• Event: AAL Solutions „To Touch“

    […] Alpbach (Health Talks Alpbach) Alpbach, Tyrol Philips Innovation Lab (Liechtenstein Hall) 20.8.2019 from 10:00-12:00 o’clock AAL AUSTRIA Showroom in Alpbach 2019 Salzburg Research Is On Site With The AAL Test Area fit4AAL Try tomorrow’s training today! Personal coaching and technology-supported movement-promotion program Fit with ILSE of the AAL test region Salzburg/Vienna for the generation 55+ More information about the test region: https://www.fit-mit-ilse.at What is AAL? AAL (Active & Assisted Living) can be translated as “age-appropriate assistance systems for a healthy and independent life”. This includes, among other things, concepts, products and services that combine new technologies and the social environment to increase the quality of life for people in all walks of life, especially in old age. AAL AUSTRIA Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. AAL AUSTRIA

  • Projekt: i-Twin – Semantic Integration Patterns for Data-driven Digital Twins in the Manufacturing Industry

    […] The conceptual cornerstones of the i-Twin solution are: Semantic Integration Patterns based on relevant standards for the semantic description of asset information (e.g. RAMI4.0/AAS, OPC UA Companion Specifications) as well as recommendations for industrially used protocols and domain standards. Semantic Integration Patterns for minimally invasive integration of manufacturing applications. Semantic Integration Patterns for analytics systems based on available standards for the exchange of machine learning and AI models. A messaging system for semantically annotated data streams. A security and identity management service to protect data processed in the integration platform’s middleware. The project consortium, led by a research group specialized in semantic data integration, combines the research interests of three system providers (CMMS, OT software platform, edge nodes) and an industrial company (discrete manufacturing) with the expertise of the participating research partners (Data Science, Motion Data Intelligence). i-Twin is funded by BMK (Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology) […]

  • SRFG Team: _troth natasha
  • Publikation: Location-oriented Coordination in Pervasive Environments for Collaborative Work Scenarios.
  • Publikation: An Architecture for Detection of Anomalies in Deterministic Time within Real-Time Communication Networks.

    Anomaly detection is a classical and important topic within the domain of communication networks. For critical applications, the time it takes to detect an anomaly and to respond to it is an important metric of an anomaly detection system. To address this, we propose an end-to-end real-time anomaly detection architecture. In this architecture, the collection and transmission of the required data, the analysis of this data in a machine learning model and the subsequent reaction when an anomaly is detected, are carried out in deterministic time. We study two different use cases where this architecture may be applied in the future and we investigate a demo implementation of one of these use cases as a proof of concept for the proposed architecture. This contributes to the future application of machine learning for anomaly detection in deterministic time in time critical application areas.

  • Publikation: Geographic Information as an Economic Good

    Abstract: Geographic information is an intangible economic good determined by the high fix cost of production and low marginal cost of reproduction. Its characteristics and the properties of the geoinformation market cause difficulties in applying neoclassical economic principles of pricing to geoinformation. We present cost based pricing that is still used by many data providers and value -based pricing. Value based pricing is pricing according to the value the buyer attaches to the characteristics of the product. It represents an alternative approach in pricing of geoinformation and is generally independent of the geoinformation production cost. Publisher: Taylor&Francis

  • Post: Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria

    Salzburg Research won two Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria (June 18-19, 2015 in Vienna):

  • Event: Workshop in Saalfelden: Digital Innovation for Craft & Trade in Open Workshops and IOT Research Lab

    […] others about suitable materials and determine the roadmap to the market or start-up? Workshop in Saalfelden. Be smart about taking advantage of open workshops and research labs for your business and bottom-up innovation in MakerSpaces. Get to know new machines, tools and methods on site! Thursday – March 1, 2018 , 3 pm to 5.30 pm DO!LAB Lofererstrasse 12. 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer Program (in German) 15.00 Begrüßung 15.15 Unternehmen berichten über Nutzen neuer digitaler Tools und Methoden bei Design-, Prototypen- und Produktentwicklung sowie Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit mit einer digitalen, offenen Werkstätte. 15.45 Potenziale für digitales Handwerk und Gewerbe Der digitale Twin – Wenn physische und digitale Welt verschmelzen. Christoph Schranz, Salzburg Research, Open IOT-Lab 16.00 Fahrplan zum innovativen Geschäftsmodell – Wie komme ich von meiner Produktidee zum Markt? Petra Stabauer, Salzburg Research, InnovationLab 16.15 Kaffeepause 16.30 Offener Austausch und Brainstorming für Ihr Projekt. Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenarbeit Happylab Salzburg, […]

  • Publikation: Smartphone-based Information and Navigation Aids for Public Transport.
  • Publikation: Elicitation and Formalization of Local Energy Community Stakeholder Requirements in Austria.

