• Projekt: OFSE_Grid – Open Flow Secure Grid

    The potential of Open Flow for becoming a next generation Smart Grid communication infrastructure will be explored. Both the energy domain and the classical IP networking get their own router stack sharing the physical and L2-VPN layer. The project analyses the relevance of the scientific open questions, evaluates the modelling methods and performs validations with a rapid prototype. Problem to solve and initial solution: Recently the progress in the development of Smart Grid communications infrastructure is hampered by contradictory positions of the EC at one side „explore the possibility of deploying dedicated services on shared telecoms infrastructure, rather than entirely new infrastructure” and the requirement of energy provider (DNP’s) to manage their own communication infrastructure  „Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass zumindest für eine Übergangszeit .. der (IKT-) Betrieb beim Verteilnetzbetreiber liegen wird… da er die Verantwortung für einen zuverlässigen Netzbetrieb trägt“ . The main argument of the energy provider is „the existing telecom […]

  • Post: Sustainable commuting: Improving cycling corridors with digital data

    […] was collected Trained test riders examined the bicycle corridors on predefined routes with a total length of 153 kilometres through targeted, repeated rides. Commercially available e-bikes with a defined tyre pressure of 4.5 bar and a rigid fork were used. A smartphone mounted on the handlebars recorded the vibrations along the route using the BikeQuality app from Salzburg Research. Data on 204 tracks and 804 kilometres ridden were recorded with the BikeQuality app and evaluated by a cloud-based mobility data analysis service from Salzburg Research. Based on the shocks, the ride quality was evaluated in a ten-metre grid on the basis of a four-level scale – comfortable, rideable, poor and very poor – and visualised on a map. Light, medium and strong impacts along the corridors were also determined. “The results are encouraging: more than 60 percent of the surveyed cycling corridors into the city of Salzburg have a comfortable surface quality. Of the […]

  • Post: EU project supports manufacturing SMEs

    […] amounts for their visibility. The European research project NIMBLE wants to help these innovative industrial companies: A digital trading and communication platform should help to modernize their processes. To this end, NIMBLE develops an open-source-based B2B platform infrastructure that can be specialized by operators for regional or sector-specific B2B solutions. Using these platforms, SMEs can define supply chains and even network production logistics in order to leverage company-wide optimization potential. NIMBLE is being developed as a native cloud application. The technologies used (e.g. Spring Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes) and the software architecture are adapted for operation in the cloud. The microservices architecture pattern serves as a blueprint for the NIMBLE-specific architecture. Microservices have the advantage that they are developed and operated independently of each other and thus have little influence on each other. Collaboration along the supply chain, already during the design process and for product variations: Both integrated industry partners and numerous early adopters […]

  • Post: Award: 2nd Place Worldwide in the Area of AI/ML in 5G

    […] operators can quickly reconfigure their network or test different network configurations.” Numerous organizations around the world are researching how AI/ML can best be used in future networks, including 5G networks. In an international challenge, 911 teams from 62 countries competed with their know-how in 23 individual challenges. The best teams were invited to the final at the end of December 2020. Salzburg Research achieved the excellent second place there across all 23 challenges. Das erfolgreiche Team bei der ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge: v.l.n.r.: Peter Dorfinger, Matthias Herlich, Christian Maier, Martin Happ, Jia Lei Du (alle Salzburg Research) Gold went to China Mobile. Among the other participants were the TU Berlin, Imperial College London, Eurecom, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Inria, Fraunhofer HHI, NEC, IMDEA and many more. Efficient AI Solution The research team achieved the second place primarily due to the efficiency of the developed AI/ML solution: “While the solutions of other teams […]

  • Post: Status Quo and Future of Digital Mobility

    The focus of the Digital Mobility Forum on May 16, 2019 was the topic of traffic information and management and automation. The focus of the Digital Mobility Forum on May 16, 2019, was on “Digital Traffic Information and Management” and “Automation in Mobility”, to which the state of Salzburg and Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft had invited. Aro und 60 participants from the public administration, research and companies met to exchange experiences including a test drive with the automated Digibus® in the municipality of Koppl. Well-known experts gave presentations on the main topics of the Mobility Forum at the Pitter Event Center in Salzburg. After that, the approximately 60 participants, including decision-makers from public administrations, the chamber of commerce, universities, research institutes, companies, car driver clubs and other institutions, took the opportunity to discuss the topic. Also a test drive with the Digibus® in the municipality Koppl was on the program. Karl Rehrl, Forschungslinienleiter für intelligente […]

  • Post: Salzburg Research at the ICT 2018

    […] Fit Into a New Phase of Life With New Technologies Fit4AAL relies on an expandable (growing) and affordable plug & play solution for the next generation of retirees who are more technologically advanced. With this, users are to be made physically fit(ter) and on the other hand “fit for the use” of supporting technologies. This is achieved by combining smart home components with smart services and appropriate health-promoting preventive measures. The latter focus on the areas of exercise, nutrition and relaxation. To the project page NIMBLE – Collaborative Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe The NIMBLE project develops an open-source-based B2B platform infrastructure that can be specialized by operators for regional or sector-specific B2B solutions. Through these platforms, SMEs should be able to define sopply chains and be able to network more closely in terms of production logistics in order to be able to use company-wide optimization potential. To the project page

  • Post: Mayor Preuner at Salzburg Research: Is Salzburg really the traffic jam capital?

