Lighthouse projects and production-related practical examples from various industries show you how successful solutions are developed in other industries. The maintenance conference compresses industry know-how in one day and shows the perfect mix of best practice coupled with visionary solutions for overall maintenance management and organization. November 13, 8 am to 6 pm voestalpine Stahlwelt, Linz Salzburg Research organizes the following break-out session in the afternoon: Break-Out 3: Transparency & Data Learning See how to better use real-time condition monitoring and forecasting sensor data to ensure high performance and availability. A break-out session that puts an end to the biggest errors in monitoring solutions. Moderation & input: Jutta Isopp, Managing Director of Messfeld GmbH together with Georg GĂŒntner, Head of Industrial Internet Competence at Salzburg Research and […]

  • Event: Maker Day Saalfelden

    The Maker Day Saalfelden combines traditional crafts and technologies of the future and aims to arouse interest in MINT and ICT topics and the enjoyable use of materials and digital tools in a playful way. The Maker Day Saalfelden combines traditional crafts and technologies of the future and aims to arouse interest in MINT and ICT topics and the enjoyable use of materials and digital tools in a playful way. In the mornings, the open workshop invites school classes (3rd + 4th grade VS, NMS and AHS lower grades) to participate and in the afternoon offers a program for all interested inventors, amateur hobbyists, technicians and curious ones. The Maker Day in Saalfelden can be programmed, soldered, 3D-modeled and printed, photographed, tinkered, filmed or a computer disassembled at various locations (including the HTL Saalfelden and the DO!LAB). Innovative new products or existing products have been individualized through changes, optimized or put back into operation […]

  • Post: Research Results for a Targeted Planning of Cycling

    […] and the identification of four different types of cyclists. Most of the measures to promote cycling are geared towards average cyclists, but these do not exist in this form. The group of people cycling is extremely diverse and very different. This diversity must be taken into account if funding measures are to have a broad impact. International bicycle traffic experts agree: The basis for relevant decisions on bicycle traffic management and for planning and evaluating measures is valid data. A survey in context of the research shows the brisance: 98 percent of the more than 300 participating cycling experts consider data on bicycle mobility to be important or very important for their respective area of activity. However, only eleven percent stated that they could manage all tasks with the available data. So between demand and availability of such data gapes usually a gap. This is where the Bicycle Observatory consortium came in: data from […]

  • Page: Youth in Science

    Supporting junior researchers has always been an important part of our work in order to address the current lack of specialized natural-scientific workforce especially in the field of Computer Sciences. If you are interested in an internship or current projects, click here. Salzburg Research offers for university students
 exciting, state-of-the-art topics for internship semesters, diploma theses, and dissertations the opportunity to carry out scientific as well as practice-oriented work in-depth and individual supervision an adequate allowance Details are only availabe in German. See also: current job openings srfg_Talente_neu

  • Post: New Visitor Record at the Long Night of Research

    […] Or you tried to teach a trash can to speak. Information about all our stations: Our stations 2018 In cooperation with HTL Salzburg and eÂČ Young Engineers Austria, we have also prepared a lot for children: Meet & greet with various social robots: try, pet, be amazed – and play football On the trail of garbage: teach a manure bucket to talk and manoeuvre a robot to the right dumpster Experience pneumatics live: Simulate a pneumatic circuit design and try it live on the practice wall LEGOÂź Challenge: Take the challenge and build MINT robots with special LEGO Âź kits Also: 3D doodle, Button Maker, etc. In total, more than 1,500 people visited the Long Night of Research at our location. There were 8,300 at all locations in the federal state. Press release: 8.300 people hungry for knowledge enthusiastic about research (in German)   Das war die LNF18 Lange Nacht der Forschung bei Salzburg Research

  • Post: Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung): Children’s Program + Public Transportat Ticket

    […] That’s why the motto is: Stay awake and get there! Children Program In cooperation with HTL Salzburg and eÂČ Young Engineers Austria, we have also prepared a lot for children: Meet & greet with various social robots: try, pet, be amazed – and play football On the trail of garbage: teach a manure bucket to talk and maneuver a robot to the right dumpster Experience pneumatics live: Simulate a pneumatic circuit design and try it live on the practice wall LEGO Âź Challenge: Take the challenge and build MINT robots with special LEGO Âź kits Also: 3D Doodle, Button Maker, etc.   Salzburg public transport ticket to print:   The Long Night of Research in Salzburg The Long Night of Research is financially suppported by the Province of Salzburg in Salzburg and supported by the city of Salzburg. As in previous years, the regional coordination of the event was taken ovre by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft.

