• Projekt: IdeaSpace – the idea platform of Salzburg Research

    IdeaSpace is an open innovation platform where the creative community is encouraged to submit their ideas and solutions on various topics and issues.

  • Publikation: Optimizing Deliveries of Ready-Mixed Concrete.
  • Position Paper: Industrie 4.0

    […] have discrete identifiers. Interesting research themes for Industrie 4.0 How do we recognise that something is IND4.0? > a benchmarking question How can we ensure artefact memories that range from creation to end-of-use? How do we achieve instant awareness in the value chain / value network, at the time of buyer commitment? How do we achieve complete or at least suitable awareness throughout the value network and yet, user-definable privacy? How can we ensure acceptable levels of security and safety in production environments, when the technology stack is in principle, accessible via the web? What are novel usages and novel opportunities afforded by virtualisation? Salzburg Research – what we want to work on in Industry 4.0 Knowledge representation and knowledge persistence for industrial artefacts One of the tenets of Industry 4.0 is the idea of semantically rich representations of industrial artefacts. An artefact starts life as chunks of raw materials that have some origin, […]

  • Publikation: What are transaction costs and why do they matter?

    An exchange of geographic data is a transaction and involves transaction cost. Transaction costs consist of the cost of measuring valuable attributes of what is being exchanged and the cost of protecting rights, policing and enforcing agreements. The costliness of information of what has been offered to the potential users of a geographic dataset is the key to the cost of transacting. The geographic dataset seller should be aware of the transaction cost and offer the dataset in such a way as to reduce them for the potential buyer.

  • Publikation: Establishing and Maintaining Situation Awareness for Shop-Floor Assistance in Manufacturing.

    Abstract—We report on design and implementation of a situation awareness module for a site-wide assistance system in manufacturing plants. We design individual assistance units that are able to support workers interactively, on the shop floor and we enable these units to keep track of the shop-floor situation at the level of workers’ cells. Each work cell is thus logically monitored by an assistance unit that is aware of workers, manufacturing tasks and subtasks, as well as having an inventory of components and equipment used by the workers, to accomplish their tasks. Input from multiple sensors is translated into streams of observations expressed at a higher conceptual level, so that they can be interpreted w.r.t. a pre-defined, discrete knowledge model. Keywords—situation awareness, shop floor, assistance, manufacturing, sensor streams, task models https://edas.info/showManuscript Ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Paper Award

  • Post: How nudging and gamification impact urban mobility and sustainable behaviour

    Can people be encouraged to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle with digital tools? The research results are promising: a personal mobility app with playful elements and incentives motivates people to cycle more and use sustainable services in the city. Many cities are trying to integrate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into their policies. In doing so, they are confronted with numerous challenges: One of the biggest challenges is the adjustment of the “modal split”, the distribution of traffic among different modes or means of transport. Therefore, cities want to change the mobility behaviour of their citizens. Promoting sustainable behaviour or only informing about it, however, does not motivate sufficiently. “We have therefore investigated how motivational techniques using data from a personal mobility tracker can be used to influence citizens’ personal mobility,” innovation researcher Luger-Bazinger continues. Within the European research project SimpliCITY, effective strategies were developed to promote sustainable behaviour. Citizens were addressed by means […]

  • Event: Opening & Symposium: Digital Transfer Center

    Salzburg Research and the FH Salzburg invite to the opening of the Digital Transfer Center with top-class lectures on the topics Digital Twins, Smart Logistics, Collaborative Manufacturing and Smart Services.

  • Publikation: Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten fĂŒr die Flottensteuerung.
  • Publikation: NIMBLE Collaboration Platform: Microservice Architectural Approach to Federated IoT

    Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8016216/

  • Publikation: Semantic Integration Patterns for Industry 4.0.

