• Publikation: Data-Driven Innovations for Sustainability: In the case of the electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment bundling

    AbstractThis research aimed to bring a user-view to a prospective sustainable mobility innovation, namely that of a product bundle of an electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment. This is with the view that pairing complementary innovations are necessary to increase the value proposition for stakeholders within an ecosystem. By harnessing theoretical insights from innovation ecosystems, business model innovation, and the Technology Acceptance Model, the aim of this study was to quantify an Austrian sample’s interest in and willingness to buy an electric vehicle and a product bundle of an electric vehicle and vehicle-to-grid equipment. The method utilized was a quantitative online survey which gauged the sentiments of 144 Austrian residents in November 2022. The main findings are as follows: (1) the product bundle’s environmental risk reduction was shown to bring the most added value of the bundle; (2) there is a statistically significant difference between interest in a standalone EV and interest in the bundle, with […]

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen

    Das österreichische Forschungsprojekt Vienna-SPIRIT hat zum Ziel, ein integriertes Reiseinformationssystem für intermodale Reisen zu konzipieren und pilothaft umzusetzen, wobei bestehende intermodale Fahrplanauskunftssysteme sowie Kfz-Navigationssysteme in ein System mit einer durchgängigen, situationsbezogenen Pre-trip- und On-trip-Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen integriert werden sollen. Der folgende Beitrag beschreibt ein Modell für diese situationsbezogene Reiseunterstützung, die daraus abgeleitete Systemarchitektur und deren Umsetzung im Vienna-SPIRITPilotsystem.

  • Publikation: Changing business models arising from digitalization
  • Event: Impulse evening: Knowledge, attitude and activities for digital transformation in Austrian companies

    Results of the current study “Industry 4.0 in Austria”: 68 companies present a current picture of the diverse perspectives of the domestic economy.

  • Publikation: update 07.4

    Selbstvertrauen durch E-Portfolios Grenzüberschreitende Qualifikation Barrierefreie Sportregion Salzburger Online-Jugendatlas kids_JOIN_tech Mobiles Fernsehen in Österreich

  • Publikation: Assisting orientation and guidance for multimodal travelers in situations of modal change

    Increasing the share of multimodal journeys will be necessary for society to guarantee a high level of mobility given current growth rates. However, while car drivers are already assisted by advanced guidance and navigation facilities, continuous on-trip assistance for multimodal travelers is still in its infancies. Especially when it comes to situations of modal change, travelers get discouraged by increased complexity and missing information and guidance. Thus, our goal is to develop a palm-based personal travel companion for multimodal travelers. The work presented in this paper especially focuses on pedestrian orientation and guidance in complex public transport interchange buildings.

  • Publikation: A Resilient Distributed Measurement System for Smart Grid Application

    Abstract Since the production of energy from renewable energy sources is strongly increasing, the migration from the classical electric grid toward the smart grid is becoming a reality. Distribution System Operators, along with the control of the entire network and its stability, need to address the security and the reliability of the communication channels and the data itself. In this paper a solution is proposed to address these issues. It is based on a distributed measurement system that relies on a wireless network as well as a redundant Power Line communication system in order to transfer the electrical measures to a centralized SCADA server. The collected data are used to run a power flow algorithm in order to give the operator the whole picture of the network energy flow and to suggest specific actions aimed to keep the electricity network stable. An external computational layer has the role to check and validate the data […]

  • Event: 4th Open Innovation Talk (online)

    Experience from the successful ideas competitions at Open Innovation Salzburg, presentation of winning ideas and the next ideas competitions.

  • Projekt: FLOW – Dynamical Fleet Scheduling

    Design and evaluate a service architecture to utilize real-time traffic information for dynamical fleet scheduling.

  • Post: Life-saving Technology

    Salzburg Research is working on a number of technologies that specifically benefit the various task forces.

  • Publikation: Performance Evaluation of two Solution Methods for time-dependent bi-objective Shortest Path Problems.
  • Publikation: update 2|2011
  • Publikation: Electric Vehicles as Flexibility Assets: Unlocking Ecosystem Collaborations.

    The trend towards energy decentralization and innovations in data-driven e-mobility have given way to a new type of electric vehicle charging; namely, smart charging and vehicle-to-grid technologies. In order to unlock the full potential of electric mobility’s flexibility, an exploratory ecosystem approach is first warranted in order to uncover stakeholder requirements, activities and (inter-)dependencies. The purpose of this research is to lay the foundation for future resilient business models in the grid-aware mobility ecosystem, which require novel multi-stakeholder collaborations. Through rigorous exploratory ecosystem modeling, flexibility recipient taxonomies, and a co-creation workshop, we have sought to uncover stakeholder intricacies in order to improve the overall innovation ecosystem value proposition. The results suggest many novel perspectives which were not considered (such as the issue of double taxation) and several prospective cross-sector business opportunities for fleet operators, vehicle OEMs, aggregators, and even public parking spaces. Additionally, stakeholders vary considerably in terms of needs, value-adding activities, (inter-)dependencies, risk, and […]

  • Event: IMAGINE16: AAL as Lifestyle

    At the IMAGINE16, AAL Austria presents concepts, products and services which improve quality of life for people in all stages of life.

  • Projekt: SimpliCITY

    The project aims to support cities (Salzburg, Uppsala, 5 Follower Cities) through technology-based participation and incentive methods, a toolkit, and a digital marketplace to make better use of innovative, regional, sustainable services, and thus ensure sustainable development of cities (smart city initiatives).

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen
  • Publikation: Geschäftsmodellinnovationen im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0
  • Publikation: Deriving Driver-Centric Travel Information by Mining Delay Patterns from Single GPS Trajectories.

    Download: dl.acm.org Crowd-sourcing approaches for generating accurate real time travel information for road networks is promising but still challenging. For example, travel speeds, even if derived from highly sampled GPS trajectories, have limitations in their interpretability for more sophisticated travel information such as traffic-related delays or level of service (LOS) information. The proposed algorithm in this work analyzes the flow characteristics of individual vehicles by deriving and classifying delays into LOS relevant (e.g. queuing traffic) and LOS non-relevant delay patterns (e.g. stopping at a crosswalk). In contrast to other approaches, the proposed algorithm works on single GPS trajectories collected from individual vehicles (e.g. floating car data – FCD), without the necessity to average travel speeds or travel times of multiple vehicles for reliable LOS estimation. Applied to sample GPS trajectories from test drives the algorithm reaches an overall recognition rate of 82.0% for delay classes slight delay, massive delay, single stop, and multi stops. The […]

  • Event: Maintenance days’17: On the way to future-orientation maintenance

    Salzburg Research is once again a cooperation partner of the Maintenance Days, the annual branch meeting point for maintenance and asset management.

  • Publikation: update 07.3

    GO2Frequency – Kommunikationstechnologie statt Stau Ihre Online-Zeitung von morgen Semantisches Wiki Software für Lebensretter Wissensraum für Kulturinstitution