• Event: Workshop in Saalfelden: Digital Innovation for Craft & Trade in Open Workshops and IOT Research Lab

    […] others about suitable materials and determine the roadmap to the market or start-up? Workshop in Saalfelden. Be smart about taking advantage of open workshops and research labs for your business and bottom-up innovation in MakerSpaces. Get to know new machines, tools and methods on site! Thursday – March 1, 2018 , 3 pm to 5.30 pm DO!LAB Lofererstrasse 12. 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer Program (in German) 15.00 Begrüßung 15.15 Unternehmen berichten über Nutzen neuer digitaler Tools und Methoden bei Design-, Prototypen- und Produktentwicklung sowie Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit mit einer digitalen, offenen Werkstätte. 15.45 Potenziale für digitales Handwerk und Gewerbe Der digitale Twin – Wenn physische und digitale Welt verschmelzen. Christoph Schranz, Salzburg Research, Open IOT-Lab 16.00 Fahrplan zum innovativen Geschäftsmodell – Wie komme ich von meiner Produktidee zum Markt? Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research, InnovationLab 16.15 Kaffeepause 16.30 Offener Austausch und Brainstorming für Ihr Projekt. Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit Happylab Salzburg, […]

  • Publikation: Entwicklung eines RFID-fähigen Touristeninformationssystems basierend auf Akzeptanzanalysen mobiler touristischer Dienste
  • Publikation: Deterministic Time-Series Joins for Asynchronous High-Throughput Data Streams

    A variety of data stream problems that affect two or more data streams rely on joining them based on a common or similar timing attribute. With the advent of stream processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Flink within the last years, processing of streamed data has become much easier. Repeated processing of relatively small data batches in so-called windows increases flexibility with respect to implementation and task distribution across multiple nodes. Using event times instead of ingestion times avoids, among other problems, incorrect joins. However, in this work we argue that batch-processing leads to a significant trade-off between increased computational complexity and latency of the resulting join pairs. A concept for time-series joins of streaming data is presented. This concept, which is built upon a resilient data stream framework, minimizes both the computational costs and latency times. It uses the guarantees associated with this underlying framework to join the data records deterministically according to […]

  • Publikation: FCD Modellregion Salzburg: Einsatz und Nutzen von Extended Floating Car Data im Bundesland Salzburg.
  • Publikation: Vulgo-DB: Applikation zur Lokalisierung von Notrufen aus alpinen Umgebungen.
  • Publikation: What are transaction costs and why do they matter?

    An exchange of geographic data is a transaction and involves transaction cost. Transaction costs consist of the cost of measuring valuable attributes of what is being exchanged and the cost of protecting rights, policing and enforcing agreements. The costliness of information of what has been offered to the potential users of a geographic dataset is the key to the cost of transacting. The geographic dataset seller should be aware of the transaction cost and offer the dataset in such a way as to reduce them for the potential buyer.

  • Post: New smartphone app: traffic in Salzburg

    […] new app for Android smartphones (Android 4.0 or higher) more volunteers can now participate and also retrieve the traffic data in return on their smartphone free of charge. Participants benefit from a more accurate traffic map and sustainably optimized traffic situation through intelligent traffic control. The app was presented on March 3rd, 2014 by government representative Hans Mayr, country director of building Christian Nagl and project manager Karl Rehrl (Salzburg Research). Landesrat Hans Mayr, Landesbaudirektor Christian Nagl und Projektleiter Karl Rehrl präsentieren die neue App “Verkehr in Salzburg” Landesrat Hans Mayr, Landesbaudirektor Christian Nagl, Projektleiter Karl Rehrl und Salzburg Research-Geschäftsführer Siegfried Reich präsentieren die neue App “Verkehr in Salzburg” Verkehrslagekarte für Salzburg im Web Smartphone-App “Verkehr in Salzburg” App “Verkehr in Salzburg” Still, the FCD model region Salzburg is in test mode. The goal is to generate a comprehensive, reliable and above all meaningful real-time traffic conditions map for the entire state, while maintaining […]

  • Publikation: Challenges in assessing road users’ attitudes toward driverless mobility to engage them in co-designing novel data-driven alerts for cyclists.
  • SRFG Team: _wies hannah
  • Publikation: Optimization and Evaluation of a High Performance Open-Source Map-Matching Implementation.
  • Publikation: Nutzung von Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten für die Flottensteuerung.
  • Publikation: NIMBLE Collaboration Platform: Microservice Architectural Approach to Federated IoT

    Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8016216/

  • Post: Ideas wanted: Healthy Companies – Healthy Regions

    The Salzburg ideas platform Open Innovation Salzburg is once again looking for creative ideas from the population. This time, everything revolves around the topic of “healthy companies, healthy regions”: Incentives for more exercise in companies and communities, upgrading existing offers or completely new ideas. Join in! The morning bike ride to work, the walk to the coffee machine in between or the run after work along your favourite route – the possibilities to integrate exercise into our professional and private everyday life are almost unlimited. Despite a multitude of initiatives to promote a healthy lifestyle, there are still few health-promoting combined offers for exercise, nutrition and stress management that can be seamlessly integrated into everyday professional life and individual lifestyles. Especially the home office boom triggered by the pandemic requires new solutions and ideas, which will be presented in the new ideas competition “Healthy Companies – Healthy Regions: New ways to a vital self” […]

  • Event: Workshop in Salzburg: Digital Innovation for Craft & Trade in Open Workshops and IOT Research Lab

    […] suitable materials and determine the roadmap to the market or start-up? Workshop in Salzburg. Be smart about taking advantage of open workshops and research labs for your business and bottom-up innovation in MakerSpaces. Get to know new machines, tools and methods on site! Tuesday – February 27, 2018 – 3 pm to 5.30 pm Happylab Salzburg, Science City Salzburg (Techno-Z) Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8, 5020 Salzburg Program (in German) 15.00 Begrüßung 15.15 Unternehmen berichten über Nutzen neuer digitaler Tools und Methoden bei Design-, Prototypen- und Produktentwicklung sowie Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit mit einer digitalen, offenen Werkstätte. 15.45 Potenziale für digitales Handwerk und Gewerbe Der digitale Twin – Wenn physische und digitale Welt verschmelzen. Christoph Schranz, Salzburg Research, Open IOT-Lab 16.00 Fahrplan zum innovativen Geschäftsmodell – Wie komme ich von meiner Produktidee zum Markt? Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research, InnovationLab 16.15 Kaffeepause 16.30 Offener Austausch und Brainstorming für Ihr Projekt. Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit Happylab Salzburg, […]

  • Publikation: Design and Implementation of a Generic Coordination Architecture for Mobile/Pervasive Environments
  • Projekt: I40-Transform

    Study to explore new, innovative business models for smart production, with a focus on manufacturing companies.

  • Publikation: Application Layer Benefits of Redundant Disjoint Paths in a Real-Time Ethernet

    Abstract Reliability is one of the key performance indicators of a real-time Ethernet. One strategy to improve said reliability is to duplicate the transmitted packets and then transmit the duplications over additional redundant disjoint paths. Depending on the statistical properties of the disjoint paths the window of operation can be substantially enlarged. We investigate the practical benefits of such a real-time Ethernet and extensively study the increase of the window of operation. We provide an evaluation of the application layer performance parametrized by the most important network properties: latency, jitter, and packet loss. We show that the presence of a redundant path reduces the overall latency, decreases the network jitter, and the packet loss probability is even decreased to its square what makes this setup especially appealing in high packet loss environments, e.g., WAN or WLAN.

  • Leistung: Visitor Management in Tourism

    […] to data and smart control options Provide well-founded and targeted incentives for attractive alternatives (nudging concepts) Optimise visitor capacities and protect nature and recreation areas Cost optimisation through reduced staffing for restrictive and operational measures Easily adaptable visitor management through a broad monitoring mix with ongoing evaluation of management measures Win-win-win situations between tourism enterprises, visitors and locals Our Offer For destinations and individual companies such as museums, event organisers, operators of excursions and  destinations and transport infrastructure, who are looking for support in visitor management through innovative approaches and solutions to current challenges: Together with you, we identify specific use cases and precisely fitting data sources for the most automated, efficient and cost-effective data collection possible (e.g. mobile phone data, user-generated data from smartphone apps, sensor technology, WiFi tracking, etc.). We use data monitoring to make visitor flows tangible, validly measurable, easier to plan and easy to understand through compact analysis. We work […]

  • Publikation: Motion Pattern Analysis Enabling Accurate Travel Mode Detection from GPS Data Only.
  • Publikation: update 3|10

    10 Jahre Salzburg Research 7. Salzburger Medientag Intelligentes Verkehrsmanagement Hallein-Tour-Guide: Hallein neu erleben Salzburgs Weltkulturerbe am iPad Salzburg NewMediaLab verlängert