    Local energy communities (LECs) are quickly gaining popularity and have considerable potential to benefit their participants as well as the overall energy system, but they may also have a destabilizing effect if implemented in an uncoordinated fashion. Project ECOSINT aims to develop a unified and modular information and communications technology (ICT) architecture for seamless, large-scale integration of LECs into the overall energy system in to ensure that their benefits can be fully lifted. Following a holistic approach, this process involved the elicitation and formalization of requirements from all involved stakeholders as a basis for the development of this architecture. This paper outlines, how these requirements have been collected and formalized using state of the art methods. Furthermore, the requirements are presented and examples of the results of the formalization process are given.

  • Post: Incentives for sustainable mobility in the city

    Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Using digital, data-based insights to promote sustainable mobility in cities. In order to make cities liveable and to implement climate-friendly measures, residents should be motivated to increasingly cycle, walk or use public transport. Individual motorised transport is to be reduced and sustainable forms of mobility increased.

  • Projekt: TPA – Route Scheduling for Field Staff

    The software prototype enables a significant efficiency increase in route scheduling. It is tailored to meet the requirements of field staff, especially for small and medium-sized companies.

  • Publikation: Comparing Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
  • Publikation: Communication Strategies for Parallel Cooperative Ant Colony Optimization on Clusters and Grids

    In this paper we study different parallel variants of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem. We propose a new parallelization strategy which is based on a cooperation of multiple ant colonies and which combines fine-grained with coarse-grained parallelism. Moreover we outline the realization of a Grid service for ACO using the Vienna Grid Environment.

  • Projekt: OIKS – Open Innovation Kompetenzplattform Salzburg

    Open Innovation Competence Platform: Digital idea platform for Salzburg issues

  • SRFG Team: _wies hannah
  • Publikation: Solution Procedures for Real-World Vehicle Routing Problems in Health Care.
  • Publikation: Graph-neural-network-based delay estimation for communication networks with heterogeneous scheduling policies.

    Modeling communication networks to predict performance such as delay and jitter is important for evaluating and optimizing them. In recent years, neural networks have been used to do this, which may have advantages over existing models, for example from queueing theory. One of these neural networks is RouteNet, which is based on graph neural networks. However, it is based on simplified assumptions. One key simplification is the restriction to a single scheduling policy, which describes how packets of different flows are prioritized for transmission. In this paper we propose a solution that supports multiple scheduling policies (Strict Priority, Deficit Round Robin, Weighted Fair Queueing) and can handle mixed scheduling policies in a single communication network. Our solution is based on the RouteNet architecture as part of the “Graph Neural Network Challenge”. We achieved a mean absolute percentage error under 1% with our extended model on the evaluation data set from the challenge. This takes neural-network-based […]

  • Publikation: Combined indoor/outdoor Smartphone navigation for public transport travellers

    Pedestrian navigation on Smartphones has recently gained high attention due to capable devices, off-board based navigation software and increased transmit rates of cellular networks. However, most of the available applications for pedestrian navigation are slightly adapted car-navigation systems and do not cope with specific requirements. Thus, in this paper we describe basic concepts of pedestrian navigation in indoor and outdoor environments. We focus on aspects of orientation and guidance for public transport travellers in complex interchange buildings. Moreover the paper describes the implementation of the proposed concepts on Off-the-shelf Smartphones.

  • Post: Confidence nominated for the Futurezone Award

    The EU research project was nominated as innovative Innovation in the Health Care for the Futurezone Award. Please vote for us! The Austrian news website futurezone examines the most innovative ideas in the fields of healthcare, lighting and lifestyle. Until October 30th, 2014, all users can vote and so determine this year’s Innovation Award winners. Please vote here for the Confidence project: Wahl der Innovation des Jahres (futurezone.at) Confidence is an assisting system for smartphones, designed to help older people with dementia in coping with everyday life as independently as possible. The system for smartphones recalls taking medication, gives clothing tips, points the way home or helps in contacting relatives. The system was developed by Salzburg Research, ilogs, developed the aid organization Salzburg and other partners. Advantages of Confidence: Custom User Interface: CONFIDENCE builds on an iterative user-centered design. Potential users are actively involved in the development project since its inception. Combination of technology […]