  • Post: Against Each Other for Togetherness: Charity Challenge 2020

    […] last year. A strong motivation boost for this year’s participants, which includes Salzburg Research and Findologic, Commend International, COPA-DATA, Digital Elektronik, nic.at, Movea, Quehenberger Logistics and SKIDATA. Participants to the Start! The proven rules of the Charity Challenge 2020 remain unchanged: from the official starting shot on June 15 to the “finish” on September 15, 2020, the teams of two companies duel each other in a sporting duel for the most running, hiking and walking kilometres. In practice, this means that every employee of the participating organizations – regardless of whether they are a beginner, Nordic walker or marathon runnter – can simply enter or record their kilometres travelled. The kilometres of the participants are collected and tracked via brand new web portal, which can be easily linked to tracking apps or smart watches if required. In line with the cross-border solidarity in corona times, employees from international branches of the respective companies are […]

  • Page: Insights into our research work

    […] das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. From basic research to applied research: I am fascinated by how we can make our lives better and easier with technology. But where there is a lot of light, there can also be a lot of shadow: that’s why it’s important to critically question technology. Non-university research has a strong connection to practice. Here I can apply my education and work with many people from different disciplines – that is very stimulating. I like the creativity that is needed for research, the international reference and the variety in project work. An interesting, varied environment and flexible, independent work! – Mag.a Dr.in Claudia Luger-Bazinger From basic research to applied research: Technologies determine our lives, through technological innovations we hope for improvements in our lives. In research, I can look behind […]

  • Post: „New Timber Paths“: These Innovations For The Salzburg Timber Industry Have Won

    […] sustainable smart material and grows on our doorstep. Open Innovation – Neue Holzwege Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Ideas For The Future Of The Salzburg Timber Industry On behalf of Pro:Holz and the Holzcluster Salzburg, from 4.2.2020 to 4.4.2020, Open Innovation Salzburg called for innovative proposals that delight customers of small and medium-sized companies and help Salburg wood companies to strike a balance between tradition and master modernity. The aim was to promote the innovative strength and competitiveness of Salzburg woodworking companies through creative ideas and to strengthen them along the entire value chain from the forest to the customers. New technologies or customer groups were just as welcome as improvements in production or innovative business models. These Ideas Won: The five best ideas were […]

  • Page: Intelligentes Destinationsmanagement

    […] Steuerungsmechanismen und neue bzw. geĂ€nderte Verhaltensweisen, denn Nachhaltigkeit und Klimabewusstsein sind mittlerweile in aller Munde. Das ermöglicht neue Angebote und GeschĂ€ftsmodelle, bei denen auch der Öffentliche Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) an Bedeutung gewinnt. Die Angebote mĂŒssen aber intelligent miteinander verzahnt sein und zu den individuellen BedĂŒrfnissen der Reisenden passen. Bewegungsdaten in Echtzeit als SchlĂŒssel zur Lösung Bewegungsdaten liefern die Basis, um touristische Angebote zu adaptieren bzw. diese Adaptionen auch zu evaluieren. Damit kann eine effektive, klimafreundliche Steuerung der touristischen Customer-Journey bezogen auf das MobilitĂ€tsverhalten – vor allem beim An- und Abreiseverhalten und der Besuchsdichte vor Ort – erreicht werden. Dann kann auch der Weg zum Erlebnis werden. Bewegungsdaten liefern die Basis, um touristische Angebote zu adaptieren Mit Hilfe von Bewegungsdaten in Echtzeit und datenbasierte Planungstools, Dashboards und Benchmarking fĂŒr Tourismusregionen helfen wir, klimafreundliche TourismusmobilitĂ€t zu realisieren: Live-Monitoring von Besucher:innenströmen bzw. -auslastungen, Analyse und Vorhersage von MobilitĂ€ts- und Besuchsverhalten, steuerndes Eingreifen durch Informationsdienste und personalisierte Anreize (Nudging-Methoden). […]