    Mayor Harald Preuner visited the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft on May 14 at the Science City Itzling. Mayor Harald Preuner visited the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft on May 14 at the Science City Itzling. Among other things, they are researching innovative technological solutions for the mobility of tomorrow. “Transport and mobility affect us all. It needs innovative solutions for efficient use of existing infrastructure, as well as entirely new developments”, says Mayor Harald Preuner. The city of Salzburg is commonly regarded as a congestion hotspot. Commuter traffic, construction sites, border controls, travel – and it is only progressing at a walking pace. The IT research company Salzburg Research provides an objective picture of the actual traffic situation. An Objective Picture of the Traffic Situation Salzburg Research has been commissioned by the Province of Salzburg for several years to survey the current traffic situation in the federal state. Using Floating Car Data (FCD), all main traffic routes […]

  • Post: More Safety for Cyclists through Intelligent Traffic Systems

    […] time, more and more people are switching to bicycles. Efforts to date have primarily focused on the detection of pedestrians. In the new research initiative Bike2CAV, the focus is on cyclists: companies and research institutions jointly research and test possibilities for the cooperative detection of collision risks for cyclists as well as non-distracting warning concepts. Connected Vehicles as an Opportunity Networked and (partially) automated vehicles are increasingly able to communicate with other vehicles and with the traffic infrastructure, such as intelligent traffic lights. Bicycles should be actively involved in the interaction with motorized vehicles. Active communication with bicycles or improved recognition performance increases the reliability of the perception of the surroundings by networked vehicles. But even bicycles without their own perception of their surroundings are included with the help of technologies in order to be better recognized especially by automated vehicles. Warning of the Risk of Collision for Cyclists Another focus is dedicated to […]

  • Post: The Digibus is in Koppl

    […] days a week”, says Karl Rehrl, research manager for intelligent mobility at Salzburg Research. “In the medium term, the Digibus is mainly available for applied research. As a first step, we want to evaluate the technology in the context of test journeys in order to develop them systematically with partners. We will, however, always offer test drives for interested passengers to explore acceptance and personal experiences.” The test enfironment is intended to provide digital and physical test infrastructures in order to test and/or systematically futher develop self-propelled vehicles for public transport in test and real operation. “The question is no longer whether automated mobility comes, but how we can esign automated mobility in the future in order to provide an efficient, environmentally compatible and affordable mobility system. An open test enfironment enables a common learning for all parties involved in order to answer open questions about automated mobility in the coming years, thus enabling […]

  • Post: Survey On The Future Of E-Mobility On Two Wheels

    […] two-wheelers and determine their potential. We Ask For Your Opinion! What do you expect from electromobility on two wheels? Which mobility factors are important to you personally? How would you use electric mobility? What characteristics and what information of the electric vehicle or the (charging) infrastructure would you like? Could you imagine wearable technology as an interface between driver and vehicle? Help shape the future of e-mobility on two wheels! Take the survey now and win: German questionnaire English questionnaire EMotion (Electric Mobility in L-Category Vehicles for all generations) is f unded by Klima- und Energiefonds a spart of the Zero Emission Mobility funding program. Project leader: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, project partner: KTM Technologies GmbH, KISKA GmbH, KTM AG, WIVW Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften GmbH, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH., FH OÖ Forschungs und Entwicklungs GmbH, NUMERICA GmbH & Co KG, Technische Universität Graz, Daxner&Merl GmbH, Kobleder GmbH Entry Picture: © KISKA GmbH

  • Post: Better Decisions Through Traffic Data

    […] sections? The maximum permissible speed cannot actually be driven on every route – for example on very winding routes in alpine regions. Realistic speeds and therefore real vehicle times are essential for sustainable decisions in traffic planning. “We want to use real data to improve the quality of traffic modeling in the Tyrol and the city of Innsbruck. With realistic speeds, we can, for example, better estimate traffic loads and the resulting emissions and also better assess infrastructure measures”, says Marcel Kelterer, traffic planner in the Office of the Tyrolean State Government. As part of the EVIS.AT traffic data platform, Salzburg Research has been analyzing more than 2 million kilometers of real driving data in Austria and Bavaria every day since 2015. Relevant traffic parameters such as real driving speeds and time-dependent speed profiles of the past twelve months have now been calculated for the State of Tyrol from this large amount of data […]

  • Event: DyMoN Webinar: An interdisciplinary view on sustainable urban mobility behaviour

    November 16th 2023, 02:00-03:00 p.m. Online via Zoom In this webinar, we will focus on the importance of sustainable mobility within cities: In a first step, we will briefly dive into the sustainability discourse and connect it with mobility. We will learn about the tension field between negative ecological effects, economic prosperity and societal participation. A key for a systemic understanding for sustainable mobility is the spatial reference. Mobility can be defined as the opportunity and capability to move in space. Following this definition, people’s mobility is ultimately dependent on distance, accessibility, connectivity, and the design of the streetscape. The latter is particularly due to the fact that the perception of the built and natural environment influences mobility decisions. With this in mind, we will reflect together on the following questions: What exactly is sustainable mobility? What are spatial aspects of sustainable mobility? What kind of environment do we need to provide to make […]

