• Event: Workshop: Collaborative Robotics in an Industrial Environment

    […] Research and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences invite you to a workshop as part of the Digital Transfer Center (DTZ): If humans and robots are to share a workshpace without a protective device, the company faces a number of new challenges. Which software is the right one for my control systems and how is it implemented in terms of information technology? Which forms of cooperation exist, how can I use them in my company and which security factors have to be considered? This and more is the topic of the free, interactive workshop “Collaborative Robotics – Humans and Robots in an Industrial Environment”, to which we cordially invite you. You will get an overview of collaboration forms, robot types and possible uses and specific application examples for companies. Participation is free. September 2nd, 2020, 9 am to 12.30 pm Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Science City Itzling Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 5, 5020 Salzburg Please register on […]

  • Post: 5G live streaming without disruptive delays

    With a low-latency video application and a specially optimised 5G mobile network, viewers will for the first time be able not only to follow events in reality, but also to switch seamlessly and truly “live” to other perspectives on their smartphones without any disruptive delay.

  • Publikation: Automated Creation and Testing of Substation HMIs.

    The engineering and validation of substation visualizations are still labor-intensive tasks. Most of the configuration steps are typically done manually and are thus error-prone and time consuming; they contribute to a significant degree to the overall engineering costs. The goal of this work is to decrease these costs and to increase the quality of the engineering process at the same time. The corresponding approach is based on a general concept of a model-based, automated engineering and validation framework that covers the entire engineering process of modern energy applications. First, the rationale behind this framework and its cornerstones are presented. Then, it is shown how an IEC 61850-based substation visualization can be generated and validated through automated signal tests. A prototypical implementation of the approach yields encouraging results as a high degree of automation is achieved.

  • Publikation: Geographic Information as an Economic Good

    Abstract: Geographic information is an intangible economic good determined by the high fix cost of production and low marginal cost of reproduction. Its characteristics and the properties of the geoinformation market cause difficulties in applying neoclassical economic principles of pricing to geoinformation. We present cost based pricing that is still used by many data providers and value -based pricing. Value based pricing is pricing according to the value the buyer attaches to the characteristics of the product. It represents an alternative approach in pricing of geoinformation and is generally independent of the geoinformation production cost. Publisher: Taylor&Francis

  • Event: Report: 6th e-Health Day Salzburg “Diabetes Self-Management”

    The 6th team-up event organised by Salzburg Research’s competence field “E-Health” was dedicated on the topic diabetes self-management.6th team-up event organised by Salzburg Research’s competence field “E-Health” 5. November 2014 St. Virgil Salzburg – Bildungs- und Konferenzzentrum Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, 5026 Salzburg Virgilsaal, SR 15, 1.OG For more information (programme, speakers, and registration) please visit the German page. Some pictures can be found here: Living sucessfully with diabetes The event provides a regular platform for e-health related issues in Salzburg, and connects economy, research and healthcare. Venue Living sucessfully with diabetes

  • Publikation: Assisting Multimodal Travelers:
  • Event: 7th loT-Talks Salzburg

    As part of “IoT Talks” solutions, practical examples, applications, standardization activities or business ideas are presented and discussed.

  • Publikation: update 4|10

    Innovatives Müll-Management Intelligente Haustechnik Optimierte Auslieferung Selbstbestimmtes Leben im Alter Social Media Marketing Sprachen lernen – mal anders Suchmaschinen-Optimierung

  • Projekt: ANET-B2B Wissensportal

    To meet the increasing demands on e-tourism new information services have to be provided for customers and the marketing services of tourist organisations. The B2B Wissensportal (the B2B Knowledge Portal) is a service-orientated Internet platform for tourism service providers. The B2B Knowledge Portal has been developed together with the SalzburgerLand Tourismus Gesellschaft (SLTG) during a two-year research project.

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT: Smart Travelling by Using Integrated and Intermodal Traveller InformationVienna-SPIRIT: Smart Travelling by Using Integrated and Intermodal Traveller Information

    This paper introduces conceptual and implementation approaches for an integrated, intermodal traveller information system in the Vienna region. Studies forecast high potentials of travellers willing to use alternative means of transport if having travel time advantages. Furthermore it is expected, that intermodal traveller information can contribute to the increase of public transport use and road network efficiency. A model for context-based traveller information support is the basis for the conceptual design of the integrated, intermodal traveller information system developed in the Austrian research project Vienna-SPIRIT. Moreover, a pilot traveller information system was implemented and tested in this project. The focus was on the integration of existing route planning and information services in one system providing integrated, context-based and intermodal traveller information support. The user can access this intermodal travel information from car navigation systems as well as from mobile devices such as handhelds and smart phones.

  • Publikation: Erkennung von raum-zeitlichen Bewegungsmustern aus GPS-Trajektorien.
  • Event: Paths to the Cyber Factory: Digital Assistance And Collaborative Robotics

    Collaboration between human and machine: Optimized support for employees at the workplace through collaborative robots and industrial assistance systems. Results and lessons learned from applied research and industry.

  • Post: Researcher ICT (w/d/m) for the energy transition

    In part-time or full-time: Announcement (PDF in German) Full text in German

  • Publikation: Exploring the Limitations of Current Graph Neural Networks for Network Modeling.

    Graph neural networks (GNN) have recently been proposed as a technique for accurate and cost-efficient network modeling. As an example, the GNN-based model RouteNet has shown potential for network performance evaluation, being the first-of-its-kind Machine-Learning-based model with generalization capabilities to other networks and configurations unseen during training. In this paper we assess the generalization limits of RouteNet, by analyzing how different network parameters affect the accuracy of this model. To this end, we systematically evaluate the accuracy of RouteNet under modifications of properties of the network and the traffic, such as the topology size, link capacities, the packet size distribution, and the network congestion level. We determine that, while this GNN model is robust to changes in the structure of its input graph, the quality of the estimates degrades considerably, when the distributions of the predicted values of the evaluation data differ from the training (e.g., end-to-end delays). As a result, we argue that to […]

  • Publikation: Location-oriented Coordination in Pervasive Environments for Collaborative Work Scenarios.
  • Projekt: eT-Fitness – eTourism Fitness For Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

    Online marketing and electronic communication solutions for tourism regions

  • Event: Report: 10th ITS European Congress

    Salzburg Research presents the project “FCD Modellregion Salzburg” during one of Europe’s largest event on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.

  • Publikation: Smartphone-based Information and Navigation Aids for Public Transport.
  • Event: 6. IoT Talks Salzburg: IoT-Plattforms

    The IoT Talks offer a platform to present and discuss solutions, practical examples, applications, standardization activities or business ideas. The IoT Talks Salzburg offer a platform to present ideas, results and achievements: We cordially invite you to actively participate in one of the next IoT Talks . IoT Talks September 2016 22. September 2016, ab 18:00 Uhr For more information visit the German page: 6. IoT-Talks Salzburg: IoT-Plattformen   Earlier IoT Talks (in German): 5. IoT Talks Salzburg: IoT im Gesundheitswesen 4. IoT Talks Salzburg: Schnittstellen, App- und Geräteentwicklung 3. IoT Talks October 2015 2. IoT Talks May 2015 1. IoT Talks March 2015 6. IoT-Talks Salzburg: IoT-Plattformen

  • Publikation: 🔬 Instandhaltung 4.0 zum Anfassen – Labor für innovative Instandhaltungslösungen

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