  • Event: Test Runs with the Digibus

    Salzburg Research always offers public test runs with the self-running minibus in Koppl – please enter! Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the Digibus examines important questions about automated mobility for the „last mile“. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance of existing public transport. Automated vehicles might close this gap in the future. In order to explore acceptance and personal experiences, test runs are offered to interested passengers. You can come to the announced test trips without registration or ticket. Get in and experience the future of driving! Next public test run: Sunday, September 10, 2017, 1 – 5 pm Don’t miss: Follow the Digibus on Facebook or Twitter. Get in please! Access at the village center Koppl More information about the self-propelled minibus and the last mile: digibus.at With the Digibus, Salzburg Research is the first […]

  • Post: Salzburg Innovation Scores at „2 Minuten 2 Millionen”

    […] of Salzburg Research as part of the Interreg Italia-Austria-funded project Labs.4.SMEs. The aim of the cooperation project was to strengthen the cooperation between the company SWAIG by company founder Lukas Schwaiger and the open workshop HappyLab Salzburg and to support the young inventor in the implementation of the innovation project. In the period from 10/2018 to 04/2019, intensive work was carried out on the implementation of different prototypes for heated fascia rolls. Various heating options and various materials and approaches for seamless wrapping of the roll were tested. See also: SWAIG: The Heated Fascia Roll With Effect Investors Search at “2 Minuten 2 Millionen” In May 2020 Lukas Schwaiger appeared on the start-up show “2 Minuten 2 Millionen”. The aim was to attract investors in order to be able to produce in Europe. He succeeded across the board. Since the broadcast date, the Thermaroll has been available for regeneration, relaxation and wellbeing online. SWAIG-Website: […]

  • Page: Sportliche Höchstleistungen mit digitaler Hilfe

    […] wissen. Gemeinsam mit Salzburg Research forschen wir daran, wie das Skifahren sicherer und effizienter werden kann. – DI Helmut Holzer, Atomic Austria GmbH Referenzen Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness & Well-being: Analyse der menschlichen Bewegungsdaten mit Fokus auf der Bewertung der QualitĂ€t der Bewegung. Messung und Interpretation von Bewegung und Emotion durch Multi-Sensor-Fusion – bestehend aus biomechanischen, kontextbezogenen und psychophysiologischen Parametern. VirtualSleepLab – Virtuelles Schlaflabor: Digitale Schlafanalyse & Schlaf-Coaching fĂŒr die Optimierung von Schlafhygiene und Schlafplatzgestaltung. Unser Service Prototyping datenbasierter Produkte: Digitale Entwicklungen sind aufwĂ€ndig und entsprechend riskant. Wir analysieren Herausforderungen wissenschaftlich, untersuchen User Needs und entwickeln daraus sogenannte Proof-of-Concepts auf drei bis fĂŒnf Jahre voraus. So werden aus Ihren Innovationen keine kostspieligen Flops. Innovation Ecosystem-Design: Mittels eines umfangreichen Methodenkoffers unterstĂŒtzen wir bei Analyse, Design und Evaluierung von neuen InnovationsrĂ€umen und Eco-Systemen, die die traditionellen Player der Sportindustrie mit neuen Playern aus Data Science und Start-ups der Machine Learning/KI mit Lead-Usern verbindet. Success Storys […]

  • Post: Online MINT Week: Journey Into The Research World

    […] take advantage of. Calling up the individual offers: On May 20, you will find a link to every offer description on the Website www.mintlabs.at – you can use this link to dial in to the Webex platform (works without installation via the browser). MINT:labs Science City Itzling The interplay of university teaching, application-oriented research and technology-savvy startups makes Science City Itzling a dynamic research hub. The establishment of the MINT:labs strengthens the interdisciplinary collaboration and bundles the knowledge at the location. As many target groups as possible should benefit from these synergy effects. The departments chemistry and physics of materials, computer science, geoinformatics, mathematics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the School of Education at the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research are involved. Through exciting educational formats, the participants get to know the varied training opportunities in the Science City Itzling and discover new professional fields. The project is funded by the Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020 funding program. Interreg