  • Post: Innovation support for the tourism, sports and leisure industry

    No f unding application, no waiting, no administrative hassle and no costs either: the new European Digital Innovation Hub “Crowd in Motion” offers tailor-made advice and services for SMEs and the public sector for green and digital transformation in the tourism, sports and leisure industry. Digitalisation and innovation capabilities are crucial for both SMEs and the public sector to achieve sustainability goals and to profitably use the digital transformation. The new European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “Crowd in Motion” supports the digital transformation of the tourism, sports and leisure industry as well as the public sector. “In the innovation hub “Crowd in Motion”, we rely on a unique combination of artificial intelligence and human swarm intelligence to increase the innovative power and readiness for change of SMEs and public organisations,” says Markus Lassnig from Salzburg Research and head of the new EDIH “Crowd in Motion”. Low-threshold access to free support The new EDIH is […]

  • Post: New Lead Project Digibus® Austria

    […] as a transferor to intermodal mobility nodes or to the development of local centers. A first 7-month test run in Salzburg in 2017 revealed the limitations and challenges of self-driving vehicles (see: Digibus 2017: Experiences with the first self-driving shuttle bus on public roads in Austria). The new Austrian flagship project “Digibus® Austria” will develop and test methods, technologies and models for the reliable and safe operation of automated vehicles over the next three years in or der to further improve the autonomy and driving safety of such vehicles. More and more test attempts are announced or carried out worldwide. Only a few test attempts aim at a systematic further development of automated minibuses in the direction of higher automation levels. Currently, the self-driving minibuses in mixed traffic just meet automation level 2 (partial automation). In the lead project, level 3 (conditional automation, intervention only when needed) is targeted and level 4 (high automation) […]

  • Post: Survey on (Bicycle) Mobility Behaviour

    Support the Salzburg mobility culture – with only 15 minutes – and win awesome prizes!

  • Post: Governor Haslauer is testing the Digibus

    Governor Wilfried Haslauer convinced himself personally of the research work around the self-employed minibus of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft during the test ride in Koppl.

  • Post: This was the Citizen Debate on Automated Mobility in Salzburg

    […] only 44% left who agree fully or rather and 21.7% with “do not answer/unsure”. “You get used to new technologies quickly. If something is released for the road, I assume it has been sufficiently tested before.” Participant Salzburg “If the individual mobility behaviour does not change, nothing is gained. Because if personal mobility is made even easier by individual automated systems, the traffic or space problems are not solved.” Participant Salzburg Safety is Paramount The fact that security plays a very important role for almost all participants has been reflected in several answers. Security was the most widely used term in terms of the hopes of automated mobility solutions. Regarding the concerns, confidence in the software as well as data security and privacy ranked among the most commonly used terms. Around 88 percent of respondents said that they did not or did not seem to be in the mood to sell passenger data generated […]

  • Post: Digitization in Mobility

    […] European Parliament, and Josef Schöchl, President of the Landtag, visited Salzburg Research. As a member of the European Committee on Tourism and Transport, she learned about the research topic of digitalisation in mobility. Digitization is one of the big enablers in mobility. It makes networking and linking different modes of transport and forms of mobility possible. This creates an attractive offer for the users.   v.l.n.r.: Landtagspräsident Joseph Schöchl, Claudia Schmidt, Abgeordnete im Europäischen Parlament, Karl Rehrl und Siegfried Reich (beide Salzburg Research) MEP Claudia Schmidt Autonomous Driving: Digibus The self-propelled Digibus, with which Salzburg Research conducted intensive tests in Koppl for seven months in Koppl, met with great interest in 2017. Self-driving minibuseses could be used in local public transport as a means of transporting or transferring to intermodal mobility nodes or to the development of local centers. They could complement existing public transport and make it more attractive. The technology is still […]

  • Post: Next Test Ride with the Digibus

    The Digibus is used again after a repair phase. Get in please! The Digibus goes back to Austria’s streets, more precisely in the municipality of Koppl. With public test drives for interested guests, Salzburg Research wants to explore acceptance and personal experiences with autonomous vehicles. For the announced test trips you can travel without registration or ticket. Get in and experience the future of driving! Next public test ride: S unday, September 10, 2017, 1 pm – 5 pm Don’t miss: Follow the Digibs on Facebook or Twitter. Get in please! Access point at the village center Koppl More information about the self-propelled minibus and the last mile: digibus.at With the Digibus, Salzburg Research is the first organization in Austria to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomFahrV. The current route between Gemeindezentrum und Bundesstraße 158 is one of the longest routes worldwide, which […]

  • Post: Survey: Safe Cycling in Critical Situations

    By answering this survey you are helping to develop new possibilities for safe cycling in critical traffic situations!