    In the manufacturing industry, digital twins have emerged as a key technological concept for the creation and use of digital representations of assets and their associated processes. In emerging networked manufacturing systems, digital twins of machines or components do not reside within one specific application, platform or edge node, but they ideally consume and deliver information (e.g. sensor data, master data) to all connected applications in the operational systems. This results in complex integration requirements for both, the assets and the applications. Starting from an overview of industrial information models, the paper describes a recent research approach towards semantic interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twin in manufacturing systems. It gives an architectural overview of a platform for the integration of operational management systems and connected assets based on semantic integration patterns. The paper describes the initial concepts of the underlying research project “i-Twin”.  

  • Publikation: KOMOD – Konzeptstudie MobilitĂ€tsdaten Österreichs: Handbuch fĂŒr MobilitĂ€tserhebungen.
  • Publikation: Design and Implementation of a Generic Coordination Architecture for Mobile/Pervasive Environments
  • Projekt: Touristenströme

    Together with AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology – Salzburg Research is supporting Tourism Salzburg GmbH and Altstadt Salzburg in this multi-annual project as competence partner for the evaluation, planning and realisation of a system for smart visitor management.

  • Publikation: Vulgo-DB: Applikation zur Lokalisierung von Notrufen aus alpinen Umgebungen.
  • SRFG Team: _pochaba sabrina
  • Publikation: Key reduction in transaction cost.
  • Publikation: Analysis of Public Datasets for Digital Twin-based Testbeds for Automotive Cybersecurity Validation
  • Post: Werkstudierende (w/d/m) gesucht

    Willst du auch zur MobilitĂ€tswende beitragen und dein Know-how in aktuellen sowie zukĂŒnftigen Forschungsprojekten einbringen? Dann bewirb dich bei uns fĂŒr eine Teilzeitposition (min. 12 Std.) Ausschreibung als PDF Erforsche die Dynamik und Innovationen einer Smart Region! Salzburg Research bietet als unabhĂ€ngiges Forschungsinstitut Know-how und nachhaltige Lösungen fĂŒr komplexe Herausforderungen im Internet der Dinge. Wir sind Think-Tank fĂŒr innovative Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen und die öffentliche Hand – international orientiert und der Region verpflichtet. Du hast Interesse daran, wie sich die MobilitĂ€t in StĂ€dten, Regionen und im Tourismus zukĂŒnftig entwickelt, welche neuen datenbasierten MobilitĂ€tsprodukte, -services oder GeschĂ€ftsmodelle entstehen? Der Blick in Open Innovation, Akzeptanz digitaler MobilitĂ€tsinnovationen und nachhaltiges MobilitĂ€tsverhalten klingt spannend? Dann bist du bei uns – der Forschungsgruppe „Innovation & Value Creation“ – genau richtig! Aufgabengebiete Inhaltliche Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Studien und Projekte UnterstĂŒtzung durch systematische Recherche von Literatur, Datenscreening, Erhebung (Online-Fragebogen, Fallstudien), Auswertung bis zur Aufbereitung und Visualisierung der Ergebnisse (qualitative […]

  • Event: Learning Excursion: Optimization of Production and Logistics Systems

    Salzburg Research and Partners offer a free learning excursion for small and medium-sized enterprises as part of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020).

  • Publikation: Konzeption einer Servicearchitektur fĂŒr die Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformationen zur dynamischen Flottendisposition.

    Viele Unternehmen sind mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert, zur Versorgung ihrer Kunden mit Dienstleistungen eine Flotte von Fahrzeugen zu disponieren. Durch die technischen Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Geografische Informationssysteme, Verkehrssensorik und Informationstechnologie wurden in den letzten Jahren Reise-Informationsdienste geschaffen, die eine Berechnung von Reisezeiten im Individualverkehr in Echtzeit und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der aktuellen Verkehrslage ermöglichen. FĂŒr diese neuartigen Auskunftsdienste wurden bisher noch wenige weiterfĂŒhrende Anwendungsmöglichkeiten entwickelt. Im vorliegenden Dokument wird deshalb die Entwicklung einer Servicearchitektur zur Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformationen fĂŒr die Flottensteuerung vorgeschlagen und deren wichtigesten Komponenten beschrieben.