  • Projekt: ComStudy – Successful virtual community building and technological support

    […] these Web-related projects. Hence, the question about successful community building is crucial and gets a lot of attention. Overview of the study The ComStudy is a study about successful virtual community building, working with literature and project analysis, case analysis and expert interviews. It will describe concrete implementation strategies for different scenarios. Additionally, this study focuses on three essential functionalities of community systems which have hardly been researched: We will describe and compare realisations and systems, best- practice solutions and experiences with community building concerning: the development and evaluation of meta information recommender-systems for community support, and engagement indicators and reputation systems for community members. a) Building virtual communities There are a plenty of short reports, analysis and comments about successful and also unsuccessful virtual communities, but just few systematic analysis of these experiences. The first part of the study, which comprises literature and reports, case studies of various virtual communities, and expert interviews, […]

  • Post: How Secure are (Bicycle) Infrastructures?

    […] data recorded with the smartphone were analysed using specially developed algorithms. As a result, strong impacts and unevenness as well as abrupt braking and steering maneuvers were detected. The results of the data evaluation were visualized in a web-based demonstrator and analysed with regard to the bicycle-friendliness, usability and safety of the (bicycle) infrastructure. The results of such records and evaluations can refeal problematic points in the bicycle infrastructure and help with improvements in the infrastructure planning in the future. The tested methods of data collection have proven themselves in practice. For a more meaningful evaluation of (cycling) infrastructure in cities and municipalities, a broader data collection is required. An implementation in a successor project is considered. The research work has been funded by the BMVIT and the FFG in the “Mobility of the Future” program. More information: Cycle tracks on trial: How safe are (bicycle) infrastructures? (German press release) To the project: Bikealyze (German)

  • Event: Save the Date: 9. IT-Businesstalk

    […] as usual? How Platforms and Blockchain Change Business Models”. 9th IT-Businesstalk “Business as usual? How Platforms and Blockchain Change Business Models” May 18, 2017, 14:00 – 17:00 Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber The event deals with the trends of platforms and new payment models. The program is currently being produced and published in March. You can now register for the event: Registration About the IT-Businesstalk Since 2005 Salzburg Research and nic.at have been organizing the IT-Businesstalk. The aim of the talk is to show trends and current developments on the internet – in theory and practice. Experts from business and science explain where the journey goes on the internet and give examples of how companies can benefit from it. The event is free of charge and is aimed at IT managers, decision-makers and all those interested who want to take a look at the IT-Zukunft. www.it-businesstalk.at

  • Post: Free Online Course: Making Young Social Innovators

    Learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative mindset to solve social problems. Register now! “Making Young Social Innovators”: New ways of training young learners in creativity, social innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in makerspaces How can young learners work together and find creative solutions to societal problems? How can YOU facilitate an engaging, meaningful and practice-oriented creativity workshop in a makerspace? How can YOU encourage a socially entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among your students?   Online Course on Making Young Social Innovators Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. In this online course you will learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative way of thinking to solve social problems. You will benefit from practical and effective […]

  • Page: Diversity & Gender Equality

    […] grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation. The Federal Constitutional Law (B-VG), the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act, the UN Conventions on Women’s Rights and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as other equal treatment and equality rights at EU level, may apply in addition. Salzburg Research is also subject to the Salzburg Corporate Governance Codex, the Research Collective Agreement with its associated Ethics Contract, the Employment Agreement, the externally certified quality & process management system, as well as the corporate concept for internal strategy and orientation and, from 2021 onwards, this Equality Plan. Gender-balanced Conditions Details anzeigen The gender ratio at all operational and decision-making levels has an impact on all processes and their results. Care is therefore taken to ensure a fair balance of genders at all levels of the hierarchy and in all areas of Salzburg Research on an ongoing basis. In